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In the black basin, there are huge black holes of each and everyone. Those black holes seem to reach the depths of the ground. In all around those caves, you can see some broken limbs scattered all around.

However, these limbs are not at all bloody, but rather like parts.

“This is… eh?”

Looking at the piles of debris, Qin Yichen couldn’t help frowned.

With so many puppet fragments, I am afraid that even if there is something good here, it will be caught by the early bird catches the worm.

“It seems that we are late.”

After glancing around for a while, Qin Yichen said with a smile.

However, to his surprise, Lei Yunyou shook the head slightly, and his shape fell directly towards the center of the black basin.

“Be careful.”

Qin Yichen frowned, somehow, this black basin gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

And at a distance of only about several feet from the Black Basin, Lei Yunyou’s figure also stopped, her palm slightly extended, and in her palm, the silver’s strength of Thunder burst out faintly.


With a light drink, a about one zhang-sized strength of Thunder suddenly whistled out of the palm of Lei Yunyou, and fell fiercely into the basin below.


With the movement of Lei Yunyou, the basin below shivered violently, a path of huge cracks, like ghosts eating people, emerged.

Those cracks are bottomless. With their appearance, a path of roaring thunder continues to come from the ground. This True Origin between Heaven and Earth has become even more violent.

Looking at the a crack of a path of tears, Qin Yichen and Lei Yunyou’s complexions became heavy.

But for a moment, the black basin, which was relatively calm, was finally torn apart by a huge crack in its most central position.

At the same time, a dark sea of ​​thunder also appeared in the sight of two people.

Looking at the sea of ​​thunder, Qin Yichen finally knew where the violent fluctuations contained in this world True Origin came from.

At this time, the two people’s bodies were tense.

Although the thunder sea in front of them looks relatively calm, they can clearly feel how violent energy is contained in this thunder sea, and no one knows whether this thunder sea will What’s more terrifying is hidden.

“Let’s go in and take a look.”

After studying for a long time, but not at all, something unusual happened. Qin Yichen also opened the mouth and said.

Lei Yunyou is also nodded. Before that, she just felt that there seemed to be something appealing to her, so she called Qin Yichen to come here.

With the appearance of this thunder sea, the feeling became stronger, even if she knew that there might be danger, she was not willing to give up so easily.

Moreover, in such an inexplicable place, she could not rest assured that Qin Yichen would go in alone.

After looking at each other, Qin Yichen no longer hesitated. His body moved directly into a golden rays of light and projected towards the thunder sea. Behind him, the thunder covered with silver rays of light. Yun You followed closely.

“pu pass!”

With the projection of these two figures, there seemed to be a sound of water in the dark sea of ​​thunder, and in an instant, the two figures disappeared into it. It looked like a black one. The big mouth swallowed the general.

“hong long! ”

When the two people entered the thunderous sea, the violent strength of Thunder suddenly surged, and the power was enough to easily tear the ordinary holy powerhouse.

However, Qin Yichen and Lei Yunyou are also dependent.

The Supreme body of Qin Yichen Great Accomplishment, even the fleshhy body of Holy Peak, is not as good. Although this kind of strength of Thunder is violent, it has not caused him any injuries.

As for Lei Yunyou, she is a giant of the Thunder Demon tribe. This violent strength of Thunder cannot affect her at all. Even in this thunder sea, she likes a fish back in water.

Qin Yichen’s gaze swept open. In his sight, he was filled with the dark strength of Thunder. Moreover, because of these violent strength of Thunder, his perception is extremely limited. Finding a treasure in it is not a simple matter.

However, since they have come in, they have no plans to give up as long as they have not encountered anything too dangerous.

With this idea in mind, the two of them also quickly dived deep into the dark sea of ​​thunder, generally speaking. In this kind of place, if there is any strange treasure, it will definitely be in the strongest place of the strength of Thunder .

“hong long! ”

In the thunder sea, the sound of violent thunderstorms continued to ring out. Qin Yichen 2 people dived quickly towards the bottom, and the True Origin luster swept around them became the only rays in this thunder sea. of light.

With the continuous deepening, Qin Yichen also began to feel that the kind of violent force coming from the surroundings was also getting stronger and stronger, which made his speed all start to slow down.

Over time, they still did not feel the slightest abnormal fluctuation, as if it were an ordinary thunder sea.

“How deep is this thunder sea?”

Qin Yichen’s complexion was a little dignified. At this time, they had dived to a depth of about two hundred zhang or so, but the dark luster below still seemed to have no end.

If he goes deeper and finds nothing, I’m afraid he can only give up on it.

“Be careful!”

While Qin Yichen was groaning, Lei Yunyou’s coquettish drinking suddenly sounded in his ear.


The next moment, in the thunder sea below Qin Yichen, suddenly a strange wave came out, a dark shadow, almost like a lightning burst from Qin Yichen.


Between the flashes of light, Qin Yichen stepped on his feet, his body moved slightly for half a minute to the side, and the shadow suddenly passed by his side.


Qin Yichen’s eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes suddenly looked towards behind him.

Under the rays of golden rays of light, he faintly saw, among the dark thunder sea behind him, a Giant Black Snake about the size of a zhang was hovering there.


The black snake was vomiting a snake letter, and the gloomy snake pupil was staring at him coldly.

“This beast almost came to your path!”

Looking at the cold pupil, Qin Yichen couldn’t help cursing.

If it wasn’t for Lei Yunyou’s timely reminder, he could have been accidentally bitten by this Giant Black Snake.

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