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A withdrawal word, as if exhausting the whole strength of Yuehuahua, makes all his pride, in this brief moment all turned into humiliation!

And the shocking month of Immortal Sect was a mess, and the situation in which the winning ticket was held was actually in this brief moment, because of one person, the subversion was reversed!

Of course, Immortal Sect is by no means universal, even if the chief has almost no battle strength, there is still a powerhouse trying to turn the tides.

“Senior Brother, that thief is already an arrow at the end of its flight, I wait …”

“Retreat right now, those same sects …”

The powerhouse of Immortal Sect who was shocked by the moon wanted to say that now retreating, the same sect that was annihilated by blood glow will inevitably be ten deaths without life, but his unspeaking words and his skull were swallowed by Ziyun …

Soaring moon Wuhua looked deeply at the same sect falling in the pool of blood, even though there was 10000 unwillingness in the bottom of his heart, but only a trace of reason and immortal strength supported him. The urgent matter was to break out of the abyss like hell !!

It’s just that the abyss is like hell to him. At this moment, it’s not the gift of the bloody glow, but the gift of Qin Yichen!


As the moonless sky flew, a teething wooden token was thrown out. The wooden token turned into an indestructible brown barrier, blocking Duanmu Dengfeng’s raging immortal strength.

However, just rushing out of the abyss of ten thousand zhang, it made Jingmo Immortal Sect lose dozens of lives!


Finally, Yue Wuhua saw the exit. The starry sky of bizarre and motley was so beautiful in his eyes at the moment, and there was a loud sound of cracked barriers at his feet.


The first thing that caught his sight was the sharp sword he saw as a nightmare, and the Qin Yichen cold and severe pump light.


At the moment he flew out of the abyss, Yue Wuhua even felt lucky.

However, looking at the blood splattered, battered and exhausted same sect, Yue Wuhua suddenly had the urge to be killed.

As the chief, he was very spirited and wanted to lead the same sect to do something. He can enter the first battle of the hunting battlefield and end with a fierce defeat!

What Wu Yuehua couldn’t accept was that if he lost to the hands of Immortal Sect, such as the star or Tian Luo, or even Ling Hao Tian Feng of the same level, he could accept it.

However, the one who defeated him was the Qin Yichen dominated by Alchemy Dao, who was oppressed by the major forces and offended the starry sky.

And Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect, which was regarded as a soft persimmon by the major Immortal Sects, could have been kneaded at will!

When thinking of this, Yue Wuhua is a chest surge and mouth spurt blood.

Fortunately, his side same sect, despite his bleak face, still guarded Yue Wuhua from flying away.

“Senior Brother Yue, this place is dangerous, leaving Qingshan to worry about without burning wood …”

Along the way, Yue Wuhua looked pale, with a grin on his lips all the time.

What made him even more bleeding was that when he entered the hunting battlefield, how powerful was 500 same sect behind him?

But now, half of the same sects are killing each other, and after two consecutive battles, the first Zhou Pang and dozens of the same sects have died in the hands of Qin Yichen.

Just now, there are more than 100 same sects, or to cover him, or to be killed by Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect!

At this moment, there are only more than 100 people who can follow Immortal Sect disciple next to Yue Wuhua!

Yue Wuhua guessed, I am afraid, now he is shocked by Immortal Sect, which is the weakest party in this hunting battlefield, Immortal Sect …

At the same time, I saw a lot of silhouettes in this gully.

These, it seems that I just heard Duanmu Tengfeng begging for help, and the powerhouse attracted by the sky glow, they are here to find leaks.

However, considering the Divine Immortal fight and mortal suffering, many powerhouses can only wait outside the abyss to see if they can find any cheap.

At this moment, when everyone saw the silhouette that flew out, it turned out to be Immortal Sect, all turned pale with fright.

“What’s the situation, how did the adults of Immortal Sect start to escape?”

“What about Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect? Aren’t they all dead?”

Many powerhouses think that this is very possible. They can’t help but make up for it. The 2 Great Immortal Sects have won, and the natural win is the Immortal Sect, but there are weird things in this abyss.

“It seems that this blood glow is weird, let’s not go down easily …”

“How do I feel, Master Immortal Sect looks embarrassed?”

“So what, I’m afraid that the thief of Qin Yichen, the thief, has already been taken by Immortal Sect, and even the treasures of Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect’s hundreds of people have been taken by Immortal Sect.”

As soon as this remark came out, many powerhouses around showed envy and jealousy, and sneered at Qin Yichen and Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect’s overestimate one’s capabilities.

However, in the next instant, many powerhouses were surprised to discover that within the abyss, there were hundreds of immortal strengths!

With immortal strength rushing out of the abyss, there were also several hundred Immortal Monarchs screaming, making the stars shudder.

“Jingyue Immortal Sect, but that’s it!”

“Senior Brother Qin is mighty! No, Senior Brother Qin is really my War God!”

“It’s a shocking month of Immortal Sect. I’ll give up the number 100 same sect. I don’t care about the thief month. Is this the power of Immortal Sect?”

These sounds made Yue Wuhua’s pale face even more ugly, forbearing anger, or having concerns, she did not turn back.

However, many powerhouses who wanted to pick up the leaks looked at the immortal strength that broke out in the abyss, and even Duanmu Dengfeng also led many same sects carrying a murderous-looking scene of the immortal soldiers, making them as if struck by lightening , Sugawara.

Half a foot, full of abyss, deadly silence!

Until being glanced at by Duanmu Dengfeng’s red and unaltered pump light, many powerhouses felt like Five Thunderbolts at the same time as they were awake at the beginning of their dreams.

The fight between Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect and Jing Yue Immortal Sect looks like … Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect has won? !!

Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect, which angered Shen Xiao Immortal Sect and was oppressed by all the major forces but did not dare to speak out, could win Immortal Sect! ?

Although many people think that this may be the threat of Immortal Sect in this abyss, but the problem is that if it is dangerous, it only makes sense to target Immortal Sect, but Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect can stay out of the way!

At this moment, all the people suddenly understood that just now the month was gloomy, not to win the opportunity and cut off the first level of Qin Yichen and return home, but is … falling and fleeing!

At this moment, everyone was setting off a stormy sea, especially the Senior Brother Qin 3 word mixed with cheering like waves, making them suspect that they had hallucinations for a while!

However, Duanmu Dengfeng stood there, just glanced at his eyes, which made a lot of people want to pick up the leaks, and even the people who had previously thought about Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect fell down quickly.

“I wish you good luck, Lord Dengfeng, and your sect Martial Dao, Changlong!”

“The villain has met Lord Dengfeng, and the villain will retreat …”

“I’ll see, I’ll get out when I wait …”

The speed of the crowds fleeing Duanmu Dengfeng secretly trembled. It was a shocking month. Immortal Sect only escaped more than 100 people, and everyone saw it, not to mention they were in front of Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect, fearing to die 1000 100 times. Not enough!

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