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The defeat of Legion of Purgatory was outside Human Race St. Tian City.

Although I don’t know why, Cunning and powerful Purgatory Legion gathered all their power outside Human Race, so that they were seized by Human Race and countless 10000 powerhouses, and they were defeated in one fell swoop.

However, Qin Yichen felt that there should be something in this area, which made Purion Legion lose his sanity, so that he wanted to attack Human Race at all costs.

Qin Yichen’s biggest concern is whether Nightmare Clan will do the same!

Once Nightmare Clan goes crazy to launch an attack on Human Race, Human Race will definitely face a bloody catastrophe. Today’s Human Race does not have the second Luban Master. They have no power to compete with this Sovereign level race. Heaven and Earth demons compete!

Therefore, for the sake of today, Qin Yichen can only join the 10000 family powerhouse and take the initiative to attack Nightmare Clan!

Perhaps this plan is too risky, but at this time, Qin Yichen obviously has no extra choices.

“You are.”

After listening to the a path of objection, Qin Yichen raised his palm slowly, and with his movements, the power of the noise was quiet.

“You guys, I can understand what you are worried about. There are indeed countless forces on our continent …”

Qin Yichen’s eyes glanced across the faces of many human race Supremes, and his clear voice resounded: “Like those 10000 powers above, I wish we could peel and cramp our skin and eat our bones. Nothing left, but now stays outside my clan, wanting to use our Human Race’s convening power to resist the threat from the demon from the sky. “

“It’s really shameful to see the rudder!”

In Qin Yichen’s voice, there was an indescribable anger. After hearing this, many human race Supremes were nodded in agreement. It seems that their owners are not without seeing through the ugly faces of these 10000-race powerhouses. .

“However, if you calm down and think about it, in fact, their behavior is not difficult to understand. Although we have deep blood and hatred with countless forces on the 10000-thousand continent, why isn’t this an opportunity for the future rise of our clan?

Qin Yichen’s gaze swept away, and then the front suddenly turned.

“Rise ?!”

Hearing this word, the breath of many human race Supreme quietly became a little heavy.

As a member of Human Race, who wouldn’t want Human Race to be able to walk dignified and continent upright and save the countless slaves clansman?

“Since the Luban Grandmaster’s fight against the outer demons, although my tribe has fallen into a dazzling existence, the countless forces of the 10000 continent have also changed their perception of my tribe. If it was not the contribution of the Luban Grandmaster, Would you like to stand with my tribe? “

Seeing the change of many powerful faces, Qin Yichen took a deep breath and continued.

Hearing here, many human race Supremes are silent.

According to rumors, before the last invasion of the outer demons, the powerhouse in Human Race could not get out of this breeding land. Once it was out, it would be torn to pieces by countless 10000 powerhouses.

However, after the shocking battle against the demon of the outer world, the Human Race powerhouse has begun to walk out of this breeding ground and go out to practice, although this behavior is still dangerous, even the vast majority of Human Race geniuses who go out to practice are The tragic death was in the hands of the 10000 family powerhouse, but among them, many Human Race powerhouses have gained insights and even made many friends.

Like the Great Elder of Shengtianfu, he also traveled on the 10000-family continent and knew a large number of 10000-family powerhouses. After losing the Old Palace Master, the Human Race was able to obtain stability for several years. It is also because of this relationship that Great Elder , Please come for many reasons to shelter Human Race.

“Well, we don’t know these things.”

For a long time, Wu Ji sighed, and then shook the head, saying, “It’s just that our situation is too difficult now, at this time, if there is something wrong with the house owner …”

“Well, you crow’s mouth, don’t talk nonsense, the owner of the house is the Child of Destiny, and naturally it will be good fortune!”

However, Wu Ji’s voice has not yet fallen, and the Great Elder on the side is interrupted by anger!

Seeing the quarrel between two people, many human race Supreme flashed a smile in the eyes of the human race Supreme, these two presences are one of the highest peaks of Human Race, they are rare when they look like this.

At this time, Qin Yichen was quietly sighed in relief in his heart, and he naturally saw that the two Old Guys were deliberately diverting his attention.

“Father, in fact, Wu Ji’s worries are right. My family’s situation today is not suitable for you to take risks.”

However, just as Qin Yichen was about to take the time to leave, a Holy Lord suddenly opened the mouth and said.

Hearing this, Wu Ji and Great Elder’s complexions were slightly dimmed. The Holy Lord was too blinding. Didn’t they see that they were acting deliberately?

However, at this time, it is obviously too late to scold that Holy Lord, and many powerful eyes have returned to Qin Yichen.

Right now, Qin Yichen has become their pillar. Even if they understand the latter’s difficulties, this kind of thing is still too dangerous for Human Race. The current Human Race cannot bear this risk at all!

“Hehe, rest assured, even if there is something really wrong with me, I will have a top powerhouse within 100 years, and it will be the one with the greatest battle strength.”

Qin Yichen, as if he had expected someone to be so worried, laughed a little and continued: “And, if needed, Great Elder only needs to crush this jade token, and there will be a reinforcement.”


Hearing this, Great Elder and many powers were a little stunned. If something happened to Qin Yichen, where else would Human Race go to find reinforcements?

However, there is not much doubt about Qin Yichen’s words. Since the latter dares to say so, he must be prepared.

Immediately, Great Elder also carefully put away the token.

None of these human race Supremes knows that Qin Yichen gave Great Elder a token to contact the Banmen family. He has acquired the Dao of Puppet inheritance from the 10000 傀 Imperial Family ruins, and the 100 The golden trenches were handed over to the survivors of Banmen.

Although the Dao of Puppet of the 10000 傀 Imperial Family is different from that of the class, but the perception of those clansmans will soon be able to control the essence, even if the 10000 傀 Imperial Family cannot be reproduced in a short time. Brilliant results, but it is not too difficult to activate and control several hundred trenches.

Today’s Qin Yichen does not need those trenches to protect him, so he has not kept any of them, and they are all placed in the Banmen family.

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