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“Hu Huh …”

Above this open space, a path of hot eyes are staring at the swaying ancient tree at the center of the tree. The three strange fruits are like the perfect works transformed by the Great Dao of World, attracting All eyes.

At this time, the whole film Between Heaven and Earth had no abnormal sound except a path of heavy breathing, and under this temptation, it was surprising that no one immediately started to do it.

Seeing this, Qin Yichen is naturally not in a hurry, he knows that there will always be someone who can’t wait.

After all, Dao Yuan Fruit really seduces the Peak giant, but no one can resist it.


Sure enough, Qin Yichen’s guess was not wrong. Although everyone knows that it is not easy to get Dao Yuan Fruit, under this temptation, even the Peak Giant who experienced Old Daoist is the beginning. Some could not bear it anymore.

In less than a quarter of an hour, it was finally someone who couldn’t bear the greed in his heart. From the side of the thunder wind and the evil cloud, two figures burst out, each violently storming the ancient tree. And go.

Looking at the silhouettes that rushed out, Qin Yichen’s eyes suddenly freeze.


As soon as they entered the range of the Spirit Tree ten zhang, the ground in front of it suddenly collapsed, a golden silhouette suddenly burst out from it, and a path of golden sharp sword was also facing the 4 lanes sharply. The silhouette that came from the raid rushed away.

“Hmm! Hmm!”

These 4 Peak Giants are also very experienced Old Daoist guys. This sudden accident, they are not too panic, they are all taking out a path of Magical Powers, with terrifying momentum against those golden swords .


However, it is amazing that their Magical Powers were directly pierced when they first touched the golden sword. The four golden swords were also fiercely pierced by the 4 Peak Giants. body.

The figures of the four giants stopped, and they avoided their key points at the critical moment. However, just being face-to-face is being wounded. This is to let them know that they want to break through. In the past, I’m afraid it’s unlikely.

Golden rays of light slowly dissipated, and a silhouette wearing golden armor also appeared in everyone’s sight.

This silhouette was covered all over by golden armor, without revealing any skin, an amazing baleful qi emerged from the golden-yellow silhouette.

Looking at this suddenly appearing silhouette, many Peak faces could not help but slightly condense.

At this time, the eyes of the golden silhouette seemed to be facing the many Peak powers here, the kind of Ominous Fiend Qi, even these beings, could not help feeling a bit cold.

“Those who attempt to steal Spirit Tree, kill without mercy!”

The armor at the mouth of the golden armor is slightly activated, and a sound that is as dry as a machine is also circulating in this space.

As the voice fell, a terrifying air flow swept away from the golden silhouette.

Faced with this Guardian full of killing intent, many powerful faces have also changed somewhat.

From that voice, they vaguely guessed that the silhouette of this golden should be 10000 傀 傀 Imperial Family Guardian Spirit Tree 傀儡.

The fluctuations in this mandarin’s body are almost the same as they are, but the scene of the 4 Peak’s powerful wounds just now is telling everyone that this mantle is definitely not to be underestimated!

“10000 傀 The Imperial Family has long since perished. The fairy tree Spirit Tree is already owned by heavenly materials earthly treasures, and those who have fate have obtained it. We can come here to show that we have a fate with it. Why do n’t you let the road open and let me When you take this tree away, you will be free. “

And when everyone was shocked by the strength revealed by the golden silhouette, the evil cloud stepped out slowly, and the voice sounded slowly.

Let Qin Yichen. They were somewhat surprised that the golden silhouette seemed to be different from other crickets. When listening to the words of the evil cloud, that silhouette turned slightly, and the armor in its eye area wriggled. As if it were incredible.

And among its scum gods, Xie Yun’s figure has stepped out of several feet.

“Talk nonsense, one step closer, I will cut you first!”

And just as Xie Yun’s confidence was full, a golden sword suddenly penetrated the space and landed half an inch in front of his feet. A cold voice also sounded.

“Thunderwinds, although we are competitors, but now we have common enemies, or should we join forces first to solve this thing first?”

Under this threat, even if the evil cloud is involuntarily corner of mouth twitching, he no longer ventures forward, but instead takes a few steps back, with a smile, and smiles at Lei Lingfeng.

The evil cloud is very clear. How fierce this golden cricket is in front of them, and relying on them alone, if they want to break through, I am afraid they will pay a small price.

And on the side, there is still a glare like a tiger watching his prey in the thunder wind, and it is a stupid thing to lose alone at this time!

Hearing the words of the evil cloud, the look of the Peak giants behind Lei Lingfeng all changed somewhat, and a path of argument sounded quietly.

In the end, they were all lightly nodded and looked towards Thunder Spirit Wind.

They all know what the evil cloud is thinking, but the current situation does require them to work together temporarily to solve this difficult Guardian.

“Xie Yun, I advise you not to change your mind, otherwise, the old man will be sitting here waiting for you, then Dao Yuan Fruit is really like the fairy tree, at worst, no one can get it!”

Finally, Thunder Wind is also nodded, slowly said.

“Haha, Lei Lingfeng, your Old Guy really has an appetite for me. If it’s not your camp opposite me, old man would really like to make you a friend.”

The evil cloud laughed heartily, and did not take the threat in Thunder Lingfeng’s words into mind at all.

“Get it started!”

With a faint voice coming from the mouth of Xie Yun, the next instant, he turned out to be the first to burst out, the finger points at void, and a terrifying Magical Powers dazzling with evil spirits was facing the golden cricket. Whistling away.

In the face of this attack, there was no slight concession, its palm was raised slightly, and golden light condensed, a huge golden sword emerged quickly, and immediately, its arm waved, then The golden golden sword is stabbed to the Magical Powers of the evil cloud.


With a loud sound, Heaven and Earth shuddered slightly. To Qin Yichen’s surprise, this time, the golden sword did not pierce through the Magical Powers as before, and the two were in contact. It burst directly.

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