• Wildfox

[16] [6 ] [2 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Forest', 'Mountain']

Fox. Smart fox.

• Big Fox

[19] [7 ] [3 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Forest', 'Mountain']

Big fox. Sharp fangs, nails, and mundane.

-Trick Fox

[19] [7 ] [3 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Forest', 'Mountain']

Fox with easy illusion.

- ignition fox

[19] [7 ] [3 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Forest', 'Mountain']

A fox that can use small flames.


[22] [8 ] [3]

[Primary habitat: 'Forest', 'Mountain']

Grown fox. also fufufu.


[30] [10 ] [4 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Tree Sea', 'Mountain']

Big fox. Can exercise magic.

The number of tails is 2-3.

- Gigantofox

[41] [14] [5]

[Primary habitat: 'Tree Sea', 'Spiritual Peak']

Huge fox. Able to exercise a variety of magic.

The number of tails is 4-6.

- Immortal Fox

[47] [16] [6 ]

[Main habitat: "Spiritual Peak"]

Huge fox. Exercise a variety of magic and use immortality.

The number of tails is 7-8.

- Daxian Fox

[52] [18 ] [6 ]

[Main habitat: "Spiritual Peak"]

Huge fox.

The number of tails is 8.

-Illusion Fox

[22] [8 ] [3]

[Primary habitat: 'Forest', 'Mountain']

A fox with a slightly higher illusion. Something that you can tell from a good look, such as separation.

-Fantasm Fox

[29] [10] [4 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Forest', 'Mountain']

Fox exercising high illusion.

The number of tails is 2-3.

• Greater Fantasm Fox

[38] [13] [5 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Tree Sea', 'Mountain']

Fox exercising powerful illusion.

The number of tails is 4-6.

- Phantom Fox

[46] [16 ] [6 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Tree Sea', 'Spiritual Peak']

Fox using various illusions.

The number of tails is 7-8.

• Greater Phantom Fox

[52] [18 ] [6 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Tree Sea', 'Spiritual Peak']

Fox dealing with illusion.

The number of tails is 8.

- Ignisfox

[22] [8 ] [3]

[Main habitats: 'Mountains' and 'Rock Mountains']

A fox that manipulates the flames of moderation. Still weak.

• Blazing fox

[29] [10] [4 ]

[Main habitat: 'Rock Mountain']

A fox that manipulates powerful flames.

The number of tails is 2-3.

• Flame Fox

[38] [13] [5 ]

[Main habitat: 'Volcanoes']

A fox that manipulates super powerful flames.

The number of tails is 4-6.

- Prominence fox

[46] [16 ] [6 ]

[Main habitat: 'Volcanoes']

A fox that manipulates super powerful flames.

The number of tails is 7-8.


[52] [18 ] [6 ]

[Main habitat: 'Volcanoes']

Fox manipulating prison flames.

The number of tails is 8.

-icicle fox

[38] [13] [5 ]

[Main habitat: 'Snow Mountain']

Fox manipulating extreme cold blizzards.

The number of tails is 4-6.

- Succubus fox

[56] [19] [7 ]

[Primary habitat: '?

A demon king who brings disaster to the world.

Serves countless demons, forming children and forming legions. The original timid nature eventually destroys the world.

- Sickle Storm

[56] [19] [7 ]

[Main habitat: "Great Plains"]

A demon wrapped around three things: Uticaze, Kamakaze, and Nagikaze. The three are separate personalities of one soul.

Move at high speed, beating, cutting and poisoning.


[17] [6] [2 ]

[Main habitats: 'Meadows', 'Forests', 'Mountains']


• Wild ox

[18] [6 ] [2 ]

[Main habitats: 'Meadows', 'Forests', 'Mountains']

A little smart and strong cow.

- Charge ox

[21] [7 ] [3 ]

[Main habitats: 'Meadows', 'Forests', 'Mountains']

Bulls thrusting.


[17] [6] [2 ]

[Main habitats: 'Meadows', 'Forests', 'Mountains']

Female cow.

- Wildcow

[18] [6 ] [2 ]

[Main habitats: 'Meadows', 'Forests', 'Mountains']

A little smart and strong cow.

- Bal

[19] [7 ] [3 ]

[Main habitats: 'Meadows', 'Forests', 'Mountains']

Muscular cow. Strong. Yummy.

• Wild Hippopotamus

[18] [6 ] [2 ]

[Main habitat: 'Swamp']

A little smart and strong kaba.


[31] [11] [4]

[Main habitat: 'Swamp']

Kaba demons who live in swamps and use the magic of mud mixed with water and soil.

The skin is thick and highly regenerative.


[37] [13 ] [5 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Meadows' and 'Forests']

Large rhinos with crystalline horns.

