- Petite slime

[13] [5 ] [2]

[Main habitats: 'Meadows', 'Forests', 'Mountains', 'Caves']

Both small slime, lower species of slime, and toddlers.

• Lesser petite slime

[11] [4] [2 ]

[Main habitats: 'Meadows', 'Forests', 'Mountains', 'Caves']

Degraded species of petite slime, it takes a long time to regenerate when the body is cut.


[15] [5 ] [2]

[Main habitats: 'Meadows', 'Forests', 'Mountains', 'Caves', 'Wilderness', 'Marshes']


A bun with a positive-octahedron crystal floating in its bluish, transparent body.

I can swallow whole animals if it's about small animals.

• Metamorphous lime

[19] [7 ] [3 ]

[Primary habitat: '?

Both slime and mixed slime that can change into captured objects.

• Vic Metamorphous Lime

[24] [8 ] [3]

[Primary habitat: '?

The superior species and bodies of metamorphotic slime have become massive, allowing them to change into large species as well.

• Fuji Metamorphous Lime

[27] [9 ] [3 ]

[Primary habitat: '?

Top species of vic metamorphotic slime.

It was even more gigantic and more clever.

• Greater Fuge Metamorphous Lime

[32] [11] [4]

[Primary habitat: '?

Large species in the greater slime without nucleus, slime with the special transformative capacity of the fuse slime.

Crusading is difficult because there are no weak spots.

• Greater Giant Metamorphous Lime

[38] [13] [5 ]

[Primary habitat: '?

Ultra-large slime without nucleus.

Has a special ability to transform and transform into various objects.

Crusade is almost impossible by physical means because there are no weak spots.

• Greater Giganto Metamorphous Lime

[48] [16 ] [6 ]

[Primary habitat: '?

Super huge slime without nucleus.

It has the ability to transform itself into something it has taken in, and can be divided and transformed into a variety of things.

Crusading by physical means is impossible.

• Greater Grand Metamorphous Lime

[59] [20] [7]

[Primary habitat: '?

Extremely large size slime with no nucleus.

Slime and have powerful magic resistance, transformable into any substance you take in.

Crusade extremes difficulties.

• Bix lime

[20] [7] [3 ]

[Main habitats: 'Forest', 'Tree Sea', 'Cave']

Big enough to swallow whole even large slimes, top species of slime, and somewhat larger animals.

• Scavenger slime

[17] [6] [2 ]

[Main habitat: 'Groundwater supply']

Prey on dirty objects, the top species of slime that live in dirty places.

• Glass slime

[17] [6] [2 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Meadows' and 'Forests']

Commonly known as grass slime, green body and staple food is grass.

I can reproduce some of the grass ingredients I have eaten.

The number is very small, and only a handful of things know its nature.

• Potion slime

[16] [6 ] [2 ]

[Main habitat: 'Laboratory']

Slime made of potion by the body.

Originally clear green, but the slime made of Yuki's potion is even clearer.... After-all flavour.

You can drink it and apply it to the affected area.

• Heel slime

[17] [6] [2 ]

[Main habitat: 'Sanctuary']

You can use white slime and healing magic heels.

Recovery specialist slime.

• Ice slime

[20] [7] [3 ]

[Main habitat: 'Snowfields']

Water-colored slime.

The viscosity can be changed somewhat freely when it becomes stiff or soft.

Perfect for summer because it's limp and cold.

• Holly slime

[20] [7] [3 ]

[Main habitat: 'Sanctuary']

White slime with holy attributes.

• Color slime

[19] [7 ] [3 ]

[Main habitats: 'Forest', 'Volcano', 'Lake', 'Wilderness', 'Cave', 'Sanctuary']

Slime specific to each attribute.

I can't use magic, but I have resistance to each attribute.

The colors are based on each attribute and a little glossy.

• Blood slime

[19] [7 ] [3 ]

[Primary habitat: 'City', 'Forest']

Sarah textured slime.

The color is red, I don't know where the nucleus is.

Normally, the blood builds up after losing gravity.

- Acid slime

[19] [7 ] [3 ]

[Primary habitat: 'Forest', 'Mountain']

Acid slime.

It has a slightly yellowish color.

Dissolved slime with the magic of acid attributes in the power of digestion originally held by the slime.

• Poison slime

[19] [7 ] [3 ]

[Main habitats: 'Forest', 'Mountain', 'Cave']

Toxic slime, looks purple.

It has the magic of toxic attributes and has a slightly increased ability to dissolve.

• Big Poison Slime

[24] [8 ] [3]

[Main habitats: 'Forest', 'Mountain', 'Cave']

Variants of Bix Lime, or the top species of Poison Slime, the larger body has a stronger viscosity than the normal slime and once caught, it won't let go.

Various poisons can be used.

- Huge poison slime

[27] [9 ] [3 ]

[Main habitats: 'Forest', 'Mountain', 'Cave']

Top species of Big Poison slime.

Because the nucleus is protected by a giant body, it is difficult to defeat it.

- Giant poison slime

[31] [11 ] [4]

[Main habitats: "Tree Sea," "Spiritual Peak," "Cave"]

Top species of Huge Poison slime.

Slime boasts of supergiants, crusading is difficult.

• Greater Giant Poison Slime

[36] [12 ] [4 ]

[Main habitats: "Tree Sea," "Spiritual Peak," "Cave"]

An ultra-large species in a nuclear-free Greater Slime, a poisonous species of Giant Slime.

As a characteristic of the slime species, although slightly vulnerable to magic, it overcomes its weaknesses by the size of its body.

Crusading is difficult because there are no weak spots.

• Greater Giant Detley Poison Slime

[38] [13] [5 ]

[Primary habitat: "Tree Sea," "Spiritual Peak," "Cave," "Near the Demonic Realm"]

Slime with severe poison.

Use powerful poison magic and hunt for prey.

Crusade is almost impossible by physical means because there are no weak spots.

• Greater Giganto Detley Poison Slime

[48] [16 ] [6 ]

[Primary habitat: "Near Demon Realm" and "Demon Realm"]

Super huge slime with no nuke fierce poison.

Crusading by physical means is impossible.

• Greater Grand Deadly Poison Slime

[59] [20] [7]

[Primary habitat: '?

Extremely large sized slime with no nucleus fierce poison.

Crusading is very difficult.

• Metal slime

[23] [8] [3]

[Main habitats: 'mines' and 'rocky mountains']

Slime made of metal.

A mysterious life form that moves hard but soft.

Crusading in physical attacks is difficult.

- Struggle slime

[27] [9 ] [3 ]

[Main habitat: 'Dojo']

Slime born with powerful specialization magic.

Magic doesn't really make sense, mainly due to its excellent physical combat and tough physical composition.

Very powerful slime.

-Gigant Slimes

[43] [15 ] [5 ]

[Primary habitat: '?

An unusually huge slime made of multiple slimes combined.


• Grand Slimes

[52] [18 ] [6 ]

[Primary habitat: '?

Super huge slime.

It is usually slightly smaller than the species.

It has a property pattern with multiple slimes fused together, various attribute magic.

- Greater slime species

A species where the body moves well slime (clever slime) evolves.

Crusade is extremely difficult because it does not have a nucleus.

- Giant slime species

Huge slime of body.

The bigger the slime, the more difficult the crusade will jump.

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