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Qin Yichen hasn’t seen hell, and even he doubts whether there is hell in the world, but the abyss in front of him immediately reminded him of the word hell!

As if to look, this abyss has no end in sight, and the demon red glow naturally has no end!

Everything in sight is covered with a layer of blood red. Not only that, on the cliffs around the abyss, there are countless horrible skeletons and evil spirits who are slowly climbing up, as if all the creatures who dare to break into this place, All dragged into hell!

Even Qin Yichen can see the depths of the abyss, as well as fierce and huge silhouettes, those ominous beast Evil Spirit, enveloped in blood light, as if more powerful than before!

And at the end of Qin Yichen’s sight, the blood glow was horrible, as if he wanted to swallow everyone into it. Just because of his eyes, he felt a lot of evil howls coming from his ears, as if he was in Corpse Mountain Blood Sea.

What’s more, after being covered by blood glow, Qin Yichen could not help feeling a sense of restlessness, as if the most primitive slaughter desire would drown reason.

At this moment, there was a loud noise behind him.

“Thief Qin Yichen, die!”

Looking around, it is the shameless Yuewuhua and the 100 Immortal Sect powerhouse!

Qin Yichen’s eyes flashed and his face was dignified. He knew that despite his decisiveness and disrupting Yuewuhua’s plan, he could also place himself and Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect in the battle of backwaters.

However, this is not to blame Qin Yichen, because to be precise, since Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect entered the hunting battlefield, there were only two paths. Either, do everything to find opportunities, and finally kill a blood path, or be Many enemies are holding the first level and taking them to Shenxiao Immortal Sect for a reward!

Qin Yichen is not an indecisive person. This can be seen from the earlier point. There is only one way in front of him at this moment! That is, continue to search into the abyss!

Even though Vicious Spirit is all over the front road, even if it is true hell, Qin Yichen has to kill a bloody road!

And if hesitated, they will face the danger of suffering from the enemy! Then, Qin Yichen shout out loudly, his body suddenly accelerated, and rushed to the place where the bloody glow!

“Brothers, follow this Qin and kill a bloody road!”

Duanmu Dengfeng and the others faltered, but also knew that there were not many options left for them now. Besides, if they could solve Immortal Sect, they would go down to the bottom of the abyss to search.

However, while Duanmu Dengfeng was chasing Qin Yichen, they clearly felt that they were not chased by the enemy or how they chased them. They were anxious and they could not help turning their heads to kill the Immortal Sect.

Qin Yichen ’s shouted in a low voice, however, caused Duanmu Dengfeng to quickly come back to his senses, and even the restlessness and insanity in his heart were dissipated a lot: “Be careful, watchful, red glow is weird! “

This boom is a Spirit Power mixed with Qin Yichen, so that Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect can reverberate.

However, not only Duanmu Dengfeng had this idea, Yue Wuhua himself didn’t notice it. I didn’t know it was because Qin Yichen broke his plan and provoked his majesty 3 times and 5 times. After entering this abyss, Yue Wuhua wants to take the former The idea of ​​crushing 10000 sections is even stronger!

Even the inflated killing intent made his face look squinted!

But Yue Wuhua obviously didn’t think that many. He only knew that this red glow, the waste of Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect dare to face it, why didn’t he dare?

As a result, Yue Wuhua also accelerated sharply, and she even waved the immortal strength in her hands, trying to attack the formation of Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect!

“Thief, I see where you can escape this time! This is also a place of your own choice!”

At this time, in order to resist Yue Wuhua’s pursuit, it was only after the palace of Mo Yuchen, and Qin Yichen, currently a pioneer, faced the oncoming skull, and he cut it off with one stroke!

“roar! !!”

The skull was cracked at 40% immediately, but Qin Yichen’s face was not smug. He could feel that this skull was not strong, but it was densely packed in front of it, countless, almost piled up into a hill!

Moreover, Qin Yichen can feel that Vicious Spirit, which is really powerful and gradually awake, is still behind!

However, Qin Yichen’s speed has not been weakened as a result. The White Tiger’s blade is in hand, forcibly killed a way for Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect from countless skeletons!

Behind him, Duanmu Dengfeng and the others also shot in succession. Nie Yuntian and other true disciple guarded most of the same sect within the formation. There was Qin Yichen in the front and the speed of Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect was temporarily smooth.

And Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect’s disciples are also red-eyed, and while sharing the pressure for Nie Yuntian and the others, there are also Flying Sword Dao, and a sharp immortal strength, smashing towards the terrible moon Immortal Sect behind him.

Similarly, Immortal Sect also fought back and forth. The two Immortal Sects are in this bloody abyss, galloping and killing!

The more chasing, the more proud the expression of Yuewuhua becomes, because the current situation is that they are behind Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect, and the thief of Qin Yichen has cleared all the obstacles in the road ahead.

With Yuehua’s eyesight, I can naturally notice that the fierce Evil Spirit in the depths is really tricky. By then, Qin Yichen will certainly not sing all the way like now.

When the time comes, Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect will be blocked here by him, pinching back and forth, wings can not escape!

At the thought of this, Yue Wuhua couldn’t help smirking. He didn’t even chase after him at this moment, but just followed Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect like this. He wanted to see, before Qin Yichen’s thief died. How ridiculous the struggle is!

Apart from this, Yue Wuhua himself did not notice that although he was cruel in normally, he did not at all the cruel hobby of perverts, but at this time, he had fantasies about how to make Qin Yichen miserable …

While Qin Yichen slaughtered all the way, he also realized that he was wrong. Although he sang all the way, in fact, it was cheap for Immortal Sect!

But now, Qin Yichen can’t think of other methods for a while, turn the direction, get rid of Immortal Sect? This is simply unrealistic, after all, Yue Wuhua is not a fool.

Duanmu Dengfeng was very impatient, “Brother Qin, let’s go back and kill the thieves first!”

“Yes, Senior Brother Qin, if we continue this way, sooner or later we will suffer the enemy!”

Listening to the crowd’s apparently irritable roar, Qin Yichen froze, but before he thought about it, he saw a strong wind before him!


In that strong wind, there was a strong and pungent blood smell, and even Qin Yichen, who was accustomed to slaughter, was nauseated.

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