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In the most central area of ​​100 miles of Medicine Garden, there is a humble hut.

This hut looks shabby, as if it was just built.


Suddenly, a muffled sound came out of it, and with the blast of smoke and dust, this originally shabby hut just collapsed in half.

“cough cough ……”

As the house collapsed, a silhouette of a wolverine appeared in sight.

That silhouette looks no more than 40-50 years old, but the messy long hair draped over his shoulders, and his face is covered with beards, looks like a Messy Old Man.

“grown ups……”

As the house collapsed, a holy powerhouse immediately fell. Looking at the dark silhouette in front of him, he also shook the head helplessly.

Although the sight in front of him was a little funny, in his heart he couldn’t bear the slightest smile.

It seems that Elder failed again.

“It’s working.”

Yao Zhong was nodded, and when he came out of it, his face was exhausted, but even at this time, he was also brows tightly frowns, as if thinking about any problem.

And the holy powerhouse on the side also moved, but for a moment, he built the collapsed thatched cottage again. Obviously, this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing.

“Sir, how is your progress?”

After setting up the hut, the Holy Powerhouse asked casually.


Yao Yao rubbed his tired eyes and sighed.

How easy is it to research a new type of elixir?

Any omissions in any of these links may lead to failure.

Even if the medicine is heavy, over the years, I have not been able to develop what I think.

“grown ups!”

At this time, two holy powerhouses flew over from a distance.

“Has it been 2 years? You can leave whenever you want.”

Yao Yi glanced at them and said casually.

“Sir … it’s been 2 years, but we didn’t come here to bother about it.”

“Just now we stopped a kid outside Medicine Garden. He said that let us give you this thing, maybe it will help you.”

Two holy powerhouses looked at each other, and one of them took the scroll given by Qin Yichen.


Yao Zhong did not refuse to respond to this. He knew that the races he had helped wanted to help himself, and occasionally some people would make some suggestions.

However, I do not have much hope for this medicine. What I have studied is a gap in Alchemy Dao’s journey. How can other people help me?

However, when the scroll was unrolled, the drug-weighted pupils suddenly shrank.

On this scroll, the names of several medicine ingredients and their weights are written. Looking at these, the complexion of medicine is gradually hardened.

“Master … Master, there was a panacea in the scroll just now.”

Seeing Yao Zhong’s expression, the two holy powerhouses were a little bit embarrassed, but they were paused and passed a medicine.

“Elixir ?!”

Hearing this, Yao Zhong’s body shook violently. When he saw the mellow elixir in the hands of the Holy Powerhouse, his pupils rapidly enlarged, and his complexion became redder.


Immediately, the medicine regained the medicine and took the medicine.

“This … how is this possible, the medicinal properties are completely integrated!”

Looking at the elixir in his hand, the shocked color in Yao Zhong’s eyes became more intense. Immediately, he shouted some lost self-control: “Where is the one for you? Where is he?”

“He … he should still be outside the Medicine Garden.”

Seeing Yao Zhong so lost self-control, the eyes of several holy powerhouses appeared with a touch of astonishment.

“Hurry up and invite him over … no, I’ll go over in person!”

At this moment, Dan Chi Yao Zhong became like a child, and became a little worried. Finally, as if he was afraid of being blame, he turned out to pass by himself.

Seeing this, the two holy powerhouses that stopped Qin Yichen were full of anger, wasn’t that guy really helping the medicine?

Moreover, looking at medicine like this, it seems that he cares very much about the person who made the elixir.

Under the leadership of the Holy Powerhouse, but a moment of effort, Yao Zhong came to the side of the Medicine Garden.

“Sir, he is there.”

When I saw the silhouette still sitting on the boulder, the two holy powerhouses were also sighed in relief.

Fortunately, this guy is still here, otherwise, I don’t know if Yao Zhong will blame them.

“Are you sure he gave it to you?”

When Yao Zhong saw the face that looked extremely young, he was still unbelievable.

After seeing 2 people nodded, Yao Zhongfang walked towards Qin Yichen.

“little friend ……”

Walking under the boulder, Yao Zhong called softly.

“Medicine is heavy on Elder.”

Looking at this old man, a smile appeared in Qin Yichen’s eyes.

“Little friend, I don’t know which scroll and elixir, which friend asked you to give me?”

Yao Zhong held the elixir and asked.

Somehow, there was an illusion in his mind, and the expression in the eyes of the latter was as if they were old friends they hadn’t seen in years.

“Is there a problem with this elixir?”

Qin Yichen chuckled and asked.

“The problem is not … just, I don’t know who is behind the little friend who can make such a perfect elixir?”

Yao Zhong shook the head, sighing in admiration.

He has studied this elixir for decades, but he has not been able to fuse it, but the one in his hand is the perfect blend of the medicinal properties.

“I said, I made it, do you believe it?”

Qin Yichen chuckled, but in his tone, he had a feeling that could not be questioned.


Hearing this, Yao Zhong suddenly shrank, and in his eyes, an incredible color appeared.

Obviously, he simply didn’t think about it, and the young man who didn’t seem to be in his 20s would be the one who made this elixir.

“Water spiritual grass, 4 grams of vine heart, Fire Spirit Mushroom …”

Looking at Yao Zhong’s complexion, Qin Yichen seemed to have guessed that he would look like this. He didn’t explain anything but murmured.

As he said about the medicine ingredients, Yao Zhong’s complexion gradually became heavy.

“These weights have been mastered by Elder for a long time, but you have not been able to fuse their medicinal properties together because you are missing something that blends.”

There was a smile in Qin Yichen’s mouth. How could compound Dan be so easy to study?

Frostweed, an essential thing, is hard to find outside Human Race!

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