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“It seems that if you want to know the idea of ​​Shui Jinglong, you must find someone at the gate of the mist.”

Looking at the city like a giant dragon, Qin Yichen thought to himself.

In these 30 years, the mist gate has long since disappeared. How hard is it to find them?

Fortunately, because of the reminder of the mysterious black robed man, Qin Yichen was able to determine that there is definitely survivors in the fog gate!

“If the disappearance of the fog gate is a conspiracy of the water gate, then they must know that there is still sin in the fog gate …”

After thinking about it, Qin Yichen finally decided to stay out of Water Mist City.

The person at the Mist Gate will surely hide very deep. He wants to find it out, I am afraid it is not a simple thing.

However, Qin Yichen was able to determine that Shui Jinglong and they must be looking for the remnants of the mist gate. Perhaps, he could obtain some useful information from Shui Jinglong’s actions.

Kung fu is worthy of a caring person, so waiting, about half a month later, from the water mist city, finally there is a strange movement.

On this day, it was getting late. At dusk, at the city gate of Shuiwu City, a row of elite troops wearing armor slowly walked out of it. Above their armor, a golden “water “word.

As the army powerhouse of the forty-fifty people came out, the flow of people at the city gate consciously gave up a passage.

“Well, is there any movement?”

Seeing this scene, on a big tree far away, Qin Yichen, who had been watching the movement, had a slight glance on his eyes, a slight sweep of his sight, and finally landed at the very center of the crowd.

In the middle of this team, there are several large black boxes. Even though there are some restrictions, Qin Yichen can still acutely notice that there are extremely surging Heaven and Earth True Origin fluctuations.

“Spiritual, spiritual medicine?”

Seeing those boxes, Qin Yichen eyebrows slightly frowned, even though he was a bit boring to shook the head, but when he was a little disappointed, some small discussion voices from around the city gate let him. His eyes narrowed for a moment.

“Fourth Elder is still so alert.”

“No, it’s been a year since the last time their convoy was robbed. He still chose to operate at this time, and he also convened so many powerhouses.”

“It’s weird. What happened to the guy who robbed the Fourth Elder team last time, and where did he get so bold?”

“Who knows, but look at the Chamber of Commerce under Four Elder’s so cautiously that they haven’t caught the robber yet.”

With the departure of the elite army, a path of whispering sounds rang out around the city gate.

“Fourth Elder at Watergate?”

Hearing these discussions, Qin Yichen’s eyes couldn’t help but twitch.

In the Water Mist Imperial Family, some people dared to fight the idea of ​​His Elder, the Chamber of Commerce by Fourth Elder, I’m afraid, is this something to do with the Mist Gate?

However, it’s been over a year, and this Fourth Elder seems to be overly vigilant.

It was getting late, but the flow of people at the city gate did not decrease at all. The prosperous level of this water mist city is really amazing.

While Qin Yichen was hesitating to catch up with the team, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes quietly fell into a dark place outside the city gate several li.

As the sea of ​​people came out, in the dark corner of Shuiwu City, there were a group of hundreds of people and horses quietly condensed.

This batch of powerhouses is full of extremely violent breath fluctuations, and they are all holy powerhouses. Moreover, it is not difficult to see the breath emanating from them. These powerhouses are elites trained through bloody battles.

From the beginning to the end of the gathering, but a short moment of effort, immediately they turned into remnants and flew away outside the city.

“It seems to be moving?”

Seeing this scene, Qin Yichen’s eyes narrowed for a moment, his body suddenly tightened, but at this time he didn’t catch up, but concealed his breath.

And one quarter of an hour after the powerhouses left, from the city gate, three silhouettes came out again. They were like ordinary people, leaving with the flow of people from the wide street.

However, at the moment they appeared, Qin Yichen’s eyes flashed a light. Although the breath of the three people was well covered, he still felt a dangerous taste clearly.

These three people are all Peak powerhouses. In the middle, Qin Yichen is no stranger. He is the Second Elder of the Water Gate.

“In the Water Mist Imperial Family, what else is worth the dispatch of 3 Peak giant-level Elders …”

Looking at the back of the three people, Qin Yichen whispered in his heart, his body moved, and he quietly followed them.

In the Water Mist Imperial Family, common things are managed by its own institutions, and the water gate is extremely stable. It can get 3 Peak giants such as Shui Jinghua to dispatch together, and bring that many The holy powerhouse is elite, I am afraid that only the remnants of the mist door can have such qualifications.


Beyond Shuiwucheng 100 miles away, a team of elite armored teams is moving fast, but in this rush, the powerhouses each and everyone of these teams are keeping a high degree of vigilance, not because of a The road is calm and slightly relaxed.

Around this road, there are high mountains, under the blowing of the cold wind, the trees in the mountains flicker like ghost shadows, and from time to time there are sounds of terrifying sharp beasts.

If it is a person with less guts, in this gloomy environment, I am afraid that they will be scared witless. However, the powerhouse of this team obviously does not belong to that kind of people. They glanced away at 4 places. In addition to the cold face, there is no expression.

Obviously, this is not the first time this team has passed here.

As the team moved forward, at a certain moment, a holy senior man in the forefront suddenly looked up at the distant forest, and immediately his eyebrows slightly frowned.

The strength and experience of being able to be the escort leader of this team is naturally far from comparable. He is keenly aware that the subtle wind sounds a bit abnormal.


The holy powerhouse lifted its arms, and the speed of the team slowed down.

“A few of you, go look ahead.”

Looking at the blinking mountain forest of ghost shadow, the leader’s brows frowned. Immediately, a wave of his palm shouted.


Hearing this, in front of the convoy, 4 silhouettes rushed forward in a very tacit manner, whistling away towards the mountain forest.

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