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On top of the golden giant lion, the gorgeous rays of light flickered on and off, like a golden day, the eyes hurt.

“Junior, it’s over!”

At this time, Lion He Fan looked somber and the sound of anger and laughter came from his mouth.

Qin Yichen’s difficulty was obviously beyond his expectation, but this is also the real anger that inspired Shi Hefan. Today, if he can’t even clean up Qin Yichen, then he has a face called Star Lion Imperial Family people?

“Star Lion Classic, the sky is breaking!”

Lion He Fan’s gaze was gazing closely at the slender silhouette behind the huge dragon shadow. Immediately, the anger on his face gradually dissipated and replaced with a solemn color.


With the sound falling, a powerful and terrifying breath suddenly emanated from the body of Lion Ho Fan. Immediately, under the giant lion roar towards the sky, the gorgeous rays of light bloomed. Wherever I go, even the space is torn apart.

“It turned out to be this move. Lion He Fan really deserves this guy!”

“This move can’t even show the lion robber. I am afraid that only the top powerhouse of this level can be used.”

“As soon as this move comes out, that guy should not be able to fight back at all?”

Looking at that horrible coercion, the eyes of countless 10000 ethnic powerhouses appeared with a deep color of fear. Even those rumors and powers made them feel hopeless. Only golden giant lion, not even they can compete.

In the gorgeous rays of light, there is a smell of death.

Qin Yichen looked up at the golden giant lion, his face was also dignified, but he did not mean to flinch.

Because he understood that he had been firmly locked by Shi Hefan, and he had no way back. The latter’s move was meant to kill. As long as he showed a hint of timidity, he would have no way to go. .

Facing this move, he can only survive!

However, Qin Yichen also felt that the golden giant lion that pedaled Heaven and Earth was stronger than the strongest hit on the day of the lion. I do n’t know how many times it would be stronger. The top powerhouse shot was far from being called the top 100. The first person can be compared.

“It’s a savvy kid, but with the strength you show, you are not qualified to resist it.”

In the distance, when I saw Qin Yichen, I didn’t even show any timidity, and there was a fascination in the eyes of Shi Hong. , They will be able to chase after the latter no more breathing.

However, in Shi Hong’s mind, even Qin Yichen saw this, it had no effect, because that Magical Powers, simply could not be countered by the evil in the top powerhouse.


Cold glow flashed in the eyes of Shi Hefan, and with a sound of indifference, the golden giant lion stepped on the foot, suddenly broke the void, and burst out with bright rays of light.


Under this gorgeous rays of light, where the golden giant lion passes, the sky is cracked with a path of terrifying cracks, and the terrible momentum makes the faces of countless powerhouses have A touch of astonished expression emerged.

“hmph! ”

Looking at the Magical Powers with such terrifying power, Qin Yichen couldn’t help coldly snorted, his eyes were slightly frozen, and the shadow of the coiled True Dragon was also roaring, the rays of light shook, leading to this between Heaven and Earth’s True Origin is boiling.


Immediately, the body of the giant dragon was twisted, and there was a touch of indifference in the eyes of those giant giant lions, and then its body was whistling, and a sharp claw was also torn. Split the sky, and fell fiercely against the giant lion.


In countless shocking eyes, two huge monsters collided with each other. At this moment, the fierce wave turned into ripples visible to the naked eye.

Looking at those violent storms, the faces of countless 10000 ethnic powerhouses were full of fear. This fierce aftermath is enough to tear them apart easily!

However, at this time, the majestic dragon shadow did not have the effect at the beginning. It was a moment of contact. The dragon claw burst fiercely. It did not open the one at all. golden giant lion blocked.

“Junior, your means are indeed beyond my expectations, but, after all, you are too young … desperate?”

Looking at the shadow of the dragon that collapsed on the first encounter, the corner of the mouth of the lion He Fan under the gorgeous rays of light also evoked a smile of laughter, and a sound of sneer filled with coldness also sounded quietly.

“hmph! ”

In the face of the ridicule of lion He Fan, Qin Yichen did not go to fight with him anymore. He was coldly snorted, and his handsome face was covered with grave expression. In its within the body, Bloodline Strength was rushing wildly. With the injection of rays of light, the broken dragon claw once again condensed out, but the color and luster on it was obviously much dimmer compared with other parts.

“What about the Star Lion Imperial Family, in my eyes, you are the same!”

Qin Yichen sneered, his eyes are full of flaming fighting intent, and a dazzling sheen shines on 10000 Taoism armors. With the spread of a wave of space, his silhouette appears strangely above the shadow of True Dragon.


After Qin Yichen’s figure fell into the shadow of True Dragon, the rays of light suddenly swelled, and a majestic atmosphere filled the film between Heaven and Earth.

Facing the full strength attack of Lion He Fan, even Qin Yichen did not dare to have the slightest concubine. At this time, he also urged his full strength to the extreme. Perhaps, only in this way can he be in this position. Hit and survive!


Seeing Qin Yichen’s action, Lion Hong was sneered, and the disdain in his eyes was undoubted.

Although Qin Yichen’s means are beyond everyone’s expectations, in the final analysis, he is only a Holy Peak person. The gap between him and top powerhouse is not narrowed by these means.

“hmph, a mantis trying to stop a chariot !”

Seeing Qin Yichen not only did not hesitate, but made such a decisive action, and Lion He Fan was also sneered, and the coldness in his eyes became more intense.

Faced with their contempt, Qin Yichen’s expression showed no fluctuations. He stared closely at the golden giant lion whistling with the general fluctuations of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, his eyes flashing with violent madness.


In the next moment, as the mind moved, the shadow of True Dragon roared and roared again. The shadow of True Dragon, which gathered all the power of Qin Yichen, was obviously more powerful than the beginning!

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