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Desperate jungle, this area is extremely vast, but there are few who dare to get involved.

Although it is rumored that there are various rare Rare Items, there are few people who dare to break into it, because there are too many powerful demonic beasts in it.

However, today, on the edge of the desperate jungle, there are a team of more than 20 people and horses, fast moving through them.

Each of these silhouettes has a powerful breath fluctuation, and their looks are somewhat covered in dirt. Obviously, they have encountered a lot of trouble along the way.

However, even as they approached the edge of the desperate jungle, the expression on their faces was not a little relaxed, but instead became more dignified.

This team is the powerhouse of the Thunder Monster Alliance, headed by Thunder Lingfeng.

After coming to the edge of the desperate jungle, Thunder Lingfeng did not speed up, but stopped everyone.

“Qin little friend, I’m afraid we’re in trouble this time.”

At the forefront of the team, Lei Ling said to Qin Yichen with a gloomy face.

Hearing this, Qin Yichen’s eyes narrowed for a moment, his gaze also looked towards Lei Lingfeng with a hint of grave expression.

He also knows that the evil cloud must have sent the news back to the Great Evil Imperial Family before it fell. He already had some predictions about what to face, and he also knew that the Thunder Monster Alliance and the swallowing Azure Sable Clan will not Sitting idly by, I didn’t worry too much about it.

However, Lei Lingfeng said so, I’m afraid things were a little unexpected.

“Thunder Senior Feng, there’s nothing wrong with it.”

Qin Yichen put out a breath slowly, softly.

“Outside, there should be a top powerhouse waiting for us …”

Lei Lingfeng’s eyes looked towards the outside of the desperate jungle, some solemnly said.


Qin Yichen nodded, a top powerhouse, it was a bit unexpected, he originally thought that there would be at least two top powerhouses.

“What did Old Ancestor say?”

Aside, Lei Yunyou’s eyebrows were lightly frowned and asked.

“Xie Cangyuan is taking 5 top powerhouses out of my clan …”

Ray Spiritual Mountain sighed, and there was a look of bitter smile on his face.

When he was ready to come out, he told the Lei Yao Old Ancestor the news, but after discovering the actions of Xie Cangyuan, Lei Yao Old Ancestor did not dare to send a top powerhouse to support it, otherwise, All of them are likely to be destroyed by Xie Cangyuan in one fell swoop.

Once the Thunder Monsters are destroyed, the top powerhouse of their alliance is really nowhere to go.

Moreover, they can also feel the determination of Xie Cangyuan. If they are supported by several top powerhouses, the latter will definitely launch an onslaught against the Thunder Monster family at all costs.

Hearing this, Qin Yichen did not speak, and his eyes could not help looking towards Qing Zhengyi.

“The old bastard of the Wu Peng tribe is drinking tea with Qing Xuan Old Ancestor in my tribe …”

Seeing Qin Yichen’s eyes, Qing Zhengyi also said helplessly.

Hearing this, the faces of several Peak giants were sinking. For a while, the atmosphere between Heaven and Earth became abnormally dignified.

After groaning for a long time, Lei Yunyou still held a hint of hope, and asked Lei Lingfeng: “Great Elder, how did Old Ancestor explain?”

“Old Ancestor lets us be careful, he will find a way to save us.”

Thunder Ling sighed, and then shook the head again.

This kind of discourse, in fact, they all know that I can’t count on the latter.

“It seems that Xie Cangyuan is fully prepared …”

Halfway, Qin Yichen took a deep breath, also said with a bitter smile.

Since Xie Cangyuan did not hesitate to use the top powerhouse to shoot at him, he must have been fully prepared and would not let others have a chance to intervene.

Regardless of the top powerhouse or Qing Xuan of their alliance, Thunder Demon Old Ancestor, Qin Yichen estimates that there will definitely be someone paying close attention to the 10000 Demon City.

After all, the news of Mo Shengsheng’s death has not yet spread.

The top powerhouse, with the Peak power of Holy Peak, is only a step away, but this step has as different as heaven and earth!

They now have as many as ten Battle strengths at the Peak level, but even with these strengths, they did not have the idea of ​​competing with a top powerhouse from start to finish!

If they go to the top powerhouse with these powerhouses, I’m afraid it won’t take them a moment, they will all fall down!

The gap between top powerhouse and Holy Peak is not something that can be made up for.

“We need to find a way out quickly.”

In the depressed air field, Ray Lingfeng opened the mouth and said.

Although there is a desperate jungle, the top powerhouse will never take their own lives to take risks, but Xie Cangyuan will definitely think of the possibility that they hide in it. At this time, I am afraid that there are already a large number of Holy Peaks. Powerhouse came here to the desperate jungle.

Moreover, they knew that the strength of the team of Thunder Lingfeng would definitely come in with crushing power. Once they met those guys, I am afraid they would not be able to get out.

Thinking of this, for a while, several Peak giants were silent. In this situation, what else can they do to make them desperate situation to survive?

Behind them, although a group of Holy Peak’s powerhouses do not know what they are talking about, they can also feel the change of the atmosphere in front of them, and in their eyes, some grave expressions can not help but emerge.

“I have a way …”

This silence lasted for a long time, and Lei Yunyou suddenly spoke, breaking this depressed field.

“any solution?”

Hearing this, the sight of Lei Lingfeng and the others were all projected towards Lei Yunyou.

“Go in a different direction.”

Lei Yun Youhao’s teeth lightly started, slowly said.

“You look down on top powerhouse too much. Although the desperate jungle is big, you can’t hide it from top powerhouse.”

Thunder Ling shook the head, said.

Hearing this, the rush of hope that had flowed from the faces of several powerful people disappeared again.

“There is a direction, even if Xie Cangyuan came in person and knew that we were there, he would definitely not dare to chase!”

A smile appeared on Lei Yunyou’s pretty face, and the jade arm protruded, pointing in a direction on the side, and said.

“You mean…”

Seeing Lei Yunyou’s direction, Lei Lingfeng’s pupils also shrank abruptly, but the next instant he shook his head fiercely and directly rejected the proposal: “No, you can’t break in there, Old Ancestor also Explained, let’s not move our minds to that place. “

“Where is that direction?”

Seeing Lei Lingfeng’s attitude, Qin Yichen couldn’t help frowned, and asked.

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