Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Lesson 2 Steps to God

This is followed by the new skill 'Coming Down'.

This was, in short, like a skill of generating apostles in divinity.

I guess the original use depends on either essence and uses twelve kinds of divinity to adapt to generations to produce an apostolate.

However, because I possess some other than those twelve kinds of divinity, and because I possess the art of manipulating divinity, I am able to produce my own messenger at a cost.

However, I do not know the amount of divine possession... so I will need to activate the celestial system once and for all.

Then, 'divinity'.

Unlike descent, this is a skill given to me directly. [M]

Now is your chance to use it because it may be a draining skill like protection (Arcanum).

I concentrated my consciousness and thought of activation so that I wouldn't miss out on it for a moment.

What showed up was a message window.

[Young-god: Yuki]

· Divinity

Silver - 41%

Blue blue - 30%

Dreams - 9%

Bells - 7%

Gold - 5%

Yuki -- 3%

Snow -- 2%


- God's love.

- God's love.

Blue God's Favor

Protecting the Traveling God

Protecting the Black God

Guardianship of the Sekimen God

Protecting Reapers

Protecting the Eye God

"This is...!

My ingredients are displayed...!

It seems that no more than 1% of the specifications are displayed. What is the remaining 3%?

The second half of the protections… I think maybe the magnitude of the protections given is in order.

And at the top it must be the god of gold.

The second one I don't remember, but presumably belongs to a god spirit involved in silver. And they love me.

I don't even remember Blue God.

Probably belongs to the god spirit involved in my blue blue blue... I don't know.

I couldn't help but find out that the skill of speaking of divinity is an ingredient indication of my divinity.

Finally, 'Divine Rights'.

This one also got a message window with activation in mind.

[Divine rights]

· Conceptual theocracy

Silver - 87%

Bells - 80%

Blue blue - 72%

Dreams - 35%

Fire - 10%

Water - 10%

Wind - 10%

Soil - 10%

... etc

· Inherent divine rights

Yuki -- 99%

Snow -- 98%

Inverno -- 96%

-Holding Divine Power

Fri - 12,068

Silver - 3,241

Blue - 723





Inverno ——6

Fire - 2

Water - 2

Wind - 2

Soil -- 2

... etc

"Wow. Oh, they love me."

Holy shit. Holding divine power 12,068.

Considering that 100 is about the apostolate... about 300 is about the magnitude of the machine, about 1,000 is about to cross the temple dragon.

What do you mean... converting 12,000 to a level... a little bit like 1,000?

Can you say that there is about the whole god of the substantively inferior.

However, when I ask if I can manipulate this freely, that's probably not what I'm saying.

It would be better to consider it an object without the power of gold.

Leave it alone when it comes to holdings divine power... what concerns me is divine power.

Specifically, the causal relationship between the mysterious percentage indication and the divine power of possession.

For example, three of the inherent divine rights hold only double digits even though % is in the second half of 90.

In contrast, there are 3,000 silver even though they are in their 80% 's.

But even though the bells are in their 80% 's, they only have 140.

... Assuming that the divine power I am gaining is obtained by faith, isn't the percentage indication the rate of recovery of the faith dedicated?

It's also probably faith in a narrower world, not all of this world.

... No, not really... bells? A bell is a bell guard's bell, right?

To say that there are 140 more than others... this possession of divine power or divine power to a (...) na (...) the (...) - (...) limited (...) to a (...) story (...) and (...) none (...) yes (...)? (...)

When that happens, silver and blue blue blue is the divine power I have had from the beginning, and bells and yuki are the divine power and divine power I have acquired since receiving raw as bell guardian Sayuki.

And Snow and Inverno gained the divine power and divine power for their work in this direction?

I am the only subject of faith with a high rate of recovery of inherent divine rights.

The amount is low because there are few faithful organisms.

Faith in fire, water or something that seems to have an absolute amount, and less acquired divine power, is probably due to a 10% recovery rate, but a small collection range in the first place.

… there is no reason why the earlier gods would not recover their faith, even though they reasonably think that great power can be gained by faith.

From this, almost all the faith in this world must have been recovered by any god in the first place.

Yet to say that I am able to recover my faith... if I interpret it favourably, I would say that I am allowed to do so.

So what is its range... perhaps I (...) will (...) distribute (...) and (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) within the realm (...) (...) (...).

This is the most sensible answer.

How can I gain more divine power?

There are two things that just come to mind.

One is to make the organism believe.

If you want to gain more divine power from the inherent divine right, you can make it look more active.

For example, it is a battle against external enemies, or a simple faith dedicated to daily safety and convenience.

If you want to gain a lot of divine power from conceptual theocracy, it is good to manipulate people so that they dedicate their faith to that concept.

For example, create a vehicle that flies through the sky and its power is the wind! Say something like that, you'll get more divine power out of the concept of wind.

And then... wouldn't you get more divine power if you attached conceptual divinity to my inherent divinity?

The second is to widen the area of control.

If more organisms are placed in the dominant area, the absolute amount of faith should increase each time.

Let's hit it off and try to find out a little more about the newly acquired skills.

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