Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 27 Coverage and Job

Iron Heroes and Remnant Heroes are heroes who inherited one end of the power of a clogged place and hero by any means, such as ancestry and rebirth.

The clogged, immature with the power of a hero.

As for value, it has heroic skills, but is a little higher for it.

The rest of the white heroes, seed heroes, unlike other heroes, were heroes who, in addition to their pedigree and soldier skills, could freely customize me by consuming distributed skill points.

To be honest, hero skills would have been delicious before doing the anarchist chronicle, but what falls under the so-called hero skills was the same or slightly inferior to the unique skills the reincarnator possesses... I would prefer a white hero who is free to customize them.

I added 2 Rainbow Heroes, 3 Gold Heroes, 6 Silver Heroes, 14 Iron Heroes, and 15 White Heroes to my distribution.

Maybe the reason we have two rainbow heroes is because... it was definite or high probability for the first time only.

And the reason why there were relatively few white heroes could be attributed to the myriad lucky skills I have.

Note that the reward for completing the quest by summoning a hero is Skill Point 6P. Logic point 12p. Clan point 6,000 p. 6 x Mandatory Convocation Letters of Life. 6 x Testimony of Heroes. Warriors' Trial Grounds. The deepening realm of the heroes. The heroes' dream corridor.

The test site is the door to the labyrinth and can contain up to 10 teams of 10 soldiers at a time.

When you explore the instant labyrinth you have designated and return, you will return with items, experience points and mysterious points that will be heroic points.

Hero Points can be promoted one favorite soldier up one step at 1,000 P, with a limit of up to 10,000 P to accumulate.

The Deepening Area is a hero-only enhancement facility, with a training area limited to 10 people per day and earning 1 P skill point per person.

A clinic that can instantly resuscitate heroes and save up to 3 times every 24 hours.

A prayer ground where hero points can be spent to purchase various gathering warrants, compulsory summonses, etc.

A workout site where heroic weapons can be created and enhanced by consuming hero points and clan points.

I'm supposed to be the owner of a purchasing house that can't be operated and can only be used by heroes.

More than 5 facilities exist.

The last dream corridor is the same instant labyrinth door as the trial ground.

You can throw in up to 3 troops that can form up to 3 heroes and 10 soldiers per hero, with items, experience and hero points.

To read the description, it seems that the clan members count as one of the heroes and do not use the boundaries of the puttable troops if the clan members lead soldiers to explore the corridor.

Of course, there are risks, and when you die in a corridor and drop an item, the death penalty is slightly stronger than normal, such as you can't get it back until you clear the corridor with the same name.

These items, heroes, and some strong soldiers will be encouraged to train under the control of black fog and explore test grounds and corridors.

Next, a crown of equipment and wisdom that can impart special skills in the form of titles to designated subjects.

Then it's a confirmation of the king's treasure ball, which gives royal title skills to clan masters, or sub-masters, or clan members with the king's ring, the queen's ring.

Apparently, this title skill is called an official name job skill.

I have similar skills, such as samurai and actors, but these skills are a combination of multiple skills, just like alchemy and subjugation.

The difference between job skills and normal skills is that job skills are replaceable.

In other words, job skills can, in principle, be reproduced in shelter (arcanum).

Such a job skill, but the first choice is five: Swordsman (Sabre), Spearman (Lancer), Archer (Archer), Knight, and Samurai (Footman).

The number of people to choose from is initially 10 and now...... for 689.

The calculation method was completely the same as the list of private soldiers.

An item called a Warrior's Reference Letter appears to be an item to unlock job skills available at this time.

Since there are 50 pieces, I tried using the reference letter quickly.

Added are eight: Warrior (Warrior), Sorcerer (Mage), Healer (Healer), Scout, Merchant (Peddler), Craftsman (Smith), Farmer (Farmer), and Village Chief (Village Mayer).

Apparently, raising the initial job some level will allow you to liberate the top jobs, so let's start by leveling all job skills appropriately.

What? It's not a big burden up to level 100. It will come right up.

The King's treasure ball job skill, "The King," is also set for me... Next up is a confirmation of the Knightly Item Doing Skills.

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