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If it was put in the past, I am afraid that no side Holy Land would like to be too close to Tai Hao Holy Land.

However, today’s Taihao Holy Land is undoubtedly the existence of each Holy Land who wants to make a good relationship.

“Autumn 1000, the natural phenomenon here just now is caused by Holy Land refuting 10000 positive Holy Sons?”

After entering a great hall in Tahoe Holy Land, the messenger of St. Martial City couldn’t help asking.

Around a dozen Holy Lords also raised their ears.

At the end, there was a bright light of ten thousand zhang on the side of Holy Land. The kind of terrifying wave, even if they were a Holy Lord, they couldn’t help but move.

“Well, it’s refuting Holy Son.”

Yu 1000 Qiu glanced at the Holy Lord and said.

These guys are obviously aware of the 10000 Yang confrontation with Qin Yichen.

In the Holy Land area, holy powerhouses were prohibited from fighting. However, because of their special identities, even the messengers of St. Martial City only appeared after their end.

“The other person …”

After hearing Yu 1000 Qiu’s answer, everyone’s eyes and eyes narrowed, and they could compete with the 10000 sun. In this area of ​​Holy Land, I am afraid I can’t find a few.

“Did you not see it?”

Yu 1000 autumn frowned, lightly saying.

Hearing this, everyone was awkwardly laughed, but in the depths of their eyes, there was a touch of horror that was difficult to hide.

The one who fought 10000 Yang is really Qin Yichen? !!

Qin Yichen’s reputation was boosted by the income of Shengtianfu, but the impression he left in everyone’s mind was nothing but the junior strength of the imperial realm.

After all, they have never put Qin Yichen on the same footing as Heaven’s Chosen Child like 10000 Yang.

However, no one thought that it was only more than 2 years, that the latter had the strength to fight against the 10000 sun that had broken through to the holy level.

And, although they didn’t show up, everyone clearly felt that Qin Yichen’s battle was obviously better!

Tahoe Holy Land, is about to rise!

The faces of more than a dozen Holy Lords were slightly condensed, and in their hearts, they all had the same single thought.

In just two years, Tahoe Holy Land not only added the holy powerhouse, Palace Lord, the North Hao Temple, but more importantly, the evildoer was so powerful.

It’s not hard to imagine that in the future, if Qin Yichen is not unexpected, it will definitely become a giant of the Human Race!

With his shelter, the rise of Tahoe Holy Land is already overwhelming!


After leaving from Tai Hao Holy Land, Qin Yichen also returned to Twilight Duchy.

In Xia Ziyi’s resentful eyes, Xia Ziling chose to leave with Qin Yichen.

Although Xia Ziyi is a Pill Refining Master, his innate talent on Martial Dao Road is a bit horrible.

However, from the usual care and the crisis of this time, it is not difficult to see that Xia Ziyi has a certain style of Free and Unfettered King.

Handing Twilight Duchy to him can also be reassuring.

Moreover, the appearance of Qin Yichen is also to make the negative rumors self-defeating, and those dynasty forces that exert pressure on the Heavenly Dragon dynasty and the wind clan will definitely not dare to move anymore.

Such evil spirits, but no one will feel tired and offend.

After a two-day break at Duchy Duchy, Qin Yichen also took Xia Ziling back to San Tian City.

When they first returned to St. Tian City, they received a message that shocked countless forces.

Holy Son of Holy Land of 10000 Spirits, Owner of Divine Physique of Dainichi refuted 10000 Suns and was attacked.

Had it not been for the 10000 Spirit Holy Lord himself, he would definitely be ten deaths without life!

And, even so, refuting 10000 Yang is seriously injured!

The news was like dropping a boulder on the calm lake, which caused a fierce storm in Human Race.

Countless forces are guessing who it is, dare to oppose the 10000 sun killer!

However, even if countless forces tried their best to investigate, they were still unable to identify the attackers.

However, under this kind of investigation, another news was spread.

Refute 10000 Yang has been to Tai Hao Holy Land, and battle with Qin Yichen!

He was attacked on the way back!

Once this news came out, it was shocked by countless forces.

With the emergence of these news, it also made countless doubtful eyes quietly looked towards Qin Yichen.

In Holy Land’s 10000 Spirit Holy Land, Qin Yichen’s humiliation of the latter has already spread.

No one expected that Qin Yichen actually owned and refuted the capital of the 10000 Sun War.

However, this has made Qin Yichen an object of doubt for countless forces.

Of course, due to the latter’s identity, when there is no conclusive evidence, no one is stupid enough to stand up and blame.

Even the Holy Land of 10000 spirits, if it were all swallowed, not at all any movement came out.

Qin Yichen’s relatives and friends are worried about this rumor.

They even feel that others are looking a little differently when they look at their eyes.

However, in this regard, Qin Yichen seems to have not been affected by it at all, and even the smile on his face is a little bit more than before.

This is also extremely confusing to Ye Liangchen and the others. In their opinion, this rumor that affects reputation is undoubtedly pushing the latter to the edge.

No matter how noble Qin Yichen’s identity is, fighting with people of his own race and doing such despicable behavior will make people shameless.

One day, after Qin Yichen returned from Vast-Glacial Palace, taking advantage of the dinner, Ye Liangchen finally couldn’t help but ask.

“Boss, why can’t you laugh?”

Looking at Qin Yichen, who served vegetables to his parents, Ye Liangchen couldn’t help feeling a little bit more distressed.


Qin Yichen glanced at Ye Liangchen, but the chopsticks in his hand did not stop, he asked casually.

“Boss, don’t you know how far outside rumors have terrifying you?”

Ye Liangchen sighed. The next moment, the pain in his thigh made him unable to help his hand to touch his face, and his body was twitching.

“what happened?”

Qin Baihe frowned, asked.

“It’s just some rumors that’s all, there is nothing to worry about.”

Qin Yichen shook the head, chuckling: “Mouth is on others, how can you and I manage it?”

Hearing this, Ye Liangchen’s complexion was also slightly positive.

At this time, everyone seemed to remember that in the past two years, the rumors about Qin Yichen did not seem to be interrupted. During the period when the latter disappeared, there was a fallacy that he was already dead.

“Boss, can you tell me, did you arrange the attack on 10000 suns?”

In the end, Ye Liangchen seemed to have made up his mind to bear the pain in his leg and asked.

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