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Hearing this voice, everyone was a little stunned, glanced away, but found that the speaker is Xu Ziang!

After seeing Xu Ziang Yan laughing, he turned his head and looked towards Luo Jie, but suddenly became respectful and flattering, changing his face quickly, it was astounding.

“Master Luo, this is a token that I only found when struggling to hunt in the battlefield. The thief’s token can open the ruins, this one, presumably also.”

After the words came to an end, Xu Ziang didn’t forget to turn his head and sneer: “How about, Qin Yichen, now, the only chip you have lived for a while is useless!”

After all, Xu Ziang is another arch fist, respecting Luo Jie: “This opportunity, only Heaven’s Chosen like Shen Xiao Immortal Sect and Lord Luo is worthy, only hope that Lord Luo can take care of me Zong Yi 2 …… “

At this moment, Xu Ziang felt that he had ushered in his life Peak!

As early as when he saw the token in Qin Yichen’s hand, he had a plan in his mind, but he did not speak up, so he borrowed the hand of Qin Yichen to see the truth of the token!

And the result made him to be wild with joy!

However, Xu Ziang knew very well that it was unrealistic to want to swallow it simply. After all, even if he got the chance, wouldn’t he see Logger later?

Rather than take the initiative to present the token, then Shenxiao Immortal Sect eats meat, but he can follow the soup!

Besides, Xu Ziang felt that the timing of his selection was perfect. Qin Yichen was so bargaining and threatened Shenxiao Immortal Sect. He was annoyed by Lord Luo, and now he can provide the token to bring the most value and credit.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziang couldn’t help admiring his wit!

“A thief, hurt me treasure, hurt me dozens of same sects, and today, I will let you die if you ca n’t even enter the ruins!”

Roger looked at the token and found that it was indeed similar to the one in Qin Yichen’s hand, engraved with a fierce Totem.

“Relax, Xu Ziang, you can give it to me, and that’s the person of my god Xiao Immortal Sect.”

After receiving the token, Roger smiled proudly and saw that this is the essence of his Immortal Sect. There is no need to do it yourself, and someone will obey treasure!

But after being proud, Luo Jie was a complexion sank, and soon he raised a joke: “Qin Yichen, it seems that you are destined to see the ruins of this ruin.”

With the token in hand, Logger will naturally not let Qin Yichen live longer!

Tone barely fell, and saw Shenxiao Immortal Sect nearly 1000 powerhouse, the killing intent in the pump light was reproduced, even with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

This sudden change made Qin Yichen all complexion slightly changed, not to mention Duanmu Dengfeng, grief and anger, and completely unprepared.

“Xu Ziang, how are you a chief, but it’s a shame to immortal Sect!”

“Senior Brother Qin, what now …”

Although Duanmu Dengfeng is very contemptuous of Xu Ziang’s behavior, he has to face the facts. Without the token token, those who greet them will be the siege of the Immortal Sect!

Sure enough, the major Immortal Sects saw this scene. Although there were envious Luo Jie, and there were secretly despising Xu Ziang, the situation is stronger than others. As long as they can enter the ruins, who cares about the life and death of Qin Yichen and Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect?

Immediately, the major Immortal Sects also revealed their killing intent, said with a malicious smile: “Thief Qin Yichen, you can’t escape today!”

“I see what else Heavenly Yuan Immortal Sect can do to save your life!”

“Even though Duanmu Longdou is here, I can’t protect you from this thief!”

Seeing that I had just received another token, I saw the Immortal Sect of the rudder, Qin Yichen pupil light was cold, but it was also surging immortal strength. Although he was angry, there was no other way, the token was no longer Advantage, then only …

However, it was unexpected that when Roger wanted to make a big shot, he saw the puppet token in Qin Yichen’s hand, flashing a dazzling gold and copper light!

In the light, if it was still full of anger, Roger was startled, thinking that this token had any harmful means, and just wanted to resist, but found that the light did not seem to have substantial formidable power.

However, before Luo Jie had time to be happy, he was shocked to find that Xu Zi’ang had just given the token, but he shivered inexplicably. It was like a disciple who made a mistake, kneeling in the face of Elder or Junior Lying under Old Ancestor’s lap admitting wrongly …

“This, what’s going on !?”

Roger was shocked. Immortal Sect was shocked when he saw this, but he didn’t dare to rush.

This feeling of fear, as if passed from the token to Roger’s heart, made him feel scared for no reason, as if facing the master’s anger …

Vaguely, Roger even thought that Qin Yichen’s token seemed to be scolded, when is it your turn to speak! ?

In a few short breaths, the brilliance of the token was dissipated. However, although the token in Roger’s hand stopped trembling, it became quaint …

Even everyone present had an inexplicable feeling, and that was-the token on Logger’s hand was obsolete!


For a while, all around absolute silence, deadly silence.

Duanmu Dengfeng looked blank, and said, “What is this?”

Not to mention him, even Qin Yichen didn’t know what happened!

But all of a sudden, Qin Yichen pupil light turned on, it seemed to be understood!

He just noticed that the token in Roger’s hand, although it had 饕餮 Totem, was not at all.

This token cannot be forged, and Xu Ziang did not have the courage and time.

Similarly, Qin Yichen not at all offends the meaning of any of the Qiang seniors, but he also knows that no matter which side the power is, they are divided into high and low, and the Qiang is certainly no exception.

Roger’s token may just be an ordinary 饕餮 clansman, but Senior is bound to be the powerhouse of Golden Immortal during his lifetime! I am afraid that during his lifetime, he was the elder of the token person!

And Qin Yichen did not guess wrong, this 饕餮 token was cast from the bones of the Qiang ancestors, so being able to leave a name and make this token unique to itself is naturally a symbol of strength and status!

Therefore, even though it has fallen and has fallen, the token itself is a status symbol!

Luo Jie came back to his senses, thinking of being scared, he immediately glared at Xu Ziang.

And Xu Ziang was gazed at by these eager eyes, and he had the heart to die. In addition to hating Qin Yichen, he was more aggressive!

What the hell! ? I managed to find a token that I wanted to take advantage of and immortal Immortal Sect, why did it seem to be abolished!

At this moment, Duanmu Dengfeng seems to have guessed a little reason, can not help but sneered: “It seems that some people are not even qualified as dogs!”

As soon as this word came out, Xu Zi’ang’s face became even more angry, but the major Immortal Sects around him faintly laughed, and looked towards the former, also full of jokes.

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