Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 18: I Thought I'd Do It

The grasp is good.

The first drop of the most popular Moya will inevitably increase the likeness of the Mayan guardian position, Magneto, and Tori Sakura.

The increased likeness of the two good saints also increases the likeness of the good saints, and the increased likeness of the three saints also increases the likeness of Clear and Reina.

It is the fruit of four birds of one stone.

The world is narrow to meet someone you know in the game and keep standing up like this.

... Well, in fact, most of the people I meet are good people who jump through, and the best people who pull out one head more than the others in Kwanseong are pretty much the edgers of the bell guard.

Besides... I came over for lunch. According to Takmail, 70% of the new 90,000 Gate Gear will be drawn.

God must go and secure talented people and their surroundings with the utmost priority.

It is no coincidence that they and I are connected.

Of the remaining 30%, a little more than 10%, and the original 10,000 are confirmed reservations. The rest is said to be for sale on the same day... but the police will be aware that there is a high risk that a crime will occur.

Now, I went around with only one confirmation of the tower, and said that there was nothing particularly strange about it, so I took the young people back to the mansion.

Mikoto and Kana are on their way to the other towers separately and sequentially, so it is a temporary farewell.

He took four young men and moved them to a different viewing room from the end of the mansion.

This is not for me, this is the room where the great Bell Guard and Bell Guard meet the people below.

This room with tatami layers has a bit of conditioning that is reasonably well priced, and the place where the great man in the back sits is one fist taller.

It is a shaped room used exclusively in the ritual practice of the bell guardian, and there is always the same shaped room in the slightly larger branch of the bell guardian shrine.

Sayid and the others have used this room to say they're coming here.

... It is also possible that it was the role of the youngest son who had no plans to see it in the first place... I would say that there is...

"... meet a great man...?

"Yes, I am."

That's what Maya said as soon as she walked into the room, holding hands in the stream.

They've learned how to behave properly.

When I heard you meet a great man, it was clear that I raised my voice of surprise. Not Raina.

"Huh!? Yeah!? Are you meeting Master Suzumi?!?

To her terribly upset, Seite utters a word of denial.

"No, I don't know. I suppose you're refraining from divinity now, and Suzukusho isn't free enough to meet us?

"Perhaps you can see it if you are not the master. I'll see you later as a truly golden man."

"... Yuki, who are you meeting...?

Four gaze gathered at me when Maya asked.

Look, that's naturally up to the greatest man.

"Naturally, Samadayo, the bell guard's lord. Come on, sit down."

They sit down at my behest.

Huh. It's exciting. and glasses that correct the residence to clear holding down the big breasts when done. Seite is seated in the front with a slightly nervous face.

And Maya...


"... let go"


Trying to get me to sit next to you, holding my hand, and now, you're going? I'm looking up at this one with my freshly said face.

"... No?

"If you don't let me go, I won't look at you."

"... ok..."

Mm-hmm. Maya's already my captor. Shall we drop the others at this rate?

Then it is a glance.

"Wait a minute."

With that said, I lowered my ponytail and climbed to the top.

Sit there again.




Clear with Maya with a question mark still floating overhead.

Immediately noticed glasses.

Seite noticed after a few moments.

To the four of you, I...

"Hey, it's Suzumi Sayuki."

- Try calling me, for example.

Quiet back indoors.

"... I thought Yuki would do it."

I think Mayan words, like I heard them somewhere like that, stuck a wooden spirit in their heads.

A new line of genuine gold, their inner owls are inside, but Seite, Maya and Clear are different.

Maya is a slightly distant relative of the glasses, but she is not so deeply associated with Suzushi.

The three were invited by Shinjin Genzo and his daughter, Yuko Shinjin, and his daughter Shinjin Sakura.

The reason they didn't even know my name was because Grandpa Yan was a little harsh around here.

To the bell guard, the immature bell guard shall not know the LORD.

Home training, when naming names, don't name false names. That means being wary of assassinations.

The four of them went to some help after seeing it.

Now it's just about time to start distributing lunch to the people leaving the stalls, so the four of them will be sent there because they'll be busy handing out rice balls and pork juice and managing queues.

What I'm going to do after this... it has to be said that they're not all good.

However, it is also inefficient to keep my talent outstanding in front of the festival, so I will catch the right bell witch or bell witch assistant and help with everything.

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