Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 19: Fighting hard, big beach volleyball...... hmm?

In other words, why the Beach Volleyball Games were held... it seems to be my fault.

He studied all kinds of processing with parallel thinking skills, and when the body's thought level was sneaking around in Jesus, he took his word for it.

The bad guy is him.

That god god, he doesn't seem to have enough faith for what he's saying. He's a sick Virgin, Charlotte guy who doesn't.

And it's the black fog that set it up.

It feels doubly betrayed.

What about the actual place... The measures taken to get rid of the four people around me, the white snow, peach blossoms, Muria, and Lion, excluded the three people who couldn't take care of it and the belly black who dared not take care of it, and the other kids who would come near without them... but they bought me some time to slow down.

But I saw Charlotte, and it was, and this is what I would have said.

Now let's take a look at the teams participating in the Beach Volleyball Games.

Only children who can participate can become human beings.

With regard to this arrangement, I would like everyone to acquire the technique of humanization if possible, and it would be good because it might be a boost to them.

First, the team 'It's Drenuca'.

The Crimson Dragon Carlesta, led by Mill, is a dragon-based team with Nuise and Raiel tags.

As of the beginning, one person is already a team with a fatal flaw that says he can't fight, but Mill is a very good fighter and some players, so the other members will pair up.

Proud loneliness and loneliness is what makes her bad.

Cool but subtly pompous...... because of the poor handling due to rapid leveling.

Note that the team names are taken from the names of each individual.

Next, the team Melon Sorbet Yikes!.

White snow, ice white, sleeping lotus, jasmine.

Ice White is a team that works hard to follow the three acquaintances.

It can also be described as a team with extras attached to each other.

The name of the team seems to be from a memorial to what I ate when I first used Snow White's body. I did eat melon sorbet.

Others, the team '...... n, sayin' today '. "It's a Harlem team!". "Team name...... Yuki and the Loving Wolf. It's about me, of course'. Son of a bitch!... What, meaning!? Uh, uh, the ghost mother-- '.'... uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh. 'Lara and her delightful friends!'. There's a lot going on, but he's the winning candidate.

—— Team 'We dedicate this victory to the Great Lord'. Abbreviations: 'Victory to my Lord'.

Member, Virgin Charlotte. Light Elite Emperor Aura. Eva, who has inherited some of the power of the machine god. Atra, who at some point should have had nothing but humanizing hands.

If you dare mention being strong on this team...... it's Charlotte, Aura, Eva and Atra.

............... you're doing everything you can to win.

Note that the humanized Atra was a red-eyed sister with purple hair stretched up to her waist, with minerora and agreel on both hands.

To beat this team, as well as this team, there will need to be four elites working together.

Of all the other teams playing for her, she was the only one who really organized a team to win.

"Damn, haaaa!!

The girl's roar echoes.

A sphere wrapping thunder burns the girl's light black skin, and the immortality of destruction and the girl, the immortality of anise, that dwells in the sphere, collides, and the swirling magic blows the sand off the beach.

At the end of the collision, the played beach ball danced through the universe. —— One hand of anise at the price.

The apostle of the Spitfire God (Verganon), who gave birth to the essence of the apostle in the nucleus, picked it up and the ball jumped high in the sky.

"Anis, you did a good job!!

With such eye-catching effort from above, Verganon flies.

Living in one hand is the immense magic of fire.

The disaster was unleashed.

It stood in the flames of burning, and it stabbed into the center of the coat with what everyone dared to avoid (...).


- Boom.

The enemy team court of Vergannon-led team Spray Disaster Aurora Flames is engulfed in flames.

When the fire went out, it was like hell with foaming lava and tremendous enthusiasm.

There is no shadow.

I was watching the game and Ah-tang held her mouth, but it's not like she thought, everyone evaporated or anything like that.

One girl descends on a lava coat.

At the same time a stormy gust blew down and the lava instantly solidified and went.

Perhaps she took advantage of the good, cold air in the sky.

Sure, it's about 5,000 meters above the surface at the moment, and if you climb another 5,000 meters from there, you'll reach the stratosphere... I don't think it's going to be until you cross the city's boundaries, even though you haven't set an upper limit.

Then, naturally, three intact people descended, and now the score is 3-8. Spray disaster Hautritis was finally 3 points.

On top of that, the enemy is intact and less depleted, whereas the eruptive haulitis has already lost one member, anise has also vanished from the middle with one hand, and the other has carburized.

The Verganon of the Pledge of Request will cut his residual magic by half, and the Apostle will not forgive his remaining magic.

Also known as the lost member is Carnacia Fierte, the Elf's Kanya.

When Verganon added anise in the divine name connection and tried to properly determine the other one, Kanya ran ahead of the haka who tried to run first.

She was stubbornly targeted in the enemy team's Operation Must End the Weak, and was cut off three times, but her eyes were crushed by flash, and both legs evaporated in a fourth hotline ball, making her unsustainable.

Ordinary sports don't wait for people to exit, but since local power is a sport of different dimensions, it's impossible to drop it on a regular serve first.

Therefore, there is a killing and crushing through the ball.

Afterwards, the apostle receives the enemy's polarized sphere at his own expense, or the polarized sphere that still does not lose momentum, with his feet without losing his fighting will even if his hands are crushed and he manages to punch the raised ball into the court with Verganon's Aurora flame sphere. There were some uplifting scenes, etc., but the team "Spray Disaster Aurora Flame" lost in due course, and the team "Win My Lord" entered World War II.

The decision-maker is Operation Weak Must Destroy, a thorough Weak Aim, and a warm throughput that dares not pick up a ball that houses mighty magic.... is the black fog valve in the description.

Due to the fact that the situation is also black fog. The referee is also black fog. The operation is almost all black fog.

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