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After Qingye left, Qin Yichen’s anxiety became stronger and stronger.

When Qin Yichen wanted to interrogate and ask about the situation of Qing Ye, this uneasiness was finally confirmed.

“Qin Young Master!”

Outside Qin Yichen’s closed chamber, the familiar voice of Fourth Elder passed through the thick walls, among which there seemed to be unpleasant sounds blocked by Mo Yan and Mo Yang.

When hearing the voice of the Fourth Elder who swallowed the blue marten, Qin Yichen quickly stood up, then strode out of the back room.

“Sir … this guy, we can’t stop it!”

Seeing Qin Yichen coming out, Mo Yan and Mo Yang looked slightly frozen, and said with some blame.

“Nothing, Fourth Elder, why is it so in a hurry?”

Qin Yichen shook the head slightly, looking at the anxious Fourth Elder, and asked.

“This one……”

Fourth Elder glanced at Mo Yan and Mo Yang, hesitated, as if he didn’t want them to know.

“They are not outsiders.”

Qin Yichen chuckled, but when he saw that the latter still had no intention of saying anything, he waved his hand and motioned them to leave.

Seeing this, Mo Yan and Mo Yang Fang bowed back.

“Fourth Elder, said inside.”

When the two people left, the smile on Qin Yichen’s face also disappeared, and he whispered directly to Fourth Elder.

“Qin Young Master … Young Patriarch is in trouble!”

As soon as he entered the back room, Fourth Elder said anxiously.

“What’s going on? Speak up.”

Hearing this, Qin Yichen’s body shuddered, and she sank.

“Young Patriarch was arrested on his way among the Hui people.”

Fourth Elder did not dare to hesitate, and said quickly.

“Who did it?”

Qin Yichen asked, looking pale.

Qing Yan’s identity is extremely special. On the 10000 ethnic continent, there are definitely not many people who dare to openly attack him! However, the same, people who know their identity and dare to do it are not simple people!

“The hands are the giants of the Wu Peng family.”

Fourth Elder’s face was also extremely gloomy, and his voice was full of grave expression.

“Wupeng family?”

Qin Yichen eyebrows is slightly frowned. He has not heard of this race at at all, but from the solemn attitude of Fourth Elder, this Wupeng tribe is by no means an ordinary race.

“The Wu Peng tribe is also a Peak race, and their race is also involved in the massacre of the Imperial Family during this time.”

Seeing Qin Yichen’s complexion, Fourth Elder guessed that he didn’t know the race and immediately explained.

“The camp of the Great Evil Imperial Family? Do they really want to stop there?”

Qin Yichen’s eyes froze slightly, and he couldn’t help whispering, and then asked Fourth Elder, “Where’s Qing Ye now, is there anything wrong?”

“The message from the Wupeng tribe to patriarch said that Young Patriarch was on Wupeng Island of the Wupeng tribe. They also said …”

Having said that, Fourth Elder’s words were suddenly abrupt, and expression hesitated.

“What else said?”

Qin Yichen frowned, asked.

“They said that if they let Qin Young Master go alone, they would put Young Patriarch back.”

Seeing Qin Yichen’s appearance, Fourth Elder couldn’t help but sigh, and said it.

“Hehe, is it for me?”

Hearing this, Qin Yichen’s mind was quietly sighed in relief.

At least, the situation is not at its worst yet, Qing Ye has no mortal danger yet.

“Tell me, where is Wupeng Island?”

Immediately, Qin Yichen asked Fourth Elder, and there was no hesitation in that expression.

“Qin Young Master, patriarch said he would find a solution …”

Seeing this, Fourth Elder hesitated.

Although he was very grateful to see Qin Yichen so determined, he also knew the dangers.

Moreover, Qingzheng Yun also explained that Qin Yichen must not be put in danger in order to save Qingying!

Although they used to make a big fight in the imperial imperial city, after all, it was while the evil Cangyuan and many powers were absent.

And now, on the island of Wupeng of the Wupeng family, there is a top powerhouse with a geneuine!

Although Qin Yichen has the ability to shake off the evil cloud, the top powerhouse is definitely his existence!

Moreover, there are many giants on Wupeng Island!

“Tell me, where is it!”

However, in the face of the hesitation of Fourth Elder, Qin Yichen frowned suddenly shouted.

With this shout, Fourth Elder’s body shivered. Looking at the grim youth in front of him, there was a sense of helplessness in his eyes.


Finally, Fourth Elder sighed and handed a scroll to Qin Yichen.

“Qin Young Master, let’s inform Lei Yao Old Ancestor about this. As long as they come forward, the Wu Peng family will not dare to embarrass you.”

After a little hesitation, Fourth Elder persuaded.

Behind the Wu Peng tribe is the Great Evil Imperial Family. This matter must be inseparable from the Great Evil Imperial Family.

The reason they offend the Imperial Family is because of the Thunder Monster family. If this matter is notified to the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor, the latter will certainly not sit idly by.

“My brother, I will save it myself.”

Qin Yichen opened the scroll, and after a glance, his palms trembled, shattering the scroll, and a ruthless aura was also difficult to suppress from the waves looming from him.

“I don’t know how you patriarch accounted, but since they told me to go alone, then you should not follow me, otherwise, what happened to Qingyou, I will not forgive you!”

Qin Yichen glanced at Fourth Elder, as if seeing through the latter’s thoughts, a faint voice sounded quietly.

Immediately, he directly opened the door of the secret room, moved under his feet, and his figure rose into the sky.

“grown ups!”

Seeing the silhouette of Qin Yichen, Mo Yan and Mo Yang’s face changed, and they yelled out loud.

“Stay here, everything first listen to Fourth Elder.”

Qin Yichen didn’t stop there. The faint voice sounded in the City Lord Mansion. In the next instant, his figure turned into a stream of light, and he shot towards the distant sky, but for a moment It turned into a little black spot and disappeared into the sky.

“Listen to him?”

Hearing the faint voice of Qin Yichen, Mo Mo Mo Yang stopped, but didn’t catch up, although he was a little puzzled, but the last sentence that the latter said filled them with a puzzle.

Is Qin Yichen acquiesced to the arrangement of Qingye here?

“Fourth Elder, what’s going on? Where is the Lord going in such a hurry?”

Soon, Mo Yan and Mo Yang’s eyes fell on Fourth Elder who came out of the City Lord Mansion. Each and everyone’s doubts were also asked from their mouths.

However, for their inquiry, Fourth Elder obviously did not tell them the real reason.

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