Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 160 Last Day V

"[Continental (Continental) Quest]" Completed "

"[Continental (Continental) Quest] Completed" Dark Witch "

"[Legendary (Legendary) Quest] Completed" Sleeping Spirit King: Light "

Completed "[Legendary (Legendary) Quest]" Sleeping Spirit King: Darkness "

Wisp Empress Aura Charlotte Santuria LV?

Shade Empress Gridoa Lannon Ertimites Pumarca LV?

Newly acquired items in the Awakening of the Devil's Eye and the Liberation of the Spirit King are the Crystal Beads of Light and Darkness, Shards, and Pure Crystals. Skill Point 12P. 12 kamiko crystals.

The appearance of the liberated Aura, Tortoisial, is that of a woman with golden eyes on a long platinum brand.

He is slightly taller than average and has a slender but feminine bulge.

It is only fair to say that you are a little young compared to Mr Heinesia.

She never collapsed at the same time as liberation and stared at me with slightly sauce-eyed eyes.

I knew that she was trying to keep abreast of the situation, so I added Char to my side by giving her a hand and shaking her hand, and then sending her information.

She has called Aura an old name and told her to call herself Charlotte.

Speaking of Aura, it is a name that would have the powerful power that is still believed in Spiritual Divinity, some religions derived from it, and other goddesses of light.

And yet I don't know why you want me to call you Charlotte, which I've never even heard of, but if that's good enough, I'm not stingy.

Griddle's was about a high school girl with red eyes in her long dark hair.... even though the statue is a tall skinny man.

It was the first time that Charles would never fall down, and he said, "Is it you who woke me up" with a cool kimeface, but a few moments later he looked down at his body and said, "Nah, what the hell!? 'He was eagling thin chest armor as he shouted.

Well, a few more seconds after that, he went back to sanity and said, '... well, is that good?'... Is that good?

... Neither the Spirit nor the Divine Spirit make sense of gender, and I guess it's good.... Yeah, it's good. Doesn't matter.

The warriors and their children were equipped with various items obtained, various supplies were supplied, the defence equipment of the three western countries was regulated, a new branch company of Snowblack was built, and various processes were followed, but they managed to finish preparing for war before dinner.

The relatively powerful equipment of the various quest rewards that had been accumulated was also distributed to each of the suitably suited children, so you can fight Eve with your current strength.

I had trouble handling the replica of the flesh pieces of Nigredo because it was dangerous inside, but when I let the griddle hold it, it changed from a flesh mass to a black shadowy mass, so I equipped the griddle as it was.

When it comes to things you haven't done, things like awakening toddlers and weaponizing jewels.

I'll try to make my way to dinner as soon as possible as I get some rest today in preparation for tomorrow.

The lead role today is five toddlers.

Several members had already gathered at the dinner venue, as usual.

Each toddler is tested and deposited with their respective predecessors.

and the white sheep beast man Shukram Kokosu and the Sakubas sisters.

"Hey, you, you're gonna wake up. It's almost dinner time. And I'm leaving your sister. It belongs to Lum."

"Phew Phew..."

"Well, Lum, I'll let you sleep until Yuki gets here.... and this kid is fluffy and cute."

".................. Ugh, the rum is broken with the goths anyway"

"Yeah!? Oh, no, Lum! Hair, hair!


or Gungada Kotogu, the black rhinoceros man - and the direct disciples of the wise gods.

"If I eat, I don't train."


"Rest is in training, let's be slow and strong, shall we?

"Oh, Shinobu!

"It would be good to put Zazen together and face himself"


"There's only a real fight! Fight for your life and you'll be strong fast!


"Well, the environment is in order here, and if you're willing, Don, you can be strong."

"Bet on it!

"... well, I think you can be stronger if you teach Yuki more than us..."


"Oh, patience?

Meanwhile, the firm goat beast man, Altia, uh, a line of claws.

"Sister Kraw, the ribbon is bent"

"... mmm... I can do it myself..."

"Brother Cyril, we have plenty to serve."

"... ahhh... I could do it myself..."

"Sister Ronica, your hair is disturbed"

"... um... sorry..."

"Oh, Al, your hair is jumping."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Sister Lene, I'm embarrassed... oh, you know, myself..."


"Yourself............... Oh, thank you"

"You're welcome ~"

On the other hand, the Peach Raven sisters and two ghosts.

"Ohan ~ ♪ Ohan ~ ♪"

"Dinner, ha, ramen? Apparently, right?

"Hmm... are you making it so that your kids can eat it properly? Well, it's none of my business."

"Right. It doesn't matter."

"... yes, no well, it doesn't matter that much..."

"Oh, yeah, that's right. It doesn't matter!



"Hehe, ramen, fun, huh?

"Ohan? Miu? Mama!

Mom, no.

In the meantime, we all seem to be getting along, so some of it may be good to keep looking after them.

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