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“Such insignificant ability, but also want to stop Old Man’s Magical Powers? Dream!”

The red fire cracked coldly snorted, and the virtual hand was slightly pressed. For a moment, in the collapsed space, there was once again a forceful wave.

“hong long long !”

Heaven and Earth trembled. The collapsed space was actually torn apart. A huge finger forcedly pierced the space and pierced it out. The terrifying waves made the space crazy. Trembling.

In this scene, even though Qin Yichen saw something moving, his complexion was extremely dignified, but there was no fear in the dark eyes.

Looking at the amazing offensive that came from the suppression, Qin Yichen’s body shook slightly, and from his body, there was also a dazzling golden light.

“What breaks Magical Powers, watch me punch you!”

A sound of anger and drink suddenly exploded above the sky. The next moment in a path of astonished eyes, the slender silhouette turned out to face the strikes on the sky that seemed like fingers of destruction. .

“bring about one’s own destruction !”

Seeing this, the huge silhouette in the air, the corner of his mouth can not help but set off a touch of sarcastic arc, in his eyes is flashing a strong killing intent.

“Is he courting death?”

And the power of those who are watching this battlefield has a flash of sorrow in their eyes. Obviously, they all didn’t expect. After this guy’s method was broken, not only did he not escape, but he dared to do so. Go crazy!

Although Qin Yichen has just broken through to the level of giants, but this offensive, many powers on the scene, I am afraid that few people can resist it, and he is so hard?

However, with only one step of breakthrough, can he directly resist the killing tactics such as red fire cracking?


The dazzling golden light directly tears open the space, fiercely strikes the huge fingers that are crushed down in the air, and in Qin Yichen’s within the body, the majestic strength is whistling continuously, as he The passing of the body seemed to have the sound of a terrifying dragon howling, and the whole sky was shaking at this time.

“break for me !”

With such full urging, the three-color rays of light wrapped Qin Yichen’s figure in it, and a violent wave continued to oscillate, with the sound of a rage, Under the gaze of a line of sight, the two banged together.

“hong long! ”

The moment the two hit each other, the True Origin storm of terrifying swept away. The True Origin shock was like the ten thousand zhang waves raging wildly. Under this kind of fluctuation, the space is all There was an unbearable noise.

The luster of the scarlet and the rays of light of the golden light color each occupy half of the sky, and they are eroded by each other. Seeing this scene, those powerful people can’t help but be shocked. That junior, not only has not been crushed dry weeds. and smashing rotten wood’s gesture defeated, and even worthy of resistance?

Looking at the confrontation of the two forces, the eyes in the cracked eyes of red fire became gloomy, and the cold color on his face became more intense, and the cold drinking sound also resounded: “Give me suppression ! “


The huge finger trembled at this moment, and those lingering flames swept out of the sky, and Qin Yichen was wrapped in it with a bang.

Between the flames flashing, there was a faint pattern of mysterious patterns. Those patterns, many powers, are not unfamiliar, and they are similar to the pattern above the huge cauldron.

He actually intended to use this overbearing method to refine Qin Yichen!

However, what is surprising is that even under the envelope of that flame, the three-color energy occupying half of the sky still has not weakened at all. These flames that seem to be refinable by Heaven and Earth, seem to simply hurt. Less than Qin Yichen!

“hmph! ”

The red fire cracking was obviously aware of this scene, but he was coldly snorted, but his heart was horrified: “What is the origin of this junior, why can’t even my flames refine him?”

With the shock in my heart, the flame that engulfed Qin Yichen gradually disappeared.

Although the power of refining is extremely powerful, the consumption of the Magical Powers of Red Fire Cracking is not small. The most important thing is that he is fully refining under this overbearing True Origin. The latter is like simply not. Affected in general.

Red fire cracking naturally does not know, although his 1000 ancient red flame law body refining power is very strong, but compared with the real fire of 9 days fire sea Phoenix Clan people, there is still a great gap.

And Qin Yichen once experienced the 10000-like tempering of Phoenix Clan’s ancestor blood essence in the 100 family Battle Domain. With this flame, it is undoubtedly true to want to refine it.

“The old man wouldn’t believe it. How can a junior who has just broken through to the Holy Peak!”

After a short shock, the red-fired look became cold again, coldly snorted in his heart, the huge finger trembled slightly, and then violently cracked down.

After the refining was fruitless, he changed his mind and intended to crush the latter with overbearing strength.

Sure enough, under this shock, the two kinds of energy that were originally deadlocked on the sky suddenly tilted, and the red fire constantly eroded the other half of the sky. Under this suppression, everyone can clearly understand See, the slender silhouette under that finger is constantly being blasted backwards.

Obviously, under the pure power of competition, Qin Yichen still has to fall behind. After all, he has just broken through to the Holy Peak. In terms of the brilliance of True Origin, naturally he cannot be famous with Red Fire. Compared to the long fierce.

Under the giant finger, Qin Yichen’s body was constantly permeated with sweat, but just after it was exposed, it was evaporated by the high temperature of terrifying.

At this time, on his arm that was in general confrontation with the finger of annihilation, blood continued to infiltrate from the armguard. Obviously, under this confrontation, Qin Yichen also suffered a lot of trauma. .

However, few people can see clearly, even if it is in the downwind, Qin Yichen’s face is not at all panic, but there is a touch of smile.

In fact, this shot was not because of his arrogance. He just broke through the fusion of the three powers and successfully broke through to the Holy Peak. He needed this pressure to stabilize his realm!

This opportunity is more effective than penance!

“He can’t stand it!”

Soon, there was a sound of whispers above Skyrim, some keen eyesight, all looked out, Qin Yichen’s speed of retreat became faster!

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