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“His … Is the medicine Elder Meng really just Heaven Grade Middle-Stage?”

“Some Senior Grade seniors in my family don’t have such strength.”

“It’s worthy of being a pharmacist!”

Feeling that the ground was fiercely trembling, the faces of everyone around them were slightly changed, and a line of sight was also staring closely at the dusty center.

In the eyes of many people, there was a flash of disappointment.

Obviously, when seeing Qin Yichen’s arrogance, many people think that he has not weak ability, but the Spirit Power revealed by Yao Meng is too overbearing, which is not unusual at all. Heaven Grade Pill What the Master can do.

Qin Yichen seems to be only 2 eleven-twelve years old, and at this age he can break through to Heaven Grade, which is already a very wicked existence. No one has ever thought of such a young person who can resist the terrifying Spirit like the medicine Power offensive.


In the front yard of the mansion, the pretty face of Yaoxi also became a little pale, and among those beautiful beautiful eyes, there was a lot of worry.

Qin Yichen is a character respected by Yaozhong Elder. If he is in such a dangerous situation because of his own reasons, I am afraid that Yaozhong will be very angry.

In front of Yaoxi, Yaoxun also stared motionlessly at the dusty front, and the palms in his sleeves couldn’t help holding it tightly.

How can the average Heaven Power Pill Master be able to withstand the crushing of such vast Spirit Power as Yao Meng?

And just when countless people felt that this dramatic farce had ended, the vast Spirit Power fluctuations in the space finally faded away, the dust slowly dissipated, and a silhouette was gradually revealed.

“Is this God of Fighting?”

“Killing is invisible, Heaven Grade Pill Master is too terrifying!”

“Look at that arrogant guy, he still has that posture, but I’m afraid his Sea of ​​Consciousness has been completely destroyed.”

Looking at the silhouette that showed up, many people were emotional.

Even the Heaven Grade Pill Master, their Sea of ​​Consciousness is extremely fragile, and once they are attacked by too powerful Spirit Power, they will be in danger of collapse.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, Qin Yichen’s Sea of ​​Consciousness may have been destroyed by the vast Spirit Power offensive just now.

At this time, I am afraid that there is only one useless body left.


However, when seeing that silhouette, Yao Xun’s eyes were slightly stunned, and in the depth of his eyes, there seemed to be a flash of astonishment.


And there was a bit of emotion among them, and a clear sound suddenly sounded.

A line of sight became startled, and in their sight, the silhouette that they thought their consciousness had been destroyed turned out to be slightly stretched, as if the vast Spirit Power offensive just now did not exist at all. What harm did he do.

“He … is he all right?”

“His, my God, he can bear it!”

“This… how is this possible?”

Looking at the road, if nothing happened, even the silhouette was not stained with dust on it, countless people’s eyes and pupils shrank sharply, and a path of incredible exclamation sounded through And then.

“Old man, are you able to do just that?”

In a path of amazement, Qin Yichen grinned, and a playful voice sounded.

Under this voice, the smirk of Yao Meng’s mouth was also frozen on his face. Obviously, he did not expect that the Spirit Power offensive that he had just did not crush it!

“Hehe, it turned out to be a little trick, no wonder dare to be so arrogant in front of the old man.”

Yao Meng is sneered, and there is an appalling bright light glittering in his eyes.

Perhaps, in his opinion, the latter can withstand his Spirit Power attack. It should be what is protected by other treasures. Otherwise, even if this guy starts to practice Spirit Power in his mother’s womb, he cannot compete with him!

“However, in the face of absolute crushing power, those small means can not save your life!”

As Yao Meng’s somber voice sounded, a surge of fluctuations began to ripple from his body. In his space, there were ripples visible from naked eyes.

With the end of his discourse, a powerful Spirit Power has emerged, and this Spirit Power is no longer the kind of nihilism, but presents a heart-warming light silver color.

This is the essence of Spirit Power!

In addition, the actual degree of Spirit Power revealed by Yao Meng is even more aggressive than the medicine master with 10000 feet of black flame tripod in the 3 Yaocheng Medicine Market!

From the pale-silver Spirit Power, countless people all have the feeling of having one’s hair stand on end.

“Junior, your arrogance, stop here!”

With a coldly snorted from Yaomeng, the Silver’s Spirit Power suddenly whistled out, like a silver lightning, and went straight to Qin Yichen’s head strikes.

That speed is so fast that naked eyes are hard to see. The next moment, it is already on Qin Yichen’s head.


However, just as the Spirit Power was about to stab on the latter’s head, a surge of Spirit Power finally waved from Qin Yichen.

The kind of vague fluctuations made everyone look slightly indifferent. This guy is really a Heaven Grade Pill Master.

What is a bit surprising is that Qin Yichen at this time didn’t mean to evade at all. His body was completely motionless, and the Spirit Power was directly in front of him.


The next moment, everyone was a bit surprised, and found that the Spirit Power that was enough to crush the Heaven Grade Pill Master in a arrogant posture, not at all, as everyone expected, crushed the latter with the trend of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. Destroyed, but resisted!

“Hmph, mantis trying to stop a chariot!”

Perceiving this scene, Yao Meng’s face also sank slightly.

However, he did not lose self-control. In his eyes, the infiltrating cold glow flickered. With his coldly snorted, the vast Spirit Power emerged again.


A path of pale-silver’s Spirit Power turned out to be a rapid aggregation. Finally, 3 channels were not weaker than the previous Spirit Power offensive, and they burst out in a rapid burst, whistling away towards Qin Yichen.

At this time, Yao Meng apparently did not want to keep his hand anymore. Under the watchful eyes of countless people, he did not immediately take down this offensive junior, which made him feel a little dull on his face.

Now, only in the cruelest way can he crush this junior who offends his reputation, only then can he restore his face!

He wants to let others know that if he dares to provoke him, even if there is a backer behind him, there is only dead end!

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