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Silent Zelin, marked by the 10000 clan as a dangerous area, even the Holy Powerhouse, dare not break into it.

Because the vast majority of these areas are remnants of ancient Magical Powers, and the Magical Powers have been preserved in a special way under endless years.

In Silent Zelin, basically, every residual Magical Powers is triggered, which means that a powerhouse has fallen.

With the first test of Mo Sheng’s apprenticeship set here, Zelin, the sparsely populated place, also became lively. From there, from time to time, the roar of the murderer’s rage sounded, and occasionally, there were some screams from the powerhouses of various races.

Even if many people have so-called safe route maps, within a few days, at least several hundred or even thousands of powerhouses have fallen among them.

Because the maps described are just that they can avoid the route of some residual Magical Powers, but they can’t avoid the ominous beast!

Of course, the vast majority of these falling powerhouses did not die in the hands of ominous beast, but were secretly black hands from powerhouses of other races.

Almost, as long as it is a little common sense powerhouse, in the silent Zelin, rarely team up, after all, will of the people is vicious, greedy desire, is the most terrifying!

Only friends from the same race who have high trust will go together.

However, at this time, nobody knew that a slender silhouette appeared in an area that was positioned as Extremely Dangerous by many races.

That silhouette is exactly Qin Yichen!

At this time, he was extremely dignified, and in the corner of his mouth, he also had a helpless bitter smile.

After all, it was dangerous to avoid those residual Magical Powers. Who knows, the marsh in front of him is so strange.

Just the kind of hot air that was brought up when the bubbles burst caused him a tingle in his heart.

The flowing black liquid is more terrifying than the fiery red lava!

With his arrogant flesh, he is confident in moving freely in lava, but he is afraid of the bottom of the flowing black liquid.

Moreover, he had no doubt that he believed that the tyrannical body could not withstand this black liquid at all!

Why did you break into such a ghost place!

Qin Yichen groaned in his heart.

However, at this time, even knowing that there is an unknown and terrifying danger ahead, Qin Yichen did not dare to stay here.

After all, he didn’t know if the remaining Magical Powers were slowed down by the fall of the night, would it be the next instant, and would be restored again.

Although, he has practiced the Small Supreme of Great Saint’s Supreme body, and even if he faces ordinary holy powerhouses, he is confident that he will not be crushed.

However, he is not arrogant enough to think that with these strengths, he can compete with residual Magical Powers!

After knowing the danger of Space Crack above Skyrim, Qin Yichen naturally did not dare to fly freely, and the marsh ahead was such a weird sign, and Qin Yichen was definitely afraid to try the feasibility of it easily.

Immediately, his body was pulled up, as if floating, cautiously swept away toward the front.

In this wandering space, his spirit is also tense, always keeping an eye on the residual ancient Magical Powers in all around. Once he finds the residual ancient Magical Powers in ten zhang in the mist, he will avoid it far away. .

This is also fortunate that his Spirit Power is relatively powerful. Otherwise, in the fog where the visibility will not exceed a few feet at all, I am probably unconsciously long ago, which is to stimulate the ancient Magical Powers, so that he cannot die completely.

As Qin Yichen moved forward, the heat wave from the swamp under his feet became stronger and stronger, the terrifying scorching gas even made Qin Yichen unbearable and had to spur True Origin. To withstand this almost suffocating heat wave.


When Qin Yichen just urged True Origin to resist, he suddenly found that the space he was in seemed to be quiet.

Even, he felt that several ancient Magical Powers in the distance had stalled.

“what happened?”

Detecting such a strangeness, Qin Yichen’s pupils suddenly shrank. In the face of this situation, there was no trace of happiness in his heart, and some were just a vigilance for unknown things, and even … some fear!

Why did this happen suddenly?

Could he have spurred True Origin, what ancient Magical Powers or banned it?

“pu! pu! ”

However, before Qin Yichen pondered the reason, he realized that the swamp under his feet seemed to be quiet for a moment, those huge bubbles reappears, and then continued to burst …

Moreover, with this cycle of continuous destruction and rebirth, Qin Yichen also noticed that the volume of those bubbles is also getting larger and larger, the size of about one zhang from the very beginning gradually became 30 feet or even 4 Zhang size!

That looks like it’s under the swamp, something terrifying is waking up!


Suddenly, if several bubbles are connected together, a ten zhang-sized bubble suddenly rises. When Qin Yichen has not yet responded, it is a sudden burst. A huge wave of air directly Qin Yichen took off.


Qin Yichen’s heart was inwardly shouted, and he was afraid of the hot air, and kept a distance on purpose. At the moment, an accidentally, but was shocked right away.

The hot air is completely different from the ordinary hot air. It seems to be able to ignite everything. Under this shock, Qin Yichen feels that the True Origin of himself within the body, even blood and cells, are It was extremely uncomfortable to be baked.

More importantly, when Qin Yichen was about to forcibly fly away, he found that his True Origin and body were completely out of control. In his fangs’ gaze, he watched as he drew dry towards the bottom. Falling out of the swamp.

He can even see that those black liquids are not ordinary liquids at all, just like little bugs with life, slowly creeping.

As he approached, Qin Yichen seemed to smell the smell of death.

“Laozi I’s famous name, would it be so unclear to die in such a ghost place ?!”

At this time, Qin Yichen couldn’t help but closed his eyes, but in his heart, he shouted a bit.


Before falling on the black “liquid”, Qin Yichen has already smelled the smell of his body being burnt, and some white smoke has even risen from his body.

That looks like if he is the whole person, he has to be melted by the terrifying heat!

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