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“Senior Brother Li !”

The people of Shenxiao Immortal Sect were eager, and the most frightened was Lige himself, because he found that the shadow, like the bone anthrax, spread little by little to his whole body, as if he wanted to swallow himself general!

Not only that, but wherever the shadows passed, Li Ge felt as itching as 10000 ants biting his heart, and it was cold and cold, and it seemed to make his consciousness even more blurred!

Although Lige responded quickly, his immortal strength swept through like a path of waves, but he could only dissipate a little shadow, but the shadow body was difficult to get rid of like plaster!

“Is this … is it for body possession?”

By this time, Liu Yueyan didn’t care about the competition or even the hostile relationship between the two sides, and the pretty face was shocked, because anyone could see it at this moment, even if the shadow was not body possession, once it was covered by his body, Lige I’m afraid that my life is worrying!

For a while, everyone was panicked, and even Liu Yueyan was in a state of palpitations. This monster’s ability to confront head to head was already difficult to guard against, and the key was a weird method and a erratic trace.

Even to some extent, the trickiness of this shadow monster is better than the burly demons she encountered last time!

After all, even if the demon is fierce, the fleshhy body is arrogant, but at least he can defeat it head on, but this monster … Liu Yueyan asked herself, even if she was in good condition and encountered this monster, the consequences would not be better than Li Ge.

However, at the moment I want to say that the only one who is indifferent is Qin Yichen. He not only didn’t panic, he even raised a smile when looking towards the shouting crowd of Shen Xiao Immortal Sect.

Lige’s same sect, if he also noticed a bad look, suddenly figure trembled, such as Zhibing Grotto.

“Tsk tsk, if Li Ge is dead, you are loved by the same sect, this Qin can’t bear to let him go alone.”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in Shenxiao Immortal Sect shivered. Although there was anger, but more, it was the fear from the bottom of my heart!

They knew very well that if the Senior Brother of Lige was killed, no one could stop Qin Yichen and Tianluo Immortal Sect!

Liu Yueyan also flashed her eyes, as if she also agreed with this idea.

However, at this moment, when he saw that Li Ge was in distress, a jade pendant on his waist burst into a dazzling light!

The light was dazzling and powerful, Qin Yichen even felt the immortal dao rule from the power of Golden Immortal!

This jade pendant is exactly a life-saving card from Lige. At the moment, when the light erupted, the light made a scream of howl, and it seemed that the invisible force forced the Lige’s within the body!

However, although the shadow was forced to retreat, Yupei also fainted. After a while, the shadow condensed, and it returned to the same moment. Then, he smashed away to Lige again!

At this time, Li Ge has not came back to his senses from the Gate of Death. Seeing this scene can be described as frightening, almost without thinking, and then backing down: “I confess!”


A Transmission Array suddenly appeared where Lige backed off.


There was a muffled sound, and I saw that Li Gezhen fell unsteadily on the ground, and between the expressions, it was still pale.

Lige, defeat!

At this moment, the remains of the crowd were silent for a long time. Only then did a Same sect who was trembling came forward and trembled to help him: “Senior Brother Li, don’t you care?”

Like a nightmare awakened by Lige figure trembled, his strong sense of humiliation made his pale face even more ugly.

He lost? !!

Not to mention the winning streak, even if you didn’t win the First Stage, you will lose and eliminate? !!

What a shame and shame!

The people of the major Immortal Sects were stunned in their eyes, as if they were afraid of the strange and powerful power of the shadow, and even more afraid that Li Ge would anger them.

Li Ge’s complexion was red and blue for a long time. In the end, he got up and bit his teeth, “What exactly is this monster, I have never heard of it within the sect!”

Liu Yueyan opened her mouth and wanted to ridicule, but in the end, because the discerning person can see that this monster is indeed too weird, even she may not be able to solve it.

What’s more, what’s more important than ridiculing Li Gelai now is what to do with the remaining 3 bans!

“Senior Sister Liu, look at it!”

Liu Yueyan hearing this, following the same sect pointed towards stone platform, the pretty face looked ugly, and I saw the previous shadow, which did not disappear with Lige’s admittance, but floated on the stone platform, glancing at it from time to time Everyone on the stage seemed to be peeping.

“Is this … can we continue to challenge only by defeating this monster?”

Liu Yueyan was shocked. She had won three games in a row, so I do n’t know. Now it seems that this shadow monster can not be skipped if it loses one game!

If you think about it, if you encounter a monster with a mighty strength, you will directly admit defeat, and only pick soft persimmons. Any remnants will not give the entrants the opportunity to find out.

Although Liu Yueyan should have guessed, but the shadow at this moment is simply a nightmare blocking everyone’s way!

“To continue the challenge, you must defeat this shadow monster …”

When Li Ge saw this, his face was more ugly, but the people of the Immortal Sect were even more ugly!

They didn’t ask for Immortal Grade, they couldn’t rob Liu Yueyan Lige and the others, they just wanted to be a bastard, paddling to cheer deeper into the ruins and merge with same sect.

But now, the two strongest players, Liu Yueyan and Li Ge, are no longer available, and there are 2 bans, or 3 monsters, to win the light door!

The point is, this shadow monster has defeated even Li Ge. Even if it is not treasure to defend itself, there is a danger that it will fall. For other people, it will only be reduced to cannon fodder!

What annoyed Li Ge was that now, even if more cannon fodder is used to fill it, it is useless!

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and the people at Tian Luo Immortal Sect were helpless for a while: “Senior Sister, what should I do? Would you like to let a few Senior Brothers go up and try?”

Liu Yueyan just shook her head without thinking. Although she was anxious for Li Ge to die, she also had to admit the strength of the former and rushed into the game to kill him.

For a while, there was silence in the ruins, everyone’s face was frustrated and worried, and some people got in touch with same sect, and found that other people also encountered similar opportunities, but they were also tested. In short, it is not available for the time being. help.

Moreover, in the eyes of everyone, Li Ge Nai is the Elder’s true biography of Shenxiao Immortal Sect. Except for Liu Yueyan, who has no regrets, the other Immortal Sect’s chiefs are inferior to the former! Even if present, it will not help!

Liu Yueyan’s pretty face was also gloomy and uncertain, slowly looking at the slender silhouette.

But I didn’t think, just at the moment, I saw Qin Yichen’s mouth slightly raised and smiled: “tsk tsk, it seems that the gap between you and Chief Liu is not a little bit.”

As soon as this remark came out, Li Ge felt a dullness in his chest, and the elixir he had just taken almost choked.

“Thief, what did you say !?”

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