Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 171: 200 Elite

The next morning.

The labyrinth tread on Tarzaharda territory was completed.

Found are 12 small labyrinths. There is no negative incarnation.

Obtained is Skill Point 12P. 12 kamiko crystals.

They were all righteous in the morning.

We deployed demon-shaped children on the imperial border in the southeast west, completely sealing off the empire.

The Black Armor Cavalry Regiment (Black Knights), newly increased by about 20,000 by conscripting from Tarzaharda or recruiting volunteers from Evansta, has allowed 11 Black-Mog terminals to lead 20,000 at a time and efficiently control the small country.

Extension of Western dominance is ongoing from time to time, and the education of the Western people has been successfully completed.

From chores to wars to invasions, I will lead the slightest gesture to take full control of the East.

What I'm taking with me is sleeping lotus and jasmine flowers that have been carefully planted for a day so I can use fox fire. Then two black fog terminals.

Yesterday, the children relative to the Evil God fragments took care of themselves and rested until lunch, and the other children were busy with the siege of the Empire and the invasion of small groups of nations, and the lower-ranking user demons defended each base, and now more than 50 black fog terminals managed them, and only 5 of them were able to participate in the Eastern attack.

Well, the two black fogs use the nucleus of a medium-sized labyrinth, so they have a strength of about 400-500, up to 500 for a fox mother and daughter, and at least 20 fox fires that can be put out, combined with mine.

- And most importantly, I'm here.

The East fell as well.

First, the collection of troops that are coming up to the front line.

Well, they're exclusively reincarnators (forliners).

The total number is 3,000, but there are no 500 reincarnates (forliners) among them.

You can win even if you attack normally.

Inner 2000 is a Liberation member, the rest is another multiple organization.

The power is the North Forest. Northeast mountain forest. Located in the eastern rocky mountains, 1800 is the northern forest, made up exclusively of Liberion members. 1000 is the northeast mountain forest, including Liberion members. There were 200 left in formation at Rock Mountain.

The group that was in the mountain forest recovered it destroyed by Harka and Kanya and their disciples, so all that remains is the forest and rock mountain group.

It's easy to talk and take sides... but it would be much quicker to slap and crush than that.

The forest side, which has a large number of hits and lurks extensively, sends four people other than me, and I go to drop a few pioneers.

They were trying to take on hundreds of thousands of troops in just 200. The black fog terminals and the sleeping lotus might be a hassle.

Transferred into a hidden position in the shadow of Rock Mountain.

A sandy tent was erected inside the position, and someone with a weapon around it was making a mockery of it.

There are many women in about 8: 2, plus one hippoglyph and wind fairy.

The forest offense will take a long time, and since it's a corner, let's say I train 200 people for you.

Waiting with attitude and signs in mind, a single arrow flew in just three seconds after the metastasis.

On the verge of accepting it with two fingers, the voice came heard.

"Cluster Boost!!

Apparently, he used the unique skills of the enhancement system, and the 10 in the position, the remaining women, hippoglyphs and wind fairies became strong enough around the lid.

"No, no! How about that guy?

The wind fairy child is about to testify inconvenience, so capture it with cautionary motivation.

Then he locked himself in the junction, smelted the rocks, and made and kept them in a birdcage that looked disastrous.

It is called a hostage.

"Let Fee go!

What flew over me was a blonde beauty wearing heavy armor.

He manipulated large assault spears over 5 meters without difficulty and came forward with a high-speed ramp.

I gently recieve it with one hand, picking the toddler girl's poison knife that was approaching me from behind with the other hand and snapping it from the roots.

The blonde beauty, flung through her full throat, rolled with her legs hooked, and the dog man and thoughtfully brunette toddler landed a spin in space as she was thrown away.

Pick and stop the arrows and dirt spears (clarence) unleashed without allowing an intermission, one in the same way as the other in the back fist.

Clarence, who recieved it, let it strike directly at the present of his attitude and bird cage, and the wind fairy, known as Fee, flipped by surprise at it.

"Kura eh!

An instantly approaching beauty, supposedly a red-haired bear, waves a huge double-edged axe that is more than her height, and I grab it with my right hand to stop it.

Then he also picked his left hand to stop the looming abode from the rear left.



The brunette ghost beauty abandons her knife and leaves, and if she's red-haired, she gets thrown off with every axe and sticks it in her tent.

So far so good a collaboration.

The enemy's attack stopped even though the attacks of the boulder-resistant people could not have been easily dispersed.

"That countless powers, he's definitely Cain. I can't believe she was a woman...... brother"

"Oh, I'll do my best. Erba, come."

"Yes, brother!

Stepping into the halted battlefield came the brunette brown youth, Waltes Varne, April 1st (Wataru) Ip Ichi (Aichi), and the blonde blue-eyed beauty, Saifa, April 1st (Wataru) Ip (Fuba).

Apparently he was reincarnated with his brothers.

They're walking this way, holding hands together.

"Over Resonance!"

"Life Integration!

- In a moment, the light was emitted.

It was one woman who emerged from the light.

April 1 (Wataru) Mitsuba LV206

Together they mixed flesh and soul, and even more, they gathered strength from dozens of girls to evolve into one new human being.

With multiple forces integrated, it would be stronger than level.

"... let's go"

Give her a hand with a faint blue aura.


Let's see how powerful it is for you.

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