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The desperate jungle is extremely vast.

The precipitous mountain peaks are like Heaven-supporting Pillars, soaring into the clouds, and faintly, there is a path of low and full of violent beast roar, which spreads far away from them, shocking the forest.

The prestige of the desperate jungle has long been jealous of the 10000 family powerhouse.

Not only is there a huge number of Demonic beasts here, but it has been able to monopolize the hills outside and become a holy Demonic beast of a hegemon. It is also can be seen everywhere.

There are even giant beast-level demonic beasts in the depths.

This also makes this area a forbidden area in the eyes of many people. In normal times, few people dare to break into it.

However, in this area full of danger, it is also full of opportunities.

According to rumors, this area once had a powerful force, but I do n’t know why, that force disappeared, and more and more Demonic beasts are scattered throughout this area, making it a paradise of Demonic beast. .

However, even if those forces disappear, there will always be something left in them. These things once made countless powerhouses rush.

There was once a lucky powerhouse that gained some opportunities in it, and ascending to the skies with a single leap, it became famous.

However, those lucky ones are always only a few, and more are the white bones under this bloody land.

The prestige of the desperate jungle is also accumulated because of this. Over time, very few powerhouses dare to enter it.

However, today is obviously not a normal situation, a path of silhouettes exuding a powerful atmosphere, rushing into the forbidden area in groups.

This vast area shrouded in silence suddenly became particularly lively.

Intruded by this scale, many Demonic beasts in the desperate jungle resisted, a path of angry roar, constantly rang out among the mountains.

However, even though these Demonic beasts are fierce, these powerhouses are not somebody who is easy to deal with. Ordinary holy Demonic beasts can’t even block a trace.

Somewhere in the desperate jungle, 3 streams of light flew past the sky, and the movement caused the Demonic Beast to growl.

However, those who originally wanted to explode, and learned the Demonic beast who broke into their own territory, and when they felt the powerful atmosphere fluctuations from the three silhouettes, most of them retracted their heads. Dare not make trouble.

And among them, there are still some ominous beasts who will not succumb to death, and they will cause some small troubles.

These 3 silhouettes are the Qin Yichen, Lei Yunyou and Qing Zhengyi, and the alliance of the Thunder Monster family and the giant powerhouse under the Imperial Family of the Great Evil are some mornings before they come in, so their positions are not Count forward.

Along the way, although there were some demonic beast attacks by a fish that escaped the net, they did not cause them much obstacles.


Qin Yichen slammed a Holy Intermediate Demonic beast that burst into a sudden death, but the latter was still rushed in unabated, the sharp minions tearing his shirt apart, this is Furious, falling suddenly.

“The beasts are really troublesome.”

Seeing this, Qing Zhengyi’s brows couldn’t help but lightly frowned, lightly said with a smile.

Along the way, some eye-opening Demonic beasts struck. He and Lei Yunyou never shot, but both were solved by Qin Yichen himself, which was also the latter’s own request.

However, Qing Zhengyi also found that simply the strength of this guy’s outburst is simply not as simple as the ordinary intermediate level. Even some of the advanced powerhouses may not be able to easily solve the demonic beast, which is simply a punch. Shock to death.

Qin Yichen looked up and swept 4 places, a faint bloody smell spread in the mountain range, but there was no fighting sound around.

“They’ve been a long time ago, we need to be faster.”

Qin Yichen frowned, murmured.

Hearing his words, Lei Yunyou’s Dai Mei couldn’t help but was slightly frowned.

“Qin little friend, it’s better to be cautious here.”

Aside, Qing Zhengyi also coughed, said.

Although they are planning to compete for the 10000 Imperial Family ruins, and the strength of a Peak giant should not be underestimated, Qing Xuan specifically ordered that the safety of Qin Yichen is more important than that ruin.

The reason why they are so slow is because they simply don’t want to take Qin Yichen there.

Although Qin Yichen has a record of beheading giant powerhouses, this does not mean that he can compete directly with giant powerhouses.

This time the Thunder Monster family and the Great Evil Imperial Family, but sent out 100 powerhouses of giant giants, including Peak giants of at least ten or more. Anyone in this level of battle may fall, even more how is just holy Intermediate Qin Yichen.

Moreover, Xie Cangyuan must have explained his powerhouse. Once Qin Yichen is found, the latter may be targeted by them!

“Aren’t you planning to take me there?”

Qin Yichen frowned, suddenly asked.

“Qin little friend, I have absolutely no meaning.”

Hearing this, Qing Zhengyi’s face changed slightly, and he quickly quibbled.

Regarding his words, Qin Yichen looked as if he hadn’t heard it, and his eyes fell directly on Lei Yunyou.

“Although your strength is not weak, you are better off not participating in this level of battle.”

Facing his gaze, Lei Yunyou felt that the pretty face was slightly hot, but for some reason, she did not at all to cover it, but said it directly.

“Yun Elder You, do you think ordinary giants can get me?”

Qin Yichen eyebrows slightly frowned, asked.

Hearing this, Lei Yunyou was unable to help silence.

At first, it was in the hands of the violent Thunder Ape and the 4 Winged Tiger King, but this guy saved her life. The two existences must be stronger than the ordinary giant-level powerhouse, but in the end, Qin Yichen was not left.

Moreover, in the last few days, the latter’s killing of the Wu Peng’s Third Elder was also introduced into her ears. Small difficulty.

“It’s not just the giant giant powerhouse that participates in this time, there are at least a dozen giant giants like me.”

Seeing Lei Yunyou was a little hesitant, Qing Zhengyi also smiled bitterly and said.

“I have my own means of life!”

Qin Yichen whispered, his face was full of confidence, as if, even in the face of the Peak giant-level powerhouse, he was confident that he could retreat.

“2 people, if you’re deliberately delaying time, then this Qin will pass by itself.”

While Lei Yunyou 2 was still hesitating, Qin Yichen’s faint voice sounded again.

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