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“Be careful!”

Seeing that Peng Luofei was directly crossing the defense line and violently fired away at Qin Yichen, the giants were all face changed, shouted in a deep voice.

However, at this time, with the exception of Lei Yunyou and Qin Yichen, each of the giants met their own rivals, and could not escape to support Qin Yichen at all!

“Junior, when you hit Third Elder, you thought about the consequences today!”

When Peng Luofei flew to the distance in front of Qin Yichen, but his feet were suddenly stopped, his body suddenly stopped. He looked at Qin Yichen with a grim expression, and a sneer came from his mouth.

At this time, he simply did not worry that Qin Yichen would escape his palm!

“An old Gou who brought about one’s own destruction, kill and kill.”

Qin Yichen chuckled, seemingly unaware of how dangerous he was now.

“Little bastard, you really are an old man and dare not kill you?”

When I saw Qin Yichen at this time, I dared not speak out, and Peng Luofei’s complexion became abnormally gloomy.

“Just your old Peng Race?”

Qin Yichen sneered, his face was full of disdain, and his posture seemed as if he could not let Peng Luofei dare treat him.

After all, on the 10000-ethnic continent, he is considered to be a god-level race. This background, let alone a Peak race, even if it is a Sovereign level race, if you are not forced to helpless, you will never dare to embarrass. he.

Like the Great Evil Imperial Family, if it wasn’t for Qin Yichen who took away the mysterious ancient rune, he trespassed the Great evil imperial city and rescued the thunder monster Old Ancestor. The latter intends to have never happened!

For the Wu Peng tribe, although Qin Yichen slayed their Third Elder in front of all their powers, but because of such a thing, to kill Qin Yichen who has such a source, I am afraid that they also suspect that they have raced It’s too comfortable.

If he really kills Qin Yichen here, as soon as the news spreads, the Wu Peng family will definitely suffer the disaster!

When the time comes, even the Great Evil Imperial Family dare not stand up to support them!

Qin Yichen looks like this, it is clear that he is not afraid of Peng Luofei dare to take this risk and deal a poisonous hand against him.

“Little bastard, your guts are really big, but this time you are destined to miscalculate!”

Looking at a young man with a fearless look, Peng Luofei’s face suddenly appeared a strange smile, and a voice of a faint smile also came out of his mouth: “junior, do you know why this 10000 Imperial Family Ruins, haven’t been found for such a long time? “

Upon hearing this, Lei Yunyou’s Dai Mei couldn’t help but was slightly frowned. In her heart, there was a touch of uneasiness.

“Hehe, this desperate jungle is really unusual. Even the evil Cangyuan Yuan is full of dread. After learning the news of the 10000 傀 Imperial Family ruins, the adult Cangyuan Yuan united with our old Ancestor, Doing a search here, do you know the result? “

Peng Luofei’s eyes were fixed on Qin Yichen, but the smile on his face was more and more hesitant.

“how is it?”

Qin Yichen asked indifferently, but if he was more careful, he could see that there seemed to be a panic on his face.

“Hehe, let me tell you the truth, this desperate jungle is isolated by a special energy, 8 top powerhouses, and the ancestors of the Great Evil Imperial Family joined forces to investigate, but in the end, they found nothing!”

“As long as you are beheaded here, even if the existence behind you is as strong as possible, it is impossible to reproduce the things inside!”

The words came to an end, and Peng Luofei couldn’t help but laugh out loud, the kind of pleasant smile, as if venting his own heart in fiercely.

A junior, in the presence of countless clansman, beheaded and killed Third Elder of his own tribe, but because of the latter’s identity, they could only swallow it.

However, the sky has eyes and finally let them seize such a great opportunity!

Here, even if Qin Yichen was beheaded and killed, the gods finally traced it down, they could evade the matter, saying that Qin Yichen was accidentally killed by the authorities in the ruins!

Even the Great Evil Imperial Family ancestors and 8 top powerhouses can’t find out where they came. Even if the power of the god-level race, I am afraid that they can not have Magical Powers that play back this scene, right?

Moreover, this is the ruins of the 10000 傀 Imperial Family. The danger in it, let alone a holy middle-level kid, even the Peak giant is in danger of falling.

Therefore, for powers such as Peng Luofei, this is simply a huge opportunity.

That ’s why, before I heard of Qin Yichen ’s news, why Tiger Clan ’s Peak giants dared to go to Qin Yichen in such an aggressive manner, because even if they killed Qin Yichen, they did n’t have to worry too much. The existence behind him will blame it.

With the end of Peng Luofei’s discourse, Qin Yichen seemed to be caught in the things he was most worried about, and on top of his unpredictable face, there was a horror of panic.

“This place is like this? No, even if it is 10000 傀 Imperial Family, their Old Ancestor means can not escape the investigation of that many top powerhouse, right? And, the ancestor of the Great Evil Imperial Family, but Step into the Xeon Spirit of Heaven Realm. “

However, in Qin Yichen’s mind, he couldn’t help but wonder about this area.

“Little bastard, I thought you would never know what it means to be afraid. It turns out that you are just relying on your own hedonistic son of rich parents that’s all! You know it now, it’s too late!”

On the opposite side, the dark color on Peng Luofei’s face was more intense.

Just now, he clearly saw the appearance of panic on Qin Yichen’s face!

In his opinion, the latter is the guilty conscience that he has seized the biggest weakness!

“Lao Gou, you alone want to kill the Young Master?”

In the sneer of Peng Luofei, Qin Yichen also turned from that doubt. He looked a little flushed and shouted at Peng Luofei. However, anyone who has some insight can see that he is now Obviously there is some lack of confidence.

“Little bastard, old man is enough!”

Looking at the evil spirits of this famous 10000-ethnic continent, such a guilty conscience in front of him, Peng Luofei’s heart was full of changing pleasure.

At this time, he could not help but suppress the urge to tear up the latter in his heart. He had to torture this arrogant guy, torture his spirit to a breakdown, and then slowly kill him to sacrifice it. He sympathizes with Third Elder!

“Little bastard, let’s die!”

Peng Luofei gave a smirk, and his body suddenly rushed into the sky. It suddenly appeared above Qin Yichen’s head. With his punch, True Origin condensed and formed, hiding the sky and covering the earth facing Qin. Yichen cracked away.

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