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At this time, under the majestic Spirit Power, Qin Yichen’s original stalemate Spirit Power was almost destroyed by crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

Then, the majestic Spirit Power, in a path of astonished eyes, went violently towards Qin Yichen.


Yaojie was pale and shouted in anger.

The Spirit Power that he defended was broken, and Qin Yichen’s face was still not scared. He just looked at the blast, just like the mighty Spirit Power that would destroy his Sea of ​​Consciousness. Worrying in general.

“Don’t know what’s wrong!”

Without seeing the horrible face in his imagination, Yaojie still felt a little unhappy in his mind. If it was not because he wanted to take him, he really wanted to detain the sharp-tongued guy and let him taste the torture. .


Qin Yichen is also sneaked in his mind, which is an extremely powerful medicine in the eyes of an outsider, but it is no different in his mind.

In all respects, Yaojie is incomparable to him. The result of this kind of fighting is simply no suspense.


Suddenly, Yao Jie’s face was smirk, because he noticed that the Spirit Power after the increase of the three-foot black flame tripod was about to fall on Qin Yichen, but it seemed as if he was directly attacked by a sharp sword. rip.

“How can this be?!”

Yao Jie’s face turned into a deep horror, and her eyes were filled with incredible color.

That Spirit Power, he didn’t have any retention, and after the increase of the 3-foot black flame tripod, Yao Jie confident that even the Pill Master of Heaven Grade Peak could not tear it so easily.

However, at the moment, he felt that under the Spirit Power emanating from Qin Yichen, his own offensive was like a pale white paper, which was easily torn.

“How can this degree of solidity be higher than mine …”

“Impossible, this is impossible!”

Yaojie growled incredibly in his heart, how could he not believe that Spirit Power, which would have foreigners, was even more solid than hiss.

Even some powerful pharmacists have said that, except for those well-known holy-level Pill Masters, on this 10000-family continent, you can never find a higher degree of solidity than his Spirit Power!

However, at the moment he clearly feels how far away he is from his proud Spirit Power compared to the guy in front of him.

“Not good !”

Suddenly, Yaojie’s body was trembled. He noticed that Qin Yichen was also slightly lifts the head at that moment, and his indifferent gaze projected at him.

Urging 3 feet of black flame tripod, and under full force, Yao Jie ’s Spirit Power body is a bit empty at this time, and even if he is in the heyday, he is not sure that he will withdraw under the Spirit Power. .

The most important thing is that Yao Jie felt that the indifference in the eyes of the latter would definitely not be like other races. Considering his identity, he intuitively told him that the latter would definitely not keep him.

At this critical juncture, Yaojie suddenly remembered what Qin Yichen said before Doudan.

“I’ll forgive you once if you sincerely apologize and apologize.”

Looking back at the time when Qin Yichen said this sentence, the latter looked serious, but Yao Jie simply didn’t take it seriously, but regarded it as a taunt.

Apologize, admit defeat?

This is a huge insult to the proud Yaojie, and, at the moment, countless people are watching.

Asking him to apologize is even worse than killing him!

However, at this moment, it seems that he does not have all other options.

He had no doubt that Qin Yichen would shoot at him regardless of his identity.

And that kind of attack was not what he could bear.

If in the battle with External Race people, his Spirit Power is destroyed, I am afraid that this will also become a stain that cannot be erased in the history of the drug race!

This kind of ugly thing, even the drug race, will not openly avenge him, and even if he loses Spirit Power, he will be completely reduced to a wasteful person, when the time comes, I am afraid that the first one to abandon him will be Will be a pharmacist.


During Yao Jie’s hesitation, a faint wave of volatility had already blasted out following the previous wave of the mighty Spirit Power.

“I surrender!”

A voice with sorrow and indignation finally came out of the proud Yaojie.


As his voice came out, the ray of Spirit Power that had reached him was also a little trembling, and then drifted away.

“Admit defeat? Yaojie admit defeat ?!”

“My God, am I right?”

“Why would he admit defeat, wouldn’t he already be able to crush the boy on the opposite side?”

All of this is just a few breaths of work, most of the onlookers, even in the shock of Spirit Power before Yaojie.

Originally, they were all in a stance of seeing a good show. However, the situation turned out to be a shocking reversal, and Yaojie gave up.

The reason for this is not clear to a few people at all.

“This guy, it turned out to be playing the pig to eat the tiger!”

“Which Old Guy did he deliberately pretend to look like to fight against the reputation of the drug race?”

“It’s unlikely, that kind of thing, which Old Guy pulls such a face, and if there is such a thing, will the guys in the pharmacy be unaware?”

At this time, the tall restaurant in the inner area has been paying attention to the dynamic powerhouses on the drug market side, and was surprised to see the final result.

Yao Jie is definitely a leader among the younger generation of Yao clan. His strength is obvious to all.

Moreover, with Yao Jie’s temperament, he could not admit defeat without any reason, and of course, something must have happened that they did not notice!

At the top of the restaurant, Jin Mi’s complexion also became completely gloomy as Yao Jie’s mouth conceded.

“Haha, really a good guy, Brother Jin Mi, then I will retreat first!”

On the side, Qing Yan’s eyes were shocked too, then he laughed heartily, got up and went out.

Such a young Heaven Grade Pill Master, but also defeated Yao Jie, I am afraid that this matter will spread throughout the entire 10000 monster city in a very short time, and even, 10000 clan territory!

Qing Ye is the man who swallowed the Azure Sable Clan. The swallow of the Azure Sable Clan is so huge that it has attracted countless races, but their ability to reproduce is extremely poor, even compared to the drug race. To be worse.

Even if the heritage is strong, but the long years, the Azure Sable Clan is a bit green.

Along the way with Alchemy Dao, they were even more suppressed by other races, and they did not draw the power of the drug clan at all. At this moment, Qing Ye naturally did not want to let go.

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