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“Do not worry!”

When I saw Qin Yichen taking the initiative to call a lion, Xuanyueyu and the others flashed a look of surprise, but they also knew that lion was trying to bury them here to wash their shame, but Qin Doesn’t Yichen want to be famous by this battle?

Even if no one thinks he can beat Lion Robber, as long as he can compete with Lion Robbery today, that’s enough!

“Junior, you really deserve yourself!”

The lion took a deep breath, suppressing the violent killing intent in his heart, and Sen Leng stared at Qin Yichen.

“Under the same top powerhouse, I don’t know where you come from so confident.”

Qin Yichen chuckled, said.

Hearing this, Lion Jie’s complexion sank slightly. Immediately, his eyes suddenly froze, and the monstrous True Origin swept away from within the body. True Origin roared on the sky, rolling like a stormy sea. .

Lion Origin’s True Origin is obviously grandiose enough to reach the Peak of the Peak Giant. The majestic level is not comparable to the ordinary Peak Giant.

Lion ’s body slowly rises into the air, and the majestic True Origin is tumbling like the sea behind him. He looks down at Qin Yichen so high, like a Holy Spirit looking down at a mortal, with a majesty. His voice also resounded above the sky: “Since you want to know, I’ll tell you where I’m confident!”

Tone barely fell, and Shi Jie’s eyes were instantly cold, and then, with a piercing of his arm, he slaps angrily at Qin Yichen.


With the waving of his palm, the monstrous True Origin suddenly whistled, directly transformed into a huge palm of light, hiding the sky and covering the earth slamming down at Qin Yichen.

Qin Yichen looked up slightly, looking at the huge light that came from the roar. His body shook, and 10000 sacred armors roared out. A breath of anger was flowing from his body. The oppressive atmosphere brought by that huge palm of light was torn apart by its life.

Looking at the armor that emerged from Qin Yichen’s body, Lion Jie’s complexion suddenly turned dark, but he saw with his own eyes that the last hit of the red fire crack was blocked by this armor.

“Hmph, do you think that with this tortoise shell, you can take my shot?”

The chill flashed in the eyes of Lion Robber. He was not a red fire crack. Although this armor can withstand the blow of the red fire crack, his majestic True Origin far surpassed the latter, even though Qin Yichen has such a treasure body protection, but In his opinion, it is still impossible to be his opponent.

“Just want to solve me with this move?”

However, facing the sneer of Lion Robber, Qin Yichen’s face flashed with an ice-cold look, and immediately, from his body, three different colors of energy whistled out.


With the emergence of these three energies, the True Origin between Heaven and Earth boiled instantly, and then everyone was shocked to discover that the three different energies started to merge at this time. Waiting for the horrible True Origin, it poured into Qin Yichen’s body as much as possible.

“What is this Magical Powers ?!”

Seeing this scene, countless powerful pupils have shrunk sharply.

They felt that the three energies were extremely tyrannical, but no one could have imagined that under the control of Qin Yichen, these different energies were merged as much as possible.


The vast earth, at this time, issued a slight but rapid jitter, True Origin between Heaven and Earth, perfusing away at Qin Yichen at a speed visible to naked eyes. Under this injection, Qin Yichen The breath is also climbing to an extremely horrifying level. Even from this breath, he is no weaker than a lion!

“It is indeed a demon from a god-level race. Such means are really convincing!”

“However, he always resorted to external forces, and his real strength still has a huge gap compared to Lion Robber.”

“External force? It’s ridiculous. You don’t have any real ability. Can you control Heaven and Earth True Origin so violently under the control of Lion Robber?”

Perceived the change of breath in Qin Yichen, this piece of between Heaven and Earth suddenly sounded a shocking noise, many powers clearly felt that in this slender silhouette, how horrible Once it broke out, I am afraid it will be a blow from heaven falls and earth rends!

At this time, the power behind the Lions, some of the original disdain in their eyes, also converged at this time, but they did not do so, because, opposite them, Xuanyueyu has stood up.

Once they do, Xuanyueyu will definitely use thunderbolt to show their deterrence!

Although the number of Peak power on their side is twice as much as the other side, no one dares to do anything.

Here, the only one who can stabilize the black moonfish is lion robbery.

Right now, Lion ’s attention is focused on Qin Yichen, but there is no Peak to be able to stand up and hold Xuanyueyu. After all, in the face of this super-human, there is a danger of accidental fall No one wants to do such stupid things.

“This guy is really a pervert. Why does he get stronger every time he takes a shot!”

Facing those dreadful glances, Xuan Yueyu’s face didn’t have too unusual expression fluctuations, but he couldn’t help wondering about Qin Yichen’s revealed strength.


Under the gaze of countless vibrations, the breath on Qin Yichen’s body has reached a subversive level, and the waiting breath makes the surrounding space tremble.

“I really despise you …”

The lion’s eyes were cold and low, and in this world echoed, “However, with such absorptive power, aren’t you afraid to kill yourself?”

It ’s clear that Lion Robber also knows that Qin Yichen ’s movement is amazing, but if the latter ’s body is n’t strong enough to absorb such a mighty energy into the body, it will bring about one’s own destruction.

In his opinion, Qin Yichen made this decision because he was suppressed by his own pressure.

“Is it?”

Hearing the sneer from Skyrim, Qin Yichen also slowly looked up. On that young face, a icy smile with a hint of playfulness was set off.

As soon as the sound of chuckles fell, Qin Yichen’s arm protruded abruptly. On its exposed skin, the rays of light stretched and contracted, and an explosive force was also surging madly.


Qin Yichen’s eyes stared coldly at the repressed giant palm on the sky. His feet were trembling, and the earth shuddered. The next moment, his body was already bursting out. Right Whistling away with that huge light.

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