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“You can see the top powerhouse of the Star Lion Imperial Family in your lifetime, old man has no regrets in this life!”

“It seems that it is true that the Three Great Emperors race is chasing after this evil, and they really deserve this evil, even though each race sends out such a terrifying existence!”

“From that guy’s performance just now, if they don’t use top powerhouse, they can’t capture it smoothly.”

Between Heaven and Earth, three terrifying coercions permeated, so that this piece of Heaven and Earth was in a dead silence. Around Liumu City, countless powerhouses looked at the 3 silhouettes with horror in their faces. They thought 3 10000, but none of them dared to make any noise.

The top powerhouse is definitely not what they can provoke, even more how, this suddenly appeared as many as 3 statues, and they are also the most powerful Sovereign level races from the 10000 ethnic continent!

“Lion Ho Fan, if you think you are great, you might as well try it.”

With the emergence of these two people, the red storm became pale and somewhat unpleasantly coldly snorted and said.

He knew that the two guys arrived here with themselves, but they were obviously more accountable, and he deliberately had a hot temper.

The feeling of being used as a gunman was not very good. As a result, he still failed to capture Qin Yichen after successive shots. This is a stain that cannot be washed away for red storms.

At this time, He Fan even taunted, and the Red Storm was naturally extremely displeased.

“Hmph, if it wasn’t for that junior who helped this junior, do you think he could leave Tian City alive?”

Lion He Fan was sneered, said disdainfully.

In the meteoric city of Tian, ​​if it was n’t for the mysterious old man to intervene, he would have beheaded Qin Yichen. In that case, simply there would be no red storm and the others.

However, this is not bad.

After all, it is rumored that Qin Yichen is a god-level race. If only their Star Lion Imperial Family is a race, I am afraid there will be a lot of pressure under the anger of the god-level race.

Nowadays, if you add two more details, they are all very strong Sovereign level races, naturally they are what Lions He Fan would like to say.

“Less bragging here, who doesn’t know that your lion, He Fan, was so scared that he didn’t even dare to enter the range of Tian City, and he didn’t know when he would leave.”

Hearing this, the red storm is sneaked, and there is no taunted to hide: “In my opinion, you are afraid of things!”

“hmph! ”

Hearing this, Lion He Fan’s complexion suddenly sank. With the sound of a coldly snorted, the coercion that filled the space between Heaven and Earth suddenly increased.

When the red storm appeared, his body was slightly shaken, and his breath rose sharply.

Although Shi Hefan is from the improbable Star Lion Imperial Family, but he was promoted to the top powerhouse decades earlier than Lion He Fan. In his eyes, the latter is a junior, and he will not be afraid of it!

2 top powerhouse has not yet started, that kind of terrible coercion is already shaking the space.

“2 people, at this time, you don’t need to argue anymore, you should pack that junior first, so that the ants will not read the joke.”

And just as the two of them were fighting each other, the fright on the side was lightly frowned, and finally sighed.

“hmph! ”

Listening to his persuasion, Lion He Fan and Red Storm were both coldly snorted. Although they were a little displeased in their eyes, the tension that filled the space between Heaven and Earth quietly eased a little.

Obviously, they all know that now is not the time for emotional conflict, the top priority is to capture this child, even if the latter is said to be a god-level person, they need to use it to establish the majesty of the Sovereign level race!

In the long years, there are many people of the god level who have traveled to the 10000 ethnic continent. However, even people from the god level seem to have received any hint before they came out. They are treating the Sovereign level race. It was also very polite, and never intervened in the struggle for forces on the 10000 ethnic continent.

At the moment, Qin Yichen is not only arrogant, but also violates the default rules of the 10000-thousand continent. The Thunder-Legend Alliance has changed the situation because of his intervention.

In Huang Jitian, the latter even ignored the reputation of their major Sovereign level races, and even killed the Red Fire Crack, and finally, under the watchful eyes of countless powers, defeated the lion of the Star Lion Imperial Family. !!

This kind of thing, whether it is the Star Lion Imperial Family, Chiyan, or Jingyun Imperial Family, they can’t stand it. As the most powerful Sovereign level race on the mainland, they must regain their lost face in Emperor Extreme!

“Junior, I don’t want to bully you. If you are interested, it is obediently surrender. This will save you some bitterness.”

Jing Xu also knows that these two guys are just fighting and have steps, they naturally do not want to start under the gaze of some ants. After he slightly shook the head, his eyes fell on the silhouette standing on the boulder. Indifferent sounds resounded between Heaven and Earth.


However, in the face of Jingxu’s command-like words, Qin Yichen’s face did not change at all, and a faint sneer sounded quietly, as if he did not put the three top powerhouses in his eyes.

“It really is a junior who doesn’t know the immensity of heaven and earth!”

Seeing him like this, Lion He Fan’s eyes couldn’t help but a slight glance, and his heart could not help saying with a sneer.

“Three people want to bully less?”

With a slight glance, a faint voice came out of Qin Yichen’s mouth again. In his eyes, there was no such awe of ordinary person in the face of top powerhouse.

“Junior, we just want you to apologize to the clan, why bully.”

In the face of Qin Yichen’s attitude, the appearance of Chi Fengsheng and Shi Hefan changed somewhat, but there was a slight smile on Jing Xu’s face, and there was no slight anger in his voice. That way, people can’t help but wonder, what he said is not like a basket man.

“Take me away? Then you have to see if your strength is enough!”

However, Qin Yichen is not a 3-year-old child. He naturally does not trust the perfunctory words of Jing Xu. Instead, he looks towards the latter, a little more vigilant.

Just now, the red storm student really moved his mind. If it wasn’t for the protection of 10000 god armors, I’m afraid he would have been ill rather than well at this time.

However, Jingxu’s attitude is completely different from that of Red Storm. However, Qin Yichen knows that the purpose of their three people must be the same. Moreover, to deceive themselves as such, Jingxu’s mind is really sinister!

With Qin Yichen’s words falling out, the three top powerhouses all looked slightly sinking, and even the smile on Jing Xu’s face gradually gradually converged.

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