Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Lesson 32: The Labyrinth of Light

I stepped through the Labyrinth of Darkness and entered the Labyrinth of Light.

The demon that came out on two layers... is a stone-like creature with wings that elk.

Nothing resembles Crione, and there are no areas in the milky white body that specifically correspond to the face, etc.

I have captured about 100 for future angel investigations.

Note that Linka's submissive demon, when I told her that she might be an angel, her name became Tenten. My nickname is Ten.

Then he destroyed the somewhat big mysterious creature that emerged in the three layers, breaking through the four layers to the five layers.

"Well, you'll be an angel next... but it's very difficult to escape Linka's chains in attribute compatibility. Probably easier than the devil. Any questions?

To be honest, the devil was allergic, so the angel may not be the same as the sole I know, but it would be a light attribute to say angel.

To escape the chains of conflicting dark attributes... depends on your ability to manipulate magic, but it's not that easy.

Noah raised her hand to me looking around. [M]

Her peach-haired girlfriend leans anxiously slightly and looks up at me.

"Um... angels are... human shapes, right?

"... as far as I know, angels and demons seem to take human form. However, the devil was a little different from the devil I know earlier, so the angel is likely to be different."

Breathe in relief, Noah.

I said it's likely, but I don't know if it's actually there.

Depending on the difference between the devil and the devil beast, between the angel and the elkoon, more importantly, the definition of the devil, and the definition of the angel, its appearance and the way it is, changes dramatically.

For example, there are several kinds of demons, like Bafomet and Sacubas, but all of them are demonic species on top of the big classification.

Demon beasts are also demonic species, so calling them demons won't help.

If you dare to preach, isn't the difference between a demon beast and a demon the difference between intelligence and self at birth?

Then when the demon beast grew and had a strong self and great wisdom, those who wanted to be the species that said Demon evolved into the species that said Demon, and those who didn't continue to live as Unknown.

I guess the thriving UNKNOWN will settle as a species given the name of the species.

For example, yes, the dragon demon king, the Bergo race was the demon dragon, wasn't it because Bergo had evolved from the demon beast and chosen the path to go as his own species?

Now if the demon dragon prospers, it will be called by some name.

Like the devil's sole who said this, if angels have some definition, there is a chance that the boss waiting ahead is anything but human.

… Conversely, depending on the boss ahead, it will determine how much the name Angel weighs.

The other kids didn't seem to have any particular questions, so they ended the meeting where they decided to lay a set line and arrived in the boss's waiting room.

The boss who was there...

- It was a human silhouette.

Yes, it was a people-shaped silhouette.

However, since flesh is the same milky white stone as elcoons and eldecoons, and that is the human form, it would be no exaggeration to say that it is an angel-shaped doll.

While the little ones were fighting the angels, they dissected the Elkoon drops… Apparently this milky mineral turned out to be a less pure demonic stone containing perhaps the magic of Holy Attributes.

I mean, the organism that says Elkun... if you say it in the Spirit, the Species Spirit. Its essence can be described as angel eggs… or angel pupae.

The angels appearing as bosses are at a stage where they are adjusted to become human when feathering by taking the shape of the flesh into human form.

So if you grow up with your boss's arms, an angel without arms will be born.

In short, the boss is right to say that the name is the angel, but the creature near the angel.

It's unclear what's happening to Erdekoon and he's going to be human, but let's go after him around there.

That's how the labyrinth of light ended with less than a bundled angel getting bogged down.

Having broken through the basic four attributes, the light, and the labyrinth of darkness, Cocone and the others reached a level of over 30, and Linka reached the middle of 20.

Levels are approaching the current volume zone, and thanks to their gear, they will be within 100th place in combat.

Six new labyrinths can be broken by herself.

It's a corner, so I decided to give you my last farewell today.

Rank up their weapons from Class Steel to Spirit Steel.

Discuss with them and grant them superior magic, etc.

One step evolution of the submissive demon.

It's a good time to finish these light tasks.

"Then I'll go for a snack peach... and we'll all step through the forest labyrinth."

He transferred and left himself to the black fog that appeared, put Lotte on everyone in my place, and logged out.

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