Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Section XIII: Subsection XI

-Grifon King LV300

-Grifon Queen LV300

- 180 x Griffon Road

- Griffon x 240

-Emelegriff x 22

[-] [-] [-]

"Rating: A- ~ SS + ●" Friendship: Great One, Let's Obey You "

[Main habitats: 'Griffgardin', 'Griffmond', 'Forest']

Visit: Griffons from Griffgarden. They caught me if I was in a herd.

King is a luxurious golden hyena. Queen has a silver hyena as the moon, and both are subdragons with dragon horns.

It seems that the influence of faith is not the only thing that appears peculiar to the head of a large herd of demons, but is related to subordination and the convergence of its powers.

Not Resurrected

- 4 x Unicorns

• Darkness hose

- 41 x Black Hose

• Horn hose x 439

- Wild hose x 809

[-] [-] [-]

"Rating: E + ~ S -" Friendship: So, who's the princess! I'm the one who found Yuki! (… also said they found it) "

[Primary habitat: 'Meadows' and 'Forests']

Visit: A herd of horses led by labyrinth-born unicorn parents (reincarnators) and their daughters.

A huge herd of unicorns emanating from a nearby labyrinth dominated the homogeneous species that lived in the vicinity.

Not Resurrected

• Lesser Minotaur


-Oak King

- Cyclops

• Azar Hornet Queen

- Bandola



- Ex-bosses LV180

[41] [14] [5]

"Rating: S + *" Friendship: Boss "

[Primary habitat: 'Labyrinth', 'Cave']

Visit history: Demons who were bosses in a certain slightly larger labyrinth, but were served by your speciality collar, Zenard.

Meta for people who don't get an image in the description.




Not Resurrected

· Toto & Nono LV170


- Giant Mijinko (Nagakrano)

[41] [14] [5]

"Rating: S + *" Friendship: Seriously, it's too strong, Imiwakanne! I'm gonna grow a turtle. "

[Main habitats: 'mountains' and 'water fields']

History: Toto, the Lord of the Mountains, who would have received faith if he had been a modern Levaalz, and Mijinko's nono, which occurred in his water drinking area.

Nono, who was JK, was subtly and exquisitely reincarnated into Mijinko with his memory flying.

It evolved by killing all countless microbes in a runoff of unique skill fixation.

Ringing Needle Beast/Bosa Toto and I are friends.

It was also noted that Ringneedle Beast and Bosa are dragon variants.

Not Resurrected

- Mermaids


- Honeybee

• Hobgoblins


- Lizardman

-Stah Friends Demons x 190,000 (almost bees)

[-] [-] [-]

"Rating: E + ~ B- (Queen of the Bees stands out)" "Friendship: I am loyal to the great king of all demons, King of all demons"

[Main habitat: '-']

Visit: The demons who live in the mountain forest of the Shitah Friends Demonic Country.

I've noticed quite a bit of friendship with people, but it's all thanks to the Royal Family of Sta, the reincarnated with the power of mindsets that can talk to demons.

The royal family has also taken over power from generation to generation.

Not Resurrected

· Demons × Less than 1 million

[-] [-] [-]

"Rating: -" "Friendship: -"

[Main habitat: 'Various']

Visit history: countless souls hunted by Yuki and the others. Included among them are those with whom the Boss Demon was taking.

It depends on Yuki's mood whether she uses it for experience or resuscitation.

... Yuki was born to people or not, that's all the difference.

• Lion's Demon Beast LV180

· Sheep Bear Demon Beast LV180

-Other demon beasts x just under 20,000

[-] [-] [-]

"Rating: ~ S + *" Friendship: - "

[Main habitat: 'Various']

Visit history: The demons summoned it with more water, or it was a powerful demon beast that was specially caught and served.

Some are already subordinated, but others are on hold.

Not Resurrected

-Bergo LV430

- Demon Dragon

[54] [18 ] [6 ]

"Rating: Unmeasurable" "Friendship: Yuki Shampoo! It was a mess! Bulb"

[Primary habitat: "Ohanadabe - eheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh"]

Visit history: It looks like it broke pathetically. I wouldn't have done this if I hadn't done that... It wasn't good that my personality was fundamentally bad either. Specimens of experiments combining memory with altered memory and information, named Correction, Re-education…................ I mean like this when I get rid of the broken and the bad...

