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After about half a day passed, the gate of Wuyudian finally opened slowly, and a slender silhouette stepped out of it slowly.

In this silhouette, not at all is too overbearing, but if you look closely, you will find that there is a horrible power brewing in its sharp muscles, as long as he has The action will burst out in general.

“Well, where’s all gone?”

This silhouette is exactly Qin Yichen. After half a day of retreat, he has returned to Peak.

However, after walking out of the stone hall, his gaze glanced around, but he found that there was no one outside. After a whisper, he also slightly shook the head, and immediately followed the route in memory and walked straight towards the altar .

When he first walked to the square in front of the altar, Qin Yichen’s complexion suddenly condensed, his gaze was directed at the stone platform of the altar, and he saw that there was a silhouette that was completely motionless like a rock. Opened his eyes.


When his eyes opened, a vast True Origin storm suddenly formed in this space. The pressure of terrifying made Qin Yichen’s body tremble slightly.

Perceiving this coercion, Qin Yichen’s face was not frightened, but a burst of joy emerged.

The Mist Gate sect master …… Wu Xiao, finally woke up!

“sect master !”

Seeing the suddenly awakened silhouette, the misty mountain and the others who have been guarding under the altar immediately knelt down, and on their faces, there was a touch of surprise and excitement that could not be concealed.

The mist gate sect master has been in retreat for decades. During this time, although Wushan and Wuyang are in charge of things, their main bones and spiritual pillars have always been the mist gate sect master!

Looking at the silhouette of the mighty shore, the misty mountains are filled with joy and a sense of relief.

“Foshan, Wuyang, Wuling …”

That silhouette’s eyes slowly swept across the three silhouettes below the altar, and a murmur like a nightmare slowly came out of its mouth.

In the end, his eyes fell on Qin Yichen in the distance, and he felt that the latter was not their gate to the mist door.

“Qin little friend!”

Seeing the slender silhouette that was walking slowly, Wushan also had a touch of gratitude in their eyes.

“Junior Qin Yichen, met the sect master.”

Going under the altar, Qin Yichen arched his hand at that silhouette, lightly said with a smile.

“You saved me?”

Looking at the slender silhouette, Wu Xiao’s eyes seemed to have a vague astonished expression flashing, and a soft voice came out of his mouth.

“Senior is determined, otherwise no one can save you.”

Qin Yichen chuckled, but did not deny it.

Hearing this, Wu Xiao’s complexion changed slightly.

Regarding the change of his expression, Wushan has a panoramic view, but they are a little puzzled. Why is Wuxiao reacting so much, hasn’t the hidden danger of sect master within the body been completely solved?

“Tell me about the situation.”

After a while, Wu Xiao didn’t say much to Qin Yichen, not even a word of thanks, his eyes suddenly fell on Wu Shan’s body, and a faint voice sounded quietly.

“The beasts of Watergate must have been deliberate for a long time. After the sect master took us away, our mist door and His Majesty’s forces were destroyed by them in a very short time …”

Hearing that voice, Wushan hastily closed the Wuxiao, and said what happened in the water mist Imperial Family one by one.

While listening to Wu Shan’s narration, the expression on Wu Xiao’s face did not fluctuate too much, and he seemed to have known about these situations.

“Because of insufficient resources, the day before yesterday I led the disaster to take the plunder, but unexpectedly it was the trap of the water gate. If it was not for the timely appearance of Qin little friend, we would not be able to return …”

Speaking of this, Wushan sighed helplessly.

The situation of the Wumen Gate is too difficult now. If it is not Qin Yichen, Wushan will definitely be bode ill rather than well. For them who lack the backbone, this will undoubtedly be even worse.

“The sect master is also the help of Qin little friend, only to let you …”

On the side, Wu Yang also told the situation of the previous altar.

On the other hand, Wu Xiao has been listening quietly without saying a word. Even his expression has not fluctuated all the time, making people wonder what he is thinking.

“Let’s leave first, I will say a few words with him alone.”

After a long time, Wu Xiao suddenly opened the mouth and said.


Hearing this, Wushan and the others all paid respectfully, and quickly retreated. Around the altar, only Qin Yichen was left.

“Is it you who lifted my blood within the body?”

Looking at the three people who disappeared into sight, Wu Xiao’s gaze fell on Qin Yichen’s body. A murmured voice also came from his mouth.

“I’m also lucky to be able to work out the Nightmare Clan bloodline.”

Qin Yichen chuckled, said.

“Do you know Nightmare Clan?”

Upon hearing his faint words, Wu Xiao’s eyes flashed an unexpected expression.

“If I’m not mistaken, now the water gate that dominates the Imperial Family of Water Mist has been reduced to the puppet of Nightmare Clan?”

Qin Yichen said with a smile on his lips.

Wu Xiao didn’t deny it, a flash of palpitations flashed in his eyes.

The mysterious person I contacted at first was originally Nightmare Clan!

If it wasn’t for his timely detection, I’m afraid he wouldn’t be able to escape the fate of being a Nightmare Clan puppet.

“The hidden dangers of sect master within the body have been removed. Wouldn’t it be difficult to revive the gate of the mist?”

Qin Yichen chuckled, and suddenly opened the mouth and said: “Although the method of water gate is very ruthless, the heritage of the mist gate is certainly not so simple on the surface, and as long as the sect master knows the true appearance of the water gate speak out……”

“Junior, you are very smart.”

Listening to Qin Yichen’s words, Wu Xiao’s eyes could not help showing some appreciation.

“However, you can save the misty mountain so coincidentally, and take the risk of erasing the blood of me within the body, should you also have a purpose?”

However, in the next instant, the words of Wu Xiao suddenly changed, and a very majestic wave was suddenly mixed in the sound.

With the fall of his voice, in the space around the altar, it was suddenly filled with a majestic wave, which was enough to easily wipe out any powerhouse under the top powerhouse, and those fluctuations had Pointing directly at Qin Yichen’s trend.

Seeing such a change, Qin Yichen’s eyes could not help but a slight glance. It seems that Wu Xiao’s eyes are quite spicy. He is probably seeing his true identity as a Human Race!

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