Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 192 Collect Rare Items

In the end, there seemed to be no great labyrinth in the small group of countries.

The reason is probably because there were only thin veins flowing deep into the ground.

The continent is stretched mainly from east to west.

The labyrinth I discovered is 28 small labyrinths. 11 Medium Labyrinths.

Negative demons found are the 28 most ever.

The resulting item is Skill Point 67P. 67 kamiko crystals.

I can speculate that the reason the negative demons were so much more than the others was because fragments of the evil gods who should be in the empire directly wielded negative power.

Small groups of countries in the South of the Empire, a total of 11 countries, had been conscripted by the Empire with many men and those who could fight, so the biological resources obtained did not reach half a million humans. A few other livestock, etc.

Now the only country left in the human realm is the Empire.

Currently, the last thorough search by black fog has been carried out everywhere, as well as processing of the resources obtained and alerting unexplored areas.

The rest of the kids take a break today as they make the organisation in their bodies black fog.

I'll infiltrate the empire again and get every town next time.

I relied on maps and collected small towns around.

Imperial armies everywhere continue to travel to the Imperial Capital with little rest, and they have never stopped in town to see if there is enough food.

Well, as far as the Imperial Army is concerned, we'll collect it later.

While I was picking up town in the Empire, the Black Mist seemed to have finished sorting things out.

I'll check before dinner.

First, a list compiling the likenesses of national treasures and family heirlooms owned by royalty, nobility, merchants, and individuals in each kingdom.

These tools, once received in snowblack, have been purified if they are of the kind of curse in question and returned to their owners in the form of loans if they are not.

Like Parluna and Ozrda, if they were originally lent arms and equipment held by the state, they are lent to the person, not to the king.

They are fighting as part of the Black Armor Cavalry (Black Knights) so far, but they intend to respect their will after the war is over.

Evansta's royalty is full of good basics, so I want to go back to the Kingsguard if I can. You'd say.

It should be noted that Parluna and Ozurda are probably from the materials used for Spinks and Manticore, which are under my command in the future.

The compliance rate for specific factors (personality code) is precisely less than 10%, but there is probably no doubt because the face is similar.

If you look at the list... they're all unpleasant stuff.

Demonic artifacts like the wand Eclair and the life-taking sword are treated as family treasures and national treasures, of which all the treasures that stand out a little are sacred treasures made by Lotte.

There were only six rare items like twin-wheeled connections after all.

Their names are: "Tears of the Water Spirit," "Ghost Arms," "Chimney Farm," "Al Khatenai," "Heartbeat of the Tai Ancient," and "Puppet Bracelet: Lead".

"Tears of the Water Spirit," a demonic prop held by the mermaids of Luthrisch, a giant lake in the east, is a necklace with small teardrop-shaped gems.

Capabilities include mermaiding, aquatic habitat, underwater manoeuvre, water attribute magic, etc. As an underwater active demonic prop, it can be said to be at its peak.

"The Arm of the Deceased" is a purifying object of a powerful curse that had been sealed in a room in the Chants French Country, Lotte said it was originally simply a magic device that summoned the Bourne Golem.

Looks like a wand with evil hobby finishing inside the bone hand saying it holds a cloudy black crystal ball, a dark fine metal navigation with disastrous handles as well.

Now that you have purified it, you can freely create and summon both undead and golem.

To the east of the Kingdom of Legnogan and to the southeast of the Principality of Sta, the small mountains of the small country have dormant little labyrinths and woody families much higher than average.

The ring your daughter there had was one of the best demonic props I've ever seen, allowing for a transfer to a special different space.

Its contents make it a vast ranch that grows small, mockingbirds called Chimneys.

According to the interview, the family attacked the labyrinth built right on the side of the house and obtained this magic item.

"Al Khatenai" and "Heartbeat of Tai Ancient" are from Eugrans.

"Al Khatenai" is a golden chain, and "Heartbeat of Tai Ancient" is a red crystal.

From the crystals seemed to flow out substances that could neither be amber liquids nor individuals, and they were packed in bottles and sealed by 'Al Khatenai'.

Bottles are also a form of magic prop, the effect being the expansion of the interior space.

The chain seals the ability of the bound or enclosed subject.

Sealed by them, The Heartbeat of the Tai Ancient is a very powerful demonic prop that has the ability to breathe atmospheric magic and continue to spit out amber mysterious substances and convert them into demons registered in the core.

The red crystal, which is the core, is about the performance of the Demonic Crystal nucleus, and the registered demons include dinosaurs and large insects, ancient fish, giant birds, etc.

Since it is sealed by chains, the rate of increase of the liquid is slowed to the extreme, but it still accumulates for one large dinosaur.

It's an interesting ability inside, so let's make good use of it.

The last bracelet seems to have been handed down from generation to generation by a king of a small country in self-defense, but he didn't know how to use it.

As for the function, I already have the same type of bronze, so it is not brand new, but it is a corner, so I will take it.

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