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Once Qin Yichen’s identity is revealed, everything he has done on the 10000 ethnic continent will be wiped out.

The Feilale Chamber of Commerce established by one hand, many Human Races evoked by him by blood, and even the swallowing of the green mink and the foxes are not immune.

And the most terrifying is that those races that are glare like a tiger watching his prey outside will definitely invade Human Race at all costs!

The limit of lifelessness is not far away. With his own power, how can he compete with those leopard wolves that glare like a tiger watching his prey?

Human Race can’t stand this frustration.

Once Shengtianfu falls, the only breeding place of Human Race cannot survive. When the time comes, the Human Race brought by Hongjun Old Ancestor will be plunged into the water again.

“Father, why don’t I go out first and wait for Mo Sheng to fall, then I will come back.”

Looking at the thoughtless sky, Qin Yichen clenched the teeth, said.


The sky shook the head, saying: “Mo Sheng is harboring malicious intentions to you. If you go out, you are undoubtedly bringing about one’s own destruction.”

Hearing this, Qin Yichen complexion stiffened, his natural way Mo Sheng did not have any good intentions for him, so after coming out of the 10000 family Battle Domain, he did not even go to the 10000 monster city.

“Strange, if Mo Sheng knew your location, he wouldn’t allow you to run so far.”

The sky was frightened, and the mouth was tightly knit, muttered in the mouth: “Isn’t Soul Lamp in his hands?”

Hearing this, Qin Yichen pupil suddenly shrinks, the black robed man in the Battle Domain of the 10000 family suddenly comes to his mind.

At the time, while being chased by countless holy powerhouses, he didn’t have to do everything to hide all kinds of concealed breath, but he couldn’t escape the pursuit of those powerhouse.

This reason is nothing more than the mysterious black robed man who always informs the powerhouses where Qin Yichen is.

“Can it be said that Soul Lamp is on that black robed man?”

Qin Yichen hesitated a moment and explained his conjecture.

“Not without this possibility.”

God groaned for a moment, nodded, and said, “The 10000 family Battle Domain is the place left by the ancestors of Phoenix Clan. Mo Sheng has been warned, and he would never dare to step in.”

“You’re in Human Race, and I’ll figure it out.”

Finally, Tian Wuming murmured, walking slowly towards the outside.

Looking at the old silhouette that was gradually disappearing in the temple, Qin Yichen felt that the tip of his nose was sore.

This old man, has quietly guarded Human Race 2 for 10000 years.

Even the top powerhouse, exhausting all means, can’t resist the passage of time. 2 10000 years, this is the limit of lifelessness.

At this time, any heavenly materials earthly treasures can’t extend lifespan.

What can make Tian Wuming persist until now is the obsession with Human Race!

He can’t rest assured of Human Race!

Once he lost his top powerhouse, no one was able to pick up the beam at the Human Race with no connections.

Even powerhouses such as Gong Queqing are giants on one side, but giants are not enough to deter 10000 families!

At this time, Tian Wuming knew about the crisis that Qin Yichen might bring, but still let the latter stay in Human Race. This kind of fearless made Qin Yichen impressed.

In fact, how does Qin Yichen not know that the Soul Lamp is ignited by his mind, unless he soul flew away and scattered, otherwise the Soul Lamp can always know his position!

Although Tian Wu Ming is a top powerhouse, he can’t do anything about this kind of thing.

“I can only go one step at a time …”

In the end, Qin Yichen took a long breath and looked through the window of the temple, looking towards the city under the heavenly palace like a giant dragon.


In the inner area near Shengtianfu, huge courtyards stand among them.

On those streets, countless passers-by are looking up enviously at the magnificent mansion.

These houses are only eligible for Peak forces that have made significant contributions to Human Race.

Qin Yichen’s family has already moved here in Taihao’s Holy Land.

Being able to live here is undoubtedly a great glory. I don’t know how many people are envious of them.

At this point, it’s time for dinner again.

Qin Baihe sits on top, and below it, Qin Haoran and Du Binglan sit.

On the other side, it is the senior management of Feila Chamber of Commerce such as Ye Liangchen and Sister Shu Ruyan.

This group of people sat at the dinner table, but there was no sound, and no one touched the chopsticks at the meals at that table.

Being able to gather here would have been a matter of pride.

However, at this time, even Lord Qin Baihe, who likes to show off, is happy that does not raise.

A line of sight, from time to time looking forward to the empty stools and chairs … where is Qin Yichen’s position.

It has been more than 2 years since Qin Yichen left with Xiao Linger.

During this time, no trace of Qin Yichen’s voice came back, and he disappeared like a disappearance without a trace as if the world had evaporated.

“Lord, uncle and aunt, Brother Qin will be fine.”

At a certain moment, Ye Liangchen finally couldn’t stand this depressive aura, opened the mouth and said.

“Yes, wasn’t there a messenger of Holy Heaven Palace half a month ago? Qin Yichen should be in retreat.”

Aside, Shu Xin said softly with big eyes.

In the past few years, the original spicy Shu Xin has transformed into a little beauty. Compared with Shu Ruyan on the side, it is not inferior and has its own taste.

“That man really belongs to Holy Land? Are you really confused?”

Qin Baihe glanced at Ye Liangchen, shouted.

After hearing this, Ye Liangchen couldn’t help shrinking his neck. It seemed that what he planned was seen by Lord Son.

“This kid is really, more than 2 years, no matter how busy you have to send a message back.”

Aside, Qin Haoran also sighed.

In fact, he also knew for a long time that the so-called Holy Angels of the Heavenly Mansion were arranged by Ye Liangchen, all to make them feel at ease.

Qin Haoran did not blame Ye Liangchen’s behavior.

“You still have a face to talk to, how did you father do this? Your son and your granddaughter haven’t heard for more than 2 years, aren’t you in a hurry?”

However, Qin Haoran’s words had not yet come to an end, and Lord’s spear turned sharply at him.

Listening to Lord’s scolding, Qin Haoran corner of mouth twitching, the hand that was preparing to pick up the chopsticks froze in the air.

“The past few days, I heard some remarks in the city, they said that Qin Zizi could not come back!”

Qin Baihe’s face was gloomy, and his eyes were terrifying like a tiger who wanted to eat people.

Hearing his words, the faces of everyone changed, and the whole hall was in a state of depression.

“Lord, who do you think I can’t come back?”

Just then, a hearty voice suddenly sounded through the hall.

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