The crystals are stacked with magic, which uses the magic of the body strengthening system to thrust through them.

-Forest Elephant

[31] [11 ] [4]

[Primary habitat: 'Tree Sea']

Demons of statues living in the woods.

I can use plant magic.

Grow your own plants and eat them yourself.

- Battlemonkey

[25] [9 ] [3 ]

[Main habitat: 'Forest']

Monkey demons living in the woods. Prefer to fight and challenge strong enemies in a group.

• Battle Ape

[28] [10 ] [4 ]

[Main habitat: 'Forest']

Monkey demons living in the woods. Using simple weapons, we hunt larger prey than ourselves in groups.

- Vanquish Kong

[34] [12 ] [4 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Forest', 'Tree Sea']

A monkey demon with a very high intelligence.

Have a muscular flesh and excel in martial arts


[17] [6] [2 ]

[Main habitats: 'Mountains' and 'Rock Mountains']

Eagle demons with fire attributes.

- Wild Eagle

[16] [6 ] [2 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Forest', 'Mountain']

A slightly larger eagle.

- Big Eagle

[19] [7 ] [3 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Forest', 'Mountain']

Big eagle.

-Killer Eagle

[19] [7 ] [3 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Forest', 'Mountain']

My nails and mouth are sharp and my muscles are developing.

-Snatch Eagle

[19] [7 ] [3 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Forest', 'Mountain']

Eagles with developed feet.

-Husie Eagle

[23] [8] [3]

[Main habitats: 'Mountains' and 'Rock Mountains']

Huge eagles, if you're about a little kid, you can grab it.

-Giant Eagle

[31] [11 ] [4]

[Main habitats: 'Mountains' and 'Spiritual Peaks']

A very huge eagle.

If you're about a large animal, you can easily grab it and go.

- Giganto Eagle

[44] [15] [5 ]

[Main habitat: 'Spiritual Peak', 'Empty Island']

Super huge eagle.

Strange birds crossing reciprocally with dragons.

-Grand Eagle

[55] [19 ] [7 ]

[Primary habitat: 'sky']

A giant eagle who also fights against the ancient dragon on an equal footing.

A disaster willing to produce a tornado that uses the magic of a very good wind and widely severs everything.

-Wind Eagle

[23] [8] [3]

[Main habitats: 'Forest', 'Mountain', 'Rock Mountain']

Great eagle with high flying ability. Release the wind blade.

-Fire Eagle

[23] [8] [3]

[Main habitats: 'Rock Mountains' and 'Volcanoes']

Flaming great eagle.

- Blazing Eagle

[30] [10 ] [4 ]

[Main habitat: 'Volcanoes']

Great eagle wrapped in flames.

-Prominence Eagle

[40] [14 ] [5]

[Main habitat: 'Volcanoes']

A giant eagle manipulating the flames.

- Sparrow

[10] [4 ] [2 ]

[Main habitats: 'Villages', 'Cities', 'Meadows', 'Forests']


• Wild Sparrow

[11] [4] [2 ]

[Main habitats: 'City', 'Meadow', 'Forest']

A little strong and clever suzume.

-Sharp Sparrow

[16] [6 ] [2 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Forest', 'Mountain']

Suzume with a sharp mouth.

• Claus parlow

[16] [6 ] [2 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Forest', 'Mountain']

Suzume with sharp nails.

• Wild Gull

[12] [4 ] [2 ]

[Main habitat: 'Coast']

A little strong and smart seagull.


[39] [13 ] [5 ]

[Primary habitat: "Near the Demonic Realm"]

The head of the goat grew on the back of the lion's torso, the tail became a venomous serpent, and the warcraft grew wings like winged dragons.

- Mlgriff

[33] [11 ] [4]

[Main habitats: 'meadows' and 'mountains']

Species crossed by emere and griffon of sheep.

Relatively easy to keep.


[34] [12 ] [4 ]

[Main habitats: 'Meadows', 'Mountains', 'Cliffs']

Species crossed by griffons and horses.

- Griffon

[36] [12 ] [4 ]

[Main habitats: 'mountains' and 'cliffs']

Warcraft with a lion's lower body on the upper body of the eagle.

- Spinks

[46] [16 ] [6 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Sanctuary', 'Desert']

A warcraft with a woman's upper body on the lion's torso and eagle wings. Holy Beast.

- Manticore

[39] [13 ] [5 ]

[Primary habitat: "Near the Demonic Realm"]

Warcraft with an old man's head, scorpion tails, and bat-like wings on the lion's torso.


[51] [17 ] [6]

[Primary habitat: 'Sanctuary', 'Desert']

A warcraft that looked like it was called a hippopotamus with a head, a lion in its upper body, and a hippopotamus in its lower body. Holy Beast.

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