Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Lesson 19: Dr. Yakarna's Class

"As you can see, the Golem's generative formula is far less complicated than the common magic formula."

Page 5 also consists of the same form as page 3, where the right is illustrated and the left is described as explanatory.

Because magic basics do not learn more about magic characters (runes), it is not usually possible to read them.

Here is a description of the magic characters (runes) written in the magic formations of the golem-generating technique.

"It is the technique of using the magic of the operator to create a vessel of soul in a designated object that occupies much of the contents of the technique. Therefore, the underlying performance of the golem generated in this procedure is proportional to the power of the surgeon. The Golem is arguably a division of the surgeon."

Humans and thoughtful eyes and mouth rounded human shapes were drawn on the blackboard, and the golem was surrounded by circles and written as a split body at the end of the arrow, with nagging rays coming out of his hands and thoughtful eyes and mouth making horny human shapes.

It's going to come out on the test, but it's the first question to come out on the qualification exam for the fact 'Apprenticeship Puppet Technician'.

For a while there was a sound for all the students to write on the distributed notes, and regardless, Yakarna continued the class.

"The second thing that occupies it is the formula of substance designation. As the content suggests, this technique has the meaning of" manipulating "and mainly designates the objects used by the Golem as the body"

"Doctor, does magic work even if there is a blank space in the procedure?

"Of course it activates. This is called 'directional magic formula complement'. Learn more about magic characters (runes) in the" Magic Basics "class, so take" Magic Basics ""

Simply put, when activated, the surgeon's perception mixed with magic, that is, drawing directional magic, is automatically complemented by a surgical formula. In class, it's simply a 'surgical complement'.

After activation, the recognition of the golem is supplemented by a reading technique, so if the golem becomes highly intelligent, it is free and free whether it is sand, mud, metal or water.

The magic formula a player acquires as a skill is properly determined by the range designation and the number of units designation.

For this reason, in basic theory, the power of magic is dependent on magic, and the power does not change where magic is used.

Then why does it increase in power if it overpowers... because the power of surgical complementarity works in a blank place of magic ceremonies.

... In other words, by pushing the magic into the rubble, nothing written on the outside of the magic formation becomes the scope of the magic formation, and the part with nothing is supplemented by the technique, which increases the magic power.

At that time, because the influence of the underlying surgical formula is used to complement it, in some cases the surgical formula is burned out and the structure collapses.

The power of this surgical complement represents that magic is one end of the power of Genesis that is changed by concepts, and we learn to say nausea on a magical basis.

... the surgical complement is at first glance convenient, but it can actually be me who is complementing it.

It is the part of this surgical complement that is said to complement with imagination, and surgical supplementation by imagination involves the depletion of mental power.

In other words, the magical activation of complete self is exercisable by attribute conversion and imagination, instead of which an enormous drain of mental power occurs.

The girl who asked the question showed a sense of satisfaction and sat down.

"And the third is the art of using the generated golem. The Golem is formed by the directional magic of the operator, who inherits and acquires knowledge of fragments of the operator's soul, but does not have the wisdom to use and act on them. You can't move the golem without the ritual to use it. … with exceptions"

"" "" "Ah, Mr. Yuki" ""

What did you convince me of? Shall we split up and leave behind everyone?

"No, Master Yuki is part of it, of course, but what is generally said to be an exception is a wild golem"

"Uh, wild, or do you think for yourself?"

"Still, Yuki is among the exceptions."

"Exceptions are Yuki."

Yakarna met her hand with Patti so as to control the apprentices who began to talk to Zawazawa.

"Quiet...... We deal with demons of the kind known as Mourning Golems, including wild golems, in the" Demon Ecology and Subordination "class, so take it if you seem concerned. Now open page 7"

The next page provided a detailed explanation of how to generate the core of the golem, along with illustrations.

A common method in this world is to say that demonic stones with a high purity of approximately Level 40 or higher are surgically altered to make them core.

Well, as you can guess at the point where the average level of a soldier is said to be a teenager, you don't get demonic stones with levels 40 or higher that way.

Most labyrinths are demons of the Maze Boss class.

In a different way, there are objects that repair and divert broken cores of golems appearing in the labyrinth, etc., with cement mixed with powdered demon stones, etc.

This basically fails. Even if the golem moves, the core is brittle, so it breaks with impact.

It also says how to put water mixed with powdered demon stones in a special vessel mixed with powdered demon stones, and put high purity demon stone shards there to cover and leave as a reproducible method at the civilized level of the Alba continent.

Essentially, magic has the properties of engaging with each other, so the magic of powdered demon stones is attracted to the demon stones that possess more magic, completing high-purity magic crystals.

If you repeat this, it is possible to mass produce powerful demonic crystals.

… However, since it makes no sense if the power to trap the magic of the vessel does not exceed the amount of magic inside, it is necessary to upgrade the vessel. In addition, if the impurities in which the magic resides are reduced, the more time it takes for the demonic crystals to accumulate.

If you want to give it more problems, it will naturally take a huge amount of demonic stones to produce powerful magic crystals because of the spill of magic in the manufacturing process, which, in tangible terms, will cost you money.

Even if a powerful magic crystal is complete, to make it a golem core, you need to prepare a magic formation for it to gather multiple wizards to perform ritual magic.

The golem, finally completed by the weak over money and time, is... roughly good and level 100.

It is a level that I can make about 10 bodies just by waving one finger.

Well... Sometimes the textbook said that as a way.

Later, correlation of the quality of the required core with the materials, soil, stones, metals, water, etc. that make up the body of the golem.

Table of battle endurance and labor endurance per golem.

Example of a little extra equipment. Examples of combat.

The morning classes ended when I did them all the time.

This afternoon is actually a class where I try to make a golem.

Throughout these classes, the exams will calculate the amount of manipulatable soil per core, or the number of golems required to crush a settlement of 50 goblins.

… this qualification will allow you to take the "Tactical Use of the Golem" class.

Over here, they genuinely move the golem to make it fight, or make it actually play defense battles in virtual space.

Because it's out of the basics, there will be information fees, expenses, or tuition.

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