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The reason why Qin Yichen intentionally exposed the 10000 Taobao Breastplate parts is only to deliberately use it to deceive others that’s all.

After all, under the siege of that many powerhouse, he almost ignored other people’s attacks and crazy slaughter, which made it easy for people to know his defensive treasure.

If it is known, his breastplate is a part of 10000 Taoism, and there is no comparable on the entire 10000 continent. I am afraid that the dynamics that will be caused are not what he can bear.

When the time comes, I am afraid that it is not only the Holy Powerhouse, but even the top Powerhouse, who will be impressed!

At the moment, Qin Yichen deliberately revealed the breastplate at this time, and under its control, the breastplate also became a little tattered. With that quaint color, it is easy to make people think that this breastplate Has reached the brink of shabby.

Even if it can be repaired, it can only resist attacks below the Holy Level.

When the time comes, even if someone is embarrassed, there will not be too terrifying powerhouse, to tear down his face to snatch for a defense below the Holy Level.

Most importantly, Qin Yichen noticed that in the dark someone seemed to be watching his every move.

This feeling was so obscure that Qin Yichen couldn’t find anyone in the dark, but his keen sense let him know that the feeling of peeping was real!


“It’s funny, even Jin Mi was defeated by him.”

In the air, Chen Xun’s mouth evoked a smile: “In this way, the probability that the boy is a Human Race is extremely low.”

On the side, Mo Sheng brows tightly knit, but it is also nodded.

Although Human Race is the spirit of 10000 things, however, any Peak race on the 10000-ethnic continent has its own uniqueness. The battle strength between its peers can be said to be enough to stabilize Human Race.

Qin Yichen, however, is only a senior. Compared to Jin Mi, realm is one level lower, but he can beat Jin Mi.

Even if he has a defense that is almost invincible below the Holy Level, the last attack proves his terrifying strength.

Jin Mi, even among the young geniuses of the 10000 ethnic continent, is not weak, and can be defeated in a situation that is inferior to a realm. I am afraid that Qin Yichen’s background is not only not weaker than Jin Mi, even … …

“Hehe, Mo Sheng, this opportunity is extremely rare …”

Thinking of that possibility, Mo Sheng and Chen Xun’s eyes flashed with different colors.


“This guy……”

“No wonder he dared to break in here without fear!”

“Even Jin Mi’s full strength attack can be resisted. We want to kill him, I’m afraid he won’t be exhausted.”

After a long period of time, countless powerhouses came back to his senses from the shock of Jin Mi’s defeat. When a line of sight was looked towards Qin Yichen, it was full of intense fear.

In just a quarter of an hour before, there were more than 100 powerhouses falling down. If the guy who did n’t know how many heaven defying elixir was exhausted, how many powerhouses would be killed or injured?

The thought of everyone here is a cold.

At this time, those powerhouses who were thinking about the Qin Yichen medicine recipe thought their heads were low, for fear that Qin Yichen would notice them.

“Haha, Brother Qin is really mighty!”

At this time, Qing Ye also walked to Qin Yichen, said with a big smile.

“Get out of here soon.”

However, to the surprise of Qing Qing, Qin Yichen did not have a little joy on his face, but whispered very solemnly.

Hearing this, Qingyan’s eyes and pupils shrank slightly. When they got so close, he realized that the breath on Qin Yichen’s body was extremely disordered.

Obviously, being able to defeat Jin Mi is not as easy as they seem.

In the end, the ghost shadow stick in Jin Mi ’s hands was shaken away. For Qin Yichen, I ’m afraid it did n’t take a lot of effort. Moreover, the previous Jin Mi ’s attack, although Qin Yichen resisted unhurtly, He certainly wasn’t as easy as it seemed.


Suddenly, Qingye’s frowned, glanced far away. In those places, there seemed to be some familiar atmosphere coming. He drank aloud, facing Qin Yichen nodded, dragging Qin Yichen with True Origin, then Flying away towards the distance.

Seeing this, the several powerhouses who followed Qing Ye were also followed along quickly.

At this point, they no longer value Qin Yichen because of Qing Ye, but because of the strength of the latter, which they admire from their hearts!

In the face of the departure of their entire group, the remaining 1000 powerhouses, each and everyone looked at each other, faced with young people, and left Qin Yichen in the hearts of countless people who could hardly surpass the shadow, but no one dared Go forward to stop, and finally can only watch under their eyes and watch them leave.

“That guy, what race is it from?”

“Such a strong existence, why haven’t you heard of it before?”

“Is it someone of the Peak race who is closer to swallowing Azure Sable Clan?”

After Qin Yichen’s entire group left, a path of whispering voices rang out in the mountain range of Lezier.

Numerous powerhouses are curious about Qin Yichen’s identity, but the latter seems to be a Human Race, and there is no trace of his own race at all.

Of course, for the status of Human Race, almost no powerhouse has thought about it.

After all, as long as Human Race is not in captivity, and dares to openly appear on the 10000 continent, it will certainly cause countless powerhouses to scramble for shots.

How could a Human Race dare to appear here so boldly where such heroes meet?

Therefore, for the identity of Qin Yichen, in the hearts of countless powerhouses, it is more suspected that he is from the Peak race.

There are not many races that can be transformed into human figures without revealing their own racial aura, and each of them has a daunting background.

And after Qin Yichen they left for about ten minutes, the four silhouettes appeared like ghosts in the messy ground.

A few moments later, it was the powerhouse that had not left to discover these silhouettes that appeared suddenly.

When looking at these silhouettes, the powerhouses looked intent, and quickly drew back their eyes, without any pause, quickly rushing towards the outside.

“The breath of the ghost shadow stick …”

“Sure enough, it was Jin Mi who started here.”

“Strange, why is the other breath so strange? It’s not Qingying.”

“No, this is not just a wave of True Origin …”

On the dreaded ground, these silhouettes quickly searched the area, and then 4 people stood together, and a path of murmur came slowly.

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