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In the great hall of the City Lord Mansion, Mo Sheng seemed to have been waiting for Qin Yichen if he knew he would come over.

“Master, I’m ready.”

Qin Yichen said after giving a gift to Mo Sheng.

10000 Monster Battle Domain, which is extremely dangerous. Although there are many races that will put Junior in their clan into it for training, but in the end, they can survive.

However, every powerhouse that came out after 10000 cruel battle domains such as the brutal competition baptism, as long as it finally grows up, it can become a huge champion with no exception.

Looking at the fearless young man in front of him, Mo Sheng seemed to remember his style when he was young. On his face, there was a touch of unfavorable love.

Being able to receive such an excellent disciple on the occasion of the arrival of the limit is enough to make up for many of his regrets.

“Good apprentice, I want to remind you that although no one dares to do anything to you on the bright side, once you enter the 10000 Monster Battle Domain, you will be discovered by others.”

“When the time comes, those guys will certainly try their best to intercept you in the 10000 Monster Battle Domain, and the danger there will only be greater than what you meet in Silent Zelin.”

After a little groaning, Mo Sheng could not help reminding.

Because of the slaughter in Silent Zelin, Qin Yichen didn’t know how many big shots he cared for.

It was also because of his godly race identity and Mo Sheng top powerhouse disciple that no one dared to cast aside all considerations for face on him.

However, if he enters the 10000 Monster Battle Domain, once he is discovered, it can be imagined that those big shots will definitely launch an irreconcilable pursuit of him.

Moreover, the 10000 Monster Battle Domain is different from the previous first test. There is no age limit in it!

“If there’s no challenge, I’m useless if I go in?”

Qin Yichen smiled indifferently towards Mo Sheng, unlike the expression that would appear when he was about to face great danger, and even his expression was quite free and easy, as if he was just going to do something unrelated to itching.

Grinding life and death is the fastest way to increase strength.

Just like Li Yuanba, his strength and strength by advanced by leaps and bounds are inseparable from the blood-stained battlefield.

“I didn’t think you were wrong, but if you don’t feel like going to it, go to a few transfer points there and come out earlier.”

Mo Sheng was satisfied with the nodded, reminded.

Immediately, he took out a copper lamp from one side and said to Qin Yichen: “Good disciple, this is the Soul Lamp that can be ignited by your mind.”

“As long as you light this lamp, the teacher will know where you are. Even if you encounter danger, the teacher will instantly know your position so that you can hurry up to save you.

“Now, you light it first.”

“Quite Soul Lamp?”

Qin Yichen heart shivered with cold, looking at the Soul Lamp, he was a little surprised.

After originally intending to worship the teacher, with this reputation, he was able to walk between the 10000 ethnic continents and the Human Race, which would also make it easier for him to rescue the Human Race.

And now, Mo Sheng told him to light the Soul Lamp, no matter where he was, he could not hide Mo Sheng!

Once found he appeared in the scope of Shengtianfu, I am afraid that Mo Sheng will doubt him!

Once it was known that he was a Human Race, with this lead Soul Lamp, he had nowhere to run.

“Good disciple, what’s wrong?”

Mo Sheng looked at Qin Yichen with a smile, as if asking a little doubt.

Quoting Soul Lamp is extremely precious, but it is not too rare. Some distinguished people will leave Soul Lamp in their own clan or Master.

Moreover, with this Soul Lamp, if Qin Yichen comes out of the 10000 Monster Battle Domain, he can immediately know that even if someone wants to intercept Qin Yichen in secret, with him, he can definitely get 10000 without a loss.

“This Soul Lamp has almost the same effect as one of my family.”

Qin Yichen’s face didn’t change color, she laughed slightly, and then Spirit Power poured out, lighting the Soul Lamp.

Mo Sheng’s eyes narrowed slightly when he heard Qin Yichen’s words.

In other words, where is he now on the 10000-ethnic continent and the race behind him is known?

Immediately, Mo Sheng was also nodded, put away the Soul Lamp, and after a few more orders, his robe shook, his arm protruded, and a dry finger made a slight stroke above the space.


As this thin finger passed, the space there was like a quiet lake thrown into a stone, and ripples opened and closed.

A space crack about the size of one zhang emerged under this ripple.

“Go, I’ll wait for you to come back.”

Mo Sheng signaled to Qin Yichen full of love.

After the latter bowed to him for a gift, his body moved into the Space Crack.


As he entered, the ripples in the space gradually reduced, and the Space Crack gradually disappeared.

And in the disappearance of this Space Crack, a mighty silhouette suddenly appeared in the great hall.

“Mo Sheng, you really can’t wait.”

This silhouette is truly the master of the 10000 Demon Domain, the 10000 City Demon City … Chen Xun!

“The matter has to be considered in the long run.”

As for Chen Xun’s appearance, Mo Sheng seemed to have no surprise at all. At this time, the peaceful and caring color on his face had disappeared, and it was replaced by a grave expression.

“Why? Even if he is smart, is it possible that he can escape from your palm?”

Chen Xun chuckled, said.

“Soul Lamp is also cited in the race behind him.”

Mo Sheng shook the head, said solemnly.

Hearing this, Chen Xun’s complexion changed dramatically.

“When he breaks through to the Holy Level, think of a way, but it must not be in the 10000 monsters …”

Chen Xun groaned a little, and finally said with some dignity.


This is a vast and endless Heaven and Earth. The sky is blue, white clouds are floating, and it looks extremely beautiful.

Looking away, you can find that this is a ruin that looks like countless battles.

Throughout Heaven and Earth, there is a blood-reeking qi that is completely different from that beautiful scene.

Above the sky, there are swarms of flying beasts passing by, and the sharp screams echoed between Heaven and Earth.

In a more distant place, I can occasionally see reminders of the huge Spirit Beast and some powerhouses killing, and the shouting roar spread far away.

This piece of Heaven and Earth is like an endless battlefield, with tragic traces everywhere.

At this time, somewhere in the sky, a wave of space surged up and down.


Immediately, on top of a ruin, a Space Crack ripped apart, and then a silhouette burst out from it, and finally landed on a boulder in the ruins.

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