Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 46: Difficult Issues Impossible Demands

Don! and the roar sounds, and the untouched trees shake, and the leaves dance.

You and the disarmed Buganda are in a fierce dispute over the Monster Maru. on narrow mounds.

Buganda is inferior to you in local power. Put that in gear and medals, job skills' Deputy General (Legatus) '. Spiritual strengthening of the' generous' Knights. It is compensated by clan-aided effects, etc.

Well, those are slight increases in prudence, so your local power in Buganda doesn't reach the critical 500.

It is inferior to the monster circle you can afford even at first glance.

Just in case, I put on a kappa cutlet that came out as a white hero.

Of course I'm moving on because it's going to take a while. [M]

I climbed the hill as I overheard the fierce noise behind me.

From the top of an Iso-windy cliff, look around.

What I saw was a wide ocean.

The sandy beach stretched south with some curves, and pine trees were planted in Atlanta to adorn them, etc.

Of that view, I was particularly curious about five.

Relatively close...... some glowing bamboo grove.

Unnaturally opened ramp meadows ahead through bamboo groves.

This creek is located a little southwest of the meadows.

From there, two village-like buildings to the west.

And finally, an island floating at the tip of the ocean.

All the way to the bamboo grove first, through which the meadows. Then proceed with the creek, the village, and finally it will be good on the island.

I'll try to get to it quickly.

I chill to see two people who are not heavily damaged enough for the roar to be sounding, wave at an unknown gender katse who seems free before leaving the woods behind.

We proceeded along the coast to the sandy beach and arrived in the bamboo grove without taking long.

A little further down the bamboo grove, we soon encountered a large bamboo of kinglikin.

"[Fate (Distiny) Quest]" This is Difficult Day! 'has been decreed'

[Destiny Quest]

"This is Difficult Day!

Conditions of participation

· Getting out on glowing bamboo

Conditions of achievement

· Solve the challenge

Failure condition


· Remarks

Problem with the challenge, Day! If you solve it, there's a reward, Masyo!

The large bamboo was painted thick and low, gold and silver like baobab...... home.

No, it's not a house because there's no entrance or exit.

Well...... what do I do here?

"... should I hang up?

He summoned his heart vessel, deformed it into a machete and refined the slaughter attribute, where he heard his voice.

"Hey hey!? Wait for me, Sayid! I'm not hanging up, De! You're not dead, Mars!?

I heard a rushed voice from the bamboo, so I had no choice but to break down the slaughter attribute and solve the structure.

Then, the person in the bamboo takes a sigh of relief.

"Huh... Bi, surprise shita. Wait a minute, sir."

There was some gossip in the bamboo, waiting for a while, ready day! After the voice said, the bamboo opened with a pacifier.

Is that what you're saying?

Inside was Bigeye kimono beauty with long dark hair.

Sitting in the center of a big, betty object in a soft shade of kimono around the green, the cot had cat goods all over it.

Do you like cats?

Bamboo beauty smiles nicely when she gazes at me.

"My name is Mars, and I love Lady He-night. Regards, Futsuka Monodesga, Mars!

"Yeah, nice to meet you"

I smile back as I greet Mr. Kaguyahime.

Then Mr. Hime changed from a blooming grin to a slightly mean one.

"Suddenly Death Ga, Problem Day!

Apparently, it gets to the point of the quest.

Seeing me snort, Hime opened his mouth when he coughed and toned his voice.

"The answer is easy, Death. Put the asparagus rice in 3 --"

"-- The answer is simple"

"Mm... to..."

To my answer, Hime lost his word after stalling.

Startlessly, Hime opened his blue eyes and, after making him crawl around his gaze in full swing, struck his hand not to mention that he had come up with a proposal.

"Yeah, yeah, of course you're right, Daysyo. But this is Aredes! Cotesilavades! The next problem is the difficulty day!!

"Well, let's hear it."

Already the eyes from the top are on Death to exert pressure. Pressure senseless, mass.

"Uh... wait a minute, Dace... uh... ah"

I felt a light bulb floating over Hime's head.

They've come up with a problem that they call difficult.

Hime opens his mouth confidently ——

"Four pairs in the morning. Two pairs at noon. Three legs at night. Here... Why Shaw?

—— I finished saying as I tilted my neck in doubtful form.


That's how she answered me, and Hime leans her neck against Cotten.

"... Ah, the answer now, Desca? Pfft, that's not why, Dace. More people's feet, Li? Reduced li? There's no reason to, Descar."

I just waved to Hime, who smiled when he shrugged, saying there wasn't any, and I gave him a faceless commentary.

"In the morning when I was just born, four feet because I'm a baby crawling on the ground. Two pairs for a growing day. Three legs because I cane on an old night. So the answer is human."

"... to?

Did you say you were too confident, or did you think you couldn't solve a problem you didn't understand, or did you think it was a problem you didn't have an answer to in the first place?

Probably the latter. Hime, who apparently convinced him, shouted as he let his gaze wander around after the awkwardness.

"Sa, the last problem day!! Answer the eagle's dinner yesterday, Cy!

I won't be able to solve this. And I gave a small, bossy answer to Hime, who said confidently that it was no longer a problem.

"... asparagus rice"


"... Huh!? Hey, nah...?

"[Fate (Distiny) Quest]" This is Difficult Day! Completed "

... I've cleared it.

... although the last one is definitely a challenge.

Don't hesitate, open your mouth like you're in love and gaze at the sharks thinking bluntly, but also check the items you get.

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