Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 7: Narhodonalhodonalu

Now, what will it take to crusade the Machine God?

Of course, the main combat styles and special deserving moves, gear, and attributes vary from one aircraft god to another, but there are major assumptions common to all of them.


- It's level.

Based on combat experience with Atlantis, the minimum level required is approximately 300.

Atlantis was hit by a giant army, so if it's another machine god, I want 350 to 400.

In order to raise the level of the low-level in a very short time, I proposed a total.

In fact, low-level people will be bothered later if they don't go through a struggle and build their mental strength within low levels, but there's no choice but to do so this time.

Fortunately, the kids who brought me back from the game have their minds built up in the Evil God Wars, so there's no such thing as a level 300s countdown like the Golems.

Some of them, such as Naya and the immortals and the monstrous Charlotte, obviously know that the level limit is high, so they can safely power leveling around there.

Then what is the sum................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

In other words, hunting in the most difficult giant labyrinth in the present situation, Hell Peak.

Hell Peak, as the name suggests, is a hell of a mountain.

Multiple volcanoes continue to erupt forever, and magma continues to erupt from all parts of the mountain.

Demons in such environments have strong propriety and resistance to fire attributes, and what a minimum of Level 80.

It is a relatively safe area, the entrance and exit point, where even living people seem to be able to carry out critical activities.

If you go in the back, there are naturally Level 200 and other demons walking wide, reaching 300 to the Lord of the countless realms (area bosses). The Lord in the back comes over 400.

The Lord of the Labyrinth (Maize Boss) deserves at least 500, with an approximate predictive level of 600. Not surprisingly, if you do poorly, you have reached 700.

There is also a proper area on the prison peak that is free of hazards for those bound to flesh like magma, so we equipped it with a minimum of heat protection and sent it to the prison peak, no matter if it was new or ancient.

The Legion-organized members in just a few hours have risen to a level that allows them to thoroughly hunt overnight, and they will be able to break through the minimum conditions that can withstand the Opportunistic Divine War perfectly.

Various aircraft God targets one crusade every hour as long as there is no trouble, and it is mainly weak children with little combat experience who fight.

The strong children watch over them, and go in to help them when they are.

The subject classified as a strong child is Bai Luo. Sister Almeria. rebe. Arnaea. Grandpa Dunaque. Zaye. eigh. Hermige. Sebastian. Six Elves Emperor.

Anyone with combat experience but low level, or who has little combat experience but has reached high level, will be invited to participate in the battle this time.

The watchdog captain is black fog and attaches to the auxiliary an Atra with excellent spatial dominance ability and a six elite emperor who can accommodate each attribute.

In addition to the various skill crystals that have been purchased at the beginning of the game and are not to be used on this side, the captain's black fog grants the skills of the sub-clan master and sub-dungeon master.

There are countless advanced potions and others in the inventory, and in case you do, they allow the use of DP and CP, so I believe that black fog, which has a higher arithmetic capability than anyone else in the body because of the group, will do it in large circles.

We decided to finish confirming and organizing today at the site where we installed some permanent deposits to secure the metal.

Let's just make sure everyone's doing just a little bit at the end before we go to sleep.

◇ ◆ ◇

... That's crazy.

When people ask me what's wrong, I say it's all wrong. It's so weird that there's nothing else.

I am the youngest demon of the Gracia family.

Who will eventually be king over the demonic kingdom, making it an unparalleled genius who will inherit all the knowledge that the Gracian family has accumulated. Lucanant Gracia.

Yes, I'm a genius. So ochitwite. dijoub. Likaidekirwa.

I wasn't going to tell you or surprise you about the power of the people gathering at Yuki now... Nanyo, here it is.

"Ha ha!! Warm up, you bastards! Come back out with more firepower!!

"Ooh, it's hot and bitter... come on, take a break..."

What are you looking like a ghost or bird man making a scene over there...... Yuki said, Spirit Emperor (...).

Speaking of spiritual emperors, the Spirit King, who is the mediator of the world and who can unite the spiritual world, says in the sacramental monument (Obelisk Record). Supervisor of…. In other words... God's proxy.

... thats...

"Lu, wi, rene, let's stick with your mother. Hey."

"Yes, Mother"

"Ah, there's a glass of fire elf... I think I'd rather have another labyrinth."

"As I've been complaining about earlier, I don't think it's enough for us to be afraid of fire sperm or anything like that."

"Lotte, there are some very strong signs on the heavenly side of that mountain. Let's go."

"We haven't organized our troops yet, so why don't we wait for Black Mist's instructions together?

- 7 people in total.

... Huh? Why are you so ill? Yukiha Kamisa Manano?

"Oh, God......! Charlotte must and will always try to achieve what God wills......!!

... n? Yuki, Kamisama Dattano? Socker, Narho Donalhod...................

"Hey, you, are you a wizard?


"... hmm?... Ugh, it's the devil. (... I'm glad you're out of your mind. It's still bad minutes in the Lum today. You get stronger and then you crush it)"

Narho, huh? Now, is anybody... out of their mind?... Well, that's good.

... the next strange thing is those ghosts

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