Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 40 Actually 15 Seconds * Includes Conversation Time

Eva's nocturnal meal was used by a large warcraft named Bull Ghost that appeared in the plain sea, the meat of its superior species, the Area Boss Dust Wheel Haunted Great Monster Bull.

As for the grid, it is about the same as Larvalepano, the area boss deep in the prison peak, whose meat is very tasty because it contains abundant magic.

Most creatures will soon ascend after eating.

... If you elaborate on your love attributes, you probably won't die if you eat them.

It is the moment when the use of the Holy Sword Watwire is decided on as a knife.

Well, then why did Eva have a ton of that meat?

I collect all dropped items automatically, so Eva didn't have time to get the dropped items.

In response to that question, Eva said:

They're all doing it. And Uluru.

... In short, they recovered supplies by stripping them before killing them.

Doing so would reduce the quality of the drop items, but carnivores such as Uluru and others said they would bite off and eat them as a means of attacking their enemies, and Eva decided that they could collect them if they did.

... Well, good. Because alchemy conversion and smelting can also compensate for quality loss in numbers.

The highly calculated kids like Eva may be fattening their personal bellies with it, but never mind.

I pay everyone for it, but it's money to play with my hobbies and stuff, and the important equipment and consumables are my handmade.

It has nothing to do with me, whether I fatten my stomach or save money or scatter.

Apparently she was satisfied with eating once and for all, Eva moaned her abdomen not even swollen after eating all that and is expressionless and satisfied.

I do not correct my knowledge.

Mallevito is unable to take off the inner due to protection, so it is not possible to reproduce by physical contact in principle, but it is possible to reproduce by physical contact, and Eva seems to be trying to thrive the newcomer mankind (Machinery Azims).

To put it more plainly...... because I have trouble getting my kids pumped.

As things stand, there is no funding to arm Eva's children, as roughly more than 4 million Snow Nation giants are awaiting resuscitation.

So I stop thinking. [M]

Heh, that's how Azims increases. Sirana Cuttaner.

He started walking in the woods with Eva in a good mood for the tower, and not long ago, he was abruptly called from behind.

"If... can you hear me...?

"[Destiny Quest]" The Garden of Lost Dwarves and Flowers "has been issued"

[Destiny Quest]

"The Garden of Lost Dwarves and Flowers"

Conditions of participation

· I encounter dwarves

Conditions of achievement

· Lead dwarves to the garden

Failure condition


· Remarks

Where's the lost dwarf going? There will be spring there.

Of the little fish jumping the creek, the butterflies dancing in the sky and, more importantly, the blooming fairies.

There will be dreams there.

· Major Appearance Demons

Swamp Toad


Escape Scarab


Sharp Mall


Looking back, it was the adorable woman in the apron dress there.

She's a beautiful, wavy blonde.

And he is a dwarf.

It is small enough to appear distorted and spicy in the forest grass.

Smaller than sausage. A bite-sized dwarf.

"... jiuru"

"… ask how do you cook"


"No, I'm just kidding."

The girl hiding in the shade of the grass, the little girl, confirms me as a flicker.

Is she also a kind of God?

I'm curious. Anyway, let's move on with the quest.

"... did you not eat?

"Do you want me to eat?

"Yes, I don't want to!

"Eva reports that she wants you to eat"


Stunningly eye-opening little girl.

I dare you to ignore Eva.

"So, what do I do?

"Oh, uh, the... is in the garden —— slightly better after all...!

"Okay, you should go to the garden."

I grabbed the little girl and caught her trying to pull her into the grass bush for some reason, and decided not to dare go down the road.

I asked Eva, who deployed the mechanical wing, to hold me and leave at low altitude.

"Ask how to cook"

"Ya, just don't eat it!!?

"... he said he wouldn't eat"

I don't think you heard me.

For a while now, a little scream stuck in my hand.

After a while, we reached the lake.

Eva shoots a heat ray into the lake without stopping.

The lake evaporated instantly after a water vapor explosion.

All that remained were boiled frogs and boiled giant frogs.

He then flew further at high speeds and reached the meadows.

Cluster missiles were shot into Bokoska and the meadow turned into scorched earth.

There were beetle fragments rolling around, but that was later.

We flew again for a while, and now we reached the wilderness.

Countless magic arrows (magic arrows) ejected like rivers turned the wilderness upside down and all life reactions were driven away.

Then, we arrived in the garden, took out the flamethrower and landed in control of Eva.

... Finally, why did you try to burn the flower garden? Are you being a jerk? Only Eva knows the truth.

Whatever --

Now you're clearing the quest.

And when I call on the little girl, the little girl...

"cum ~"

I was turning my eyes and fainting.

"[Destiny Quest]" The Garden of Lost Dwarves and Flowers "has been completed"

Fastest time.

And the little girl had no time to say anything, and disappeared to flutter and dissolve into the universe with her eyes turned.

... Sounds like there's something next, and that's when they're going to complain.

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