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“Qin little friend, Peng Lu’s old bastard obviously wants to be bad for you. If the situation isn’t right, you go first. I’ll drag Peng Lu. Other people will definitely not hit you.”

For the few guys he invited, Qing Xuan also knew what they were thinking.

Qing Xuan also knew that Qin Yichen had a good relationship with Qing Ye, but he didn’t want to see Qin Yichen in danger for this, and immediately, he was facing Qin Yichen sound transmission.

However, to the surprise of Qingxuan Xu, Qin Yichen seemed to have not heard his sound transmission, but just stood there silently and did not answer.

Over time, a few hesitations appeared on the faces of several top powerhouses in front of Qin Yichen. Obviously, they also started to worry about the situation.

And among their worries, there were a touch of satisfaction on the faces of the several top powerhouses opposite each other, and they seemed to have reached an agreement with Penglu.

“Some don’t worry, they won’t do it.”

Seeing their eyes projected again, several top powerhouses could not help but beat their backs, but just as they were resigned, Qin Yichen’s voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

“Qin little friend, Peng Li must have lost his blood this time, how can you be so sure?”

“The current situation is very unfavorable to us, Qin little friend, if you don’t dislike it, old man will take you away.”

“Qing Xuan, in my opinion, we are still avoiding the frontier, Qing Ye ’s kid, we will see it in a few days.”

Although Qin Yichen has already spoken, the hearts of these top powerhouses are still somewhat lacking, and a path of soft murmur also comes from their mouths.

Hearing their words, Qing Xuan’s face also couldn’t help but a look of bitter smile. He obviously didn’t figure it out. Peng Lu could call his allies so quickly.

For the attitude of the guys he invited, he didn’t mean anything at all. After all, everyone has his own concerns, and it is impossible to help him from birth to death because of one’s favor.

“Several people, this Qin, please do me a favor. I don’t want you to take a shot. We just need to stand still.”

Listening to their words, Qin Yichen couldn’t help frowned, and then said again.

Hearing this, the five top powerhouses were all a little stunned. Obviously, Qin Yichen actually spoke in person and asked them to help!

Moreover, the latter did not seem to be too embarrassed by them, and even said that they did not need to shoot!

Faced with Qin Yichen’s request, these Old Guys all hesitated, they were all weighing the weight of Qin Yichen.

“Qin little friend, if they do …”

After a little groaning, the Old Ancestor of the Yanshi clan said with some worries.

“They will never do it, you just need to stand here with me.”

Faced with his worries, Qin Yichen said abnormally with certainty, that look, as if full of confidence.

“Does this guy have any other cards?”

“Did he call him Master?”

“Even if Mo Sheng comes over, the situation is still not good for us.”

Seeing Qin Yichen’s attitude, the five top powerhouses looked at each other, and could not help quietly transmitting sound.

In their opinion, in the face of such a situation, Qin Yichen was so relaxed and so calm that they couldn’t help wondering whether the latter had any hole cards.

“It should be more than just Mo Sheng!”

“No matter what he intends to do, anyway, we don’t want us to take a shot, there are not many opportunities for him to owe a favor.

“Let’s take a look first, if it’s really that step, then it’s not too late.”

After a few brief discussions, these five top powerhouses are also all lightly nodded. For the time being, there is no idea to retreat.

After all, a guy whose background is so horrifying that the Sovereign level race is jealous. His humanity is very important. Maybe in the future, when their race is in crisis, this humanity can help them to save their lives!

“Qing Xuan Old Ancestor, can you let them block this Heaven and Earth without notice?”

After seeing their promise, Qin Yichen also spoke to Qing Xuan sound transmission.

“Block this Heaven and Earth?”

Qing Xuan froze slightly, some did not understand Qin Yichen’s meaning.

“The kind of blockade that isolates all messages.”

There was a mysterious smile hanging from Qin Yichen’s mouth, sound transmission said.


Seeing Qin Yichen’s appearance, Qing Xuan couldn’t help being lightly nodded. For top powerhouse, this kind of thing is not difficult, and by his means, as long as he is careful, he can make those guys across the road realize it without notice This step.


“Qing Xuan, do you still want to die with me to the end?”

A few moments later, Penglu’s eyes fell on Qing Xuan’s body. His complexion was extremely gloomy. Obviously, he also paid a small price to keep these vampire-like allies to stay.

With the opening of Penglu, the six top powerhouses stood behind him and made clear their positions.

“Give up the barley, I will naturally retreat.”

However, even in the face of these 7 top powerhouses, Qing Ye still has no resignation, directly opening the mouth and said.

Seeing Qing Xuan’s gesture, Peng Lu’s eyes flashed a look of surprise. When he saw that the top powerhouses behind him did not fade away, his complexion sank again.

“Let this junior go with me to the clan hall, and I will release your clan junior.”

Peng Lu took a deep breath, almost speaking of some gnashing teeth.


Faced with the conditions of Peng Li, Qing Xuan didn’t even think about it, he just refused.

“Some of you, are you helping Qingxuan?”

Penglu frowned, and immediately looked towards the top powerhouses of Qing Xuan, with some threatening cold voices, also quietly sounded: “You must think clearly, if you lose the top powerhouse, the race behind you What the situation will be. “

Hearing his words, the five top powerhouse’s brows were all lightly frowned, and a look of dissatisfaction flashed across his face.

What are they and how have they been so threatened?

Although Penglu said that it was true, they simply didn’t think about fighting him for life, anyway, they just need to follow the instructions of Qin Yichen, and just stand still.

The five top powerhouses are similar at a glance, not at all answering Penglu’s words. Similarly, they still have no resignation, so they look as if they have defaulted their positions.

“These Old Guys seem to be a bit wrong.”

“Yan Lion Old Ancestor is an extremely cunning guy. How could he be dead for Qing Xuan?”

“It must have been Qing Xuan’s price, after all, that junior was also on their side.”

Seeing their expressions, the top powerhouses behind Penglu couldn’t help frowned.

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