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The ripples above the sky were rippling, and the transparent mask over Holy Land was too turbulent at this time.

Above the reticle, circles of flowing lines turned out to be erased directly by the fierce storm.

“These two guys!”

Seeing this scene, Yu 1000 Qiu face changed. With his palm raised, the majestic True Origin sprayed out, turned into a huge beam of light, and injected into the mask above.

Seeing the Palace Lord at his side Bei Hao Dian, he dared not have any reservations. He immediately urged True Origin to follow closely and inject.

Under the maintenance of the two of them, although the mask was still shaking, but fortunately, not at all showed signs of cracking and opening as before.

Above the sky, rising winds, scudding clouds, and countless lines of sight are all staring closely at the sky.

In that mid-air, two terrifying forces, fiercely, struck, and the forces on both sides were quickly consumed in that erosion.

However, looking at it, the glare of white light is obviously more domineering, the gorgeous rays of light flying between the shots, completely hiding the silhouette of Qin Yichen.

After the huge gun shadow, the grave expression on the face of the 10000 sun is full of grave expression, but in his mind, it has already set off a stormy sea.

He has urged Diri Physique of Da Ri, and there is absolutely nothing left for this blow!

Refuting 10000 Yang believes that under this blow of his own, even the ordinary holy-level intermediate powerhouse must be cautious.

However, in the face of his full strength attack, the guy did not evade in the slightest, and even, with a pair of Iron Fist, he actually resisted his attack!

Although at this time, it seems that he has the absolute upper hand, but there is no smile on the face of the 10000 sun, he feels that the guy is like an indestructible city wall, no matter how aggressive he is Can’t destroy it.

Moreover, because of his frustration, his unprecedented aggressiveness has begun to fail.

The strength that contended with the gun shadow has begun to erode gradually.

“Not good !”

Suddenly, refusing to face change of 10000 Yang, exclaimed in my heart.


While refuting the 10000 Yangs want to maintain that long spear, above the sky, Qin Yichen’s drink sounded suddenly.

In this loud voice, a violent force whistled from the fist of Qin Yichen.

Countless people’s pump suddenly shrank, staring at the most intense place of the gorgeous rays of light.


With a slight sound, in the shock of a path of eyes, on top of that unparalleled gun shadow, it was the same as the previous offensive, and a crack of a path of cracked.


Finally, with a crisp sound, the dazzling rays of light burst apart, and a substantive iris flared above the sky.

Under this aperture, the clouds in the sky are destroyed by life, and the sky becomes extremely bright.

The violent True Origin storm is still raging above the sky, and the scene at the center of the explosion has already appeared in everyone’s sight.

There, a silhouette kept a bow-like posture.

At this time, the robe on his upper body was torn into a strip by the violent storm, revealing the strong muscles below, and his hair was also dancing with the wind. In time, he could vaguely see a firm silhouette.

Looking at the silhouette that stood at the core of the explosion, but there was no half-injured body, the whole film Between Heaven and Earth fell into a dead silence.

“you win.”

Looking at that silhouette, half-sounding, the head of the 10000 Yang Gao proudly lowered slightly, and slowly spit out from his mouth.

At this time, in the heart of refuting 10000 Yang, the kind of jealousy and shame finally scattered ashes and dispersed smoke as his full strength attack was destroyed.

In this world, powerhouse is respected.

Ignored in the matter of the ladder, refuted 10000 Yang, and the main reason was that Qin Yichen at that time was just a junior in the imperial realm!

The imperial realm, in his eyes, can crush a large area with a pinch.

So, for Qin Yichen’s identity, he is very unhappy!

Originally, he was still a sane person, but because of Qin Yichen’s humiliation in Holy Land of 10000 Spirits, he finally made him unable to restrain that kind of anger.

After learning the news of the latter in Holy Land, he rushed over in anger.

Originally, he wanted to humiliate Qin Yichen in front of everyone in Tai Ha Holy Land, and let him know how incapable to withstand a single blow is in his own eyes.

However, refuting 10000 Yang also didn’t expect. In this short period of more than 2 years, the latter not only broke through to the Holy Level, but even failed to defeat it under his full strength attack.

Even repelling 10000 yang feels, this guy has reservations!

At this time, refute 10000 Yang finally knew why in the Holy Heaven Palace, the attention of those powerful people were all attracted by Qin Yichen, so that he was left aside.

In just 2 years, there has been such terrifying progress. This guy has such a halo that he deserves it!

Faced with such an evil spirit, even if a genius is like refuting 10000 suns, he has to lower his proud head.


Qin Yichen retracted his arms slowly, arching his hands, said.

“Brother Qin, what are you talking about? Just say it!”

Refuting the 10000 sun to take a deep breath, the dazzling luster on his body gradually dissipated. Obviously, he completely gave up.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yichen’s eyes also flashed a look of wonder. In his mind, the impression of refuting 10000 yang is a little higher.

Originally, the impression of refuting 10000 Yang in his heart was not good. It should be about the same as Ying Xinghui and Nie Shengrui.

Moreover, because of the latter’s rumors, the unknown changes in Lu Linghan made Qin Yichen angry with him.

If it were not for the persuasion of Gu Yuan, I am afraid that this meeting today would have defeated the latter mercilessly. Even if it is for the sake of 10000 Holy Land, forgive him, I am afraid Qin Yichen will An insurmountable Heart Demon is left in my heart!

However, it now seems that refuting 10000 Yang is not as unbearable as he thinks, at least, he is also a person who can afford to put down.

Perhaps it is possible to refute the misunderstandings mentioned before 10000 Yang.

“Refuse me, I’m just joking that’s all.”

Qin Yichen shook the head, chuckling.

Hearing this appellation, there was also a touch of wonder in the 10000 sun eyes. After a moment, he breathed a sigh of relief, and a look of bitter smile appeared on his face.

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