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The sound of Wuxiao resounded above the water and fog city, feeling the cold killing intent in that sound, the body of countless powerhouses in the city could not help but tremble slightly.

This one once dominated the existence of the Water Mist Imperial Family, and somehow disappeared for 30 years, but when he returned, his kingly style was still unmistakable.

“Bold, dare to talk nonsense here, do you really think you are still Wu Xiao 30 years ago?”

However, under the threat of the mist, Shui Jinglong was frowned and suddenly shouted loudly. His appearance was as if he had been stepped on a sore spot.

Under the dominance of Wu Xiao, Shui Jinglong was fiercely scolded by Wu Xiao in front of the top of the Imperial Family due to some wry thoughts. Now, I hear the commanding words of the latter At times, his eyes were full of shame, as if he had forgotten his identity.

“Don’t you try it understood?”

Seeing the latter’s lost self-control, Wu Xiao’s eyes flashed a sneer, and a sound of ridiculous laughter resounded.


Looking at the latter’s superior appearance, Shui Jinglong coldly snorted, but there was a flash of ruthless aura in his heart.


The next moment, in the sky where he was, True Origin suddenly boiled, almost instantly, a huge silhouette of the size of several hundred zhang emerged.


With the sound of a roar, the giant water dragon constructed from pure True Origin set foot at the foot, tearing open the space directly, with the power of terrifying, fiercely rushing away towards the mist and howling.

That posture, even the ordinary top powerhouse, will be dignified. After becoming the sect master of the water gate, Shui Jinglong’s strength has indeed made a lot of progress. Just the hand that is revealed is enough to prove its strength. At least it will not be weaker than the evil Cangyuan of the original Great Imperial Family!


When seeing that water dragon, Wuxiao eyebrows slightly frowned seemed to flash a strange color in his eyes. However, in the face of a water dragon that is enough to cause a common top powerhouse headache, he has no intention to dodge.

“Your time has passed, now I am the master here!”

Seeing the arrogant appearance of Wu Xiao, Shui Jinglong’s eyes flashed a black tint, and then a loud drink sounded.

With the spread of this sound wave, the half-sky that was always pressed by one side suddenly trembled, and it turned out to be eroding away to the field of fog and tsunami. It looks like it is meant to be anti-customer!

Under this wave of fluctuations, the body of the water dragon has grown suddenly, it has a size close to 1000 feet, and the terrifying power contained in it makes the surrounding space unbearable and faint. There are signs of cracking.


This scene is just between electric light and flint. In some powerful eyes, just seeing Shui Jinglong’s shot, and then immediately suppress the field of mist howling, it looks like it has the upper hand.


However, a smile appeared on the powerful faces of those water gates, but it was a shocking discovery. Within 1000 feet around Wuxiao, a silver white mist suddenly filled.

As it entered, the huge water dragon, which was originally carrying a trance, turned into a fierce stagnation, and the speed of its progress became slower, and the silver mist seemed to contain great power. Deep down, the giant water dragon is getting smaller at a speed visible by naked eyes.

When he came to the side of Wuxiao, there was only the size of zhang or so.


And in Shui Jinglong’s somewhat frightening gaze, the mist howling flicks to shoot with the finger, the water dragon he didn’t keep his hands burst directly into raindrops.

“I haven’t seen you for so many years. You are still so bad.”

After the terrifying offensive was annihilated casually, Wu Xiao seemed to be doing only a trivial thing, and a whisper with a taunting sound also quietly sounded.

Looking at the silhouette of the mighty shore, Shui Jinglong realized that the guy in front of him, even after 30 years, was still the existence he needed to look up to!

What even surprised Shui Jinglong is that from the simple one-handed view just now, the latter’s strength does not seem to be damaged in the slightest!

“If Shui Changquan doesn’t show up again, I’ll start with you and Shui Zhimen.”

Wu Xiao’s eyes glanced at the many powers below, and a faint sound resounded from the sky.

“Hmph, is it your door to the mist?”

However, even if he knew he was not an adversary, under the threat of Wuxiao, Shui Jinglong still had no intention of stepping back, and even a strange arc was evoked in the corner of his mouth.

“Hehe, if this Old Guy is not enough, then how about the old man?”

And just as Shui Jinglong’s tone barely fell, a sound of laughter sounded like a thunderbolt, and then came rolling.


At the sound of this sound, above the sky in the distance, silver rays of light suddenly emerged. When the sound just fell, the rays of light had already fallen by the side of Wuxiao.

Looking at the suddenly appearing silhouette, Shui Jinglong’s complexion suddenly changed. Although he did not have too strong breath fluctuations, the skin flickered with arcs and water features on the exposed skin of his body. Even if Dragon was stupid, he would not think that person would be an ordinary person.

“Thunder monster Old Ancestor, Rezijin ?!”

Looking at the burly silhouette, Shui Jinglong’s complexion suddenly looked gloomy and half-squeaked. A name that had recently caused a huge wave on the 10000-ethnic continent was just spit out of his mouth.

“Hehe, I said why the water mist Imperial Family didn’t help me at the crucial moment as promised. It turned out to be your junior at home.”

Looking at the ugly complexion of Shui Jinglong, the Old Devil’s Old Ancestor sneered, the cold glow flashing in his eyes.

“Hmph, that’s what Wu Xiao promised you. My Watergate has no obligation to fulfill it. Besides, haven’t you won the Great Imperial Family now? Now you, do n’t keep up there, why did you run to Come my tribe! “

Shui Jinglong’s complexion was gloomy, but still couldn’t help angrily said in his mouth.

If it was just a scream of fog, even if Shui Jinglong was defeated, he was sure that if he tried his best, he should be able to drive it back.

However, at this time, there is an additional Thunder Ancestor, which is not much hesitant to compare with Wu Xiao. I am afraid that even if Shui Changquan took the shot himself, he might not be able to force them back!

“Now, do you think I have the ability to clean up your watergate?”

At this time, Wu Xiao also laughed lightly, with a touch of ridicule in the sound.

2 Earth Realm top powerhouse, this power, even when the water mist Imperial Family Peak, has to be treated carefully, and now, what they need to deal with is just a gate of water!

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