Proud and infamous Demon Dragon. Demon Dragon King Bergo.

A masterpiece that will eventually be king of the great devil.

... Things that were.

No, did you overdo it, Kana? Well, okay. [Together, Together]

Not Resurrected

· Narifan LV480

• Bafomet Road

[56] [19] [7 ]

"Rating: Unmeasurable" "Friendship: Yuxamaniego Unochusei Sasagemas"

[Primary habitat: "Yuxamano Gomeirate Arabado Coni Demo"]

Visit: Narifan.

Things that were.

A worshipper of Diaried, the evil demon king, with an evolutionary background to Satanakia, a kind of demon king at one time.

Its soul remains embedded with the treasures of the devil, and the day leading up to Satanakia is near.

[Together, Together]

Not Resurrected

-Opiostel LV596

[60] [20 ] [7]

"Rating: Unmeasurable" "Friendship: Licking Yuki's cheek.... with tongues that enclose an awesome gravitational field."

[Primary habitat: 'Space', 'Ground vein', 'Space vein']

Visit history: Star Sea Serpent separated from Opionidae.

The star sea snake seems to be all in one place, but what about the actual place?

I dare to let the snakes mix it up and raise it.

-Acronis LV150

-Anunis x 82LV110

[31-33] [13 -13 ] [5 ]

"Rating: S- ~ S" "Friendship: God my mother said. God who can obey. I thought it was a distant story for us..."

[Primary habitat: 'Watershed', 'Preferred mainly soda']

Visit: Snake demons who lived downstream of the Nionis Great Clear Stream. Special evolutionary individuals such as bluesnakes. children.

It is assumed that the Great Clear Stream of Nyonis was born about eternal sleep by the God Beast of the Big Snake, who says Nyonis.

The downstream master, the patron saint Acronis, was destroyed by an army of invading empires.

Not Resurrected

-Tetaras LV180

[41] [14] [5]

"Rating: S + *" Friendship: If God says so. Thank you for this good fortune in the service of a young god. "

[Primary habitat: 'Watershed', 'River']

History: Middle-stream master. He had received a little help from Berzeria and lived in the middle stream as an eye in the southwestern part of the continent.

A tortoise demon capable of producing tentacles produced with water.

A great tortoise that lives for a long time and more permanently than that.

Until now, they said it was good to just live and be there, but I want to dedicate some credit to my new husband.

Not Resurrected

-Ictiscalon LV180

[41] [14] [5]

"Rating: S + *" Friendship: Don't worry, I'm under the umbrella of a tough guy. "

[Main habitats: 'Sea', 'Wide watershed', 'Sea after all']

Visit history: If I thought it was a safe place to live, I would have been one of them if I thought I had met a monster.

Nothing. He's not a coward. It's just that the person I met was too bad.

A tortoise demon with an island giant. The body incorporates the treasures of fresh water made by a certain Virgin, who can use the magic of holy water.

Not Resurrected

· Aga LV230

[44] [15] [5 ]

"Rating: SS -" Friendship: -! - ♪ (messy! Umar.

[Main habitats: 'Canyon', 'Cave', 'Forest']

History: A Dark Goddess subordinate. I can get bogged down trying to eat yuki.

Right to Appetite. Eat anything. Bigger things than you eat in a giant way. I can't eat a tiny silver guy. I can't eat what the little silver guy said no.... if you eat, cut a circle...... pull.

Not Resurrected

-Emeletoare LV190

- Emele x 303

[41] [14] [5]

"Rating: S + *" Friendship: I don't know what it is. But I will follow you, so I recommend you ~ "

[Main habitats: 'Plateau', 'Plains', 'Recommended in Grass Umei ~']

History: Sheep who lived in artificial mountains where the Spirit King of Light was sealed. They are then captured.

Lamb lamb. Adult lamb is called a matton.... I mean, what are you trying to say, that Krone Zarania wants to eat Zingiscan ——

Suggested with grass ~.

All right, all right, grow up fine ♪

Not Resurrected

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