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Tone barely fell, and a touch of mysterious fluctuation has come to shroud. Under this Spirit Power, Xing Kai’s body trembled, his eyes gradually became apathetic, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

Looking at Xing Kai who passed out, there was a brief silence around him.

Even Bai Xuanxuan and other geniuses looked at that silhouette with a shy look, and then turned to the fallen Xing Kai, and they realized that when Qin Yi faced Xing Liu’s two houses, he didn’t mean to step back. , Because he has such powerful capital!

Looking at the completely different two figures on the stone platform, everyone understood that Qin Yichen’s confrontation between the two Xing Liu and Qin Yichen was the last one!

All around is still silent, even Xing Sen’s eyes are in a state of sacrifice. Obviously, he has not came back to his senses from this sudden result. As for the masters of other forces, his eyes are also full of shock. The color of Xing Sen is full of ridicule.

Lien Chan’s 2 Holy Stage Peaks are unspoiled, and combined with the Spirit Power attainment of the unity of man and god, the masters of all forces understand that this child is only half a step away from entering the rank of Xeon Pill Master!

Offending such a young man is definitely a big mistake for the Xing Liu family!

However, everyone can understand Xing Sen. After all, who can think of such a dazzling dark horse in Heavenly Fire City, which has always been a soy sauce character?

Today, there is almost no suspense about Qin Yichen’s position.

“Brother Tianzhuo, congratulations this time.”

“Haha, occupying one of the top ten places, Yan Family will certainly give you a wealth of resources for Heavenly Fire City.”

“Brother Tianzhuo, really didn’t expect you Heavenly Fire City to be so hidden.”

Soon, many lords of the reaction reacted, immediately complimenting Lin Tianzhuo, who was still a little embarrassed.

“You all laughed …”

At this point, Lin Tianzhuo finally came back to his senses, and quickly cup one fist in the other hand. On his face, the color of shock was quietly hidden, and his eyebrows showed an ecstatic color that could not be concealed.

At this time, he had an urge to be dizzy. He never thought that the people of Heavenly Fire City could even occupy one of the top ten places in Heavenly Flame.

Lin Ruyu and the others were also excited at this time, and the look towards Qin Yichen was full of worship.

They now understand why when faced with Xing Family’s on-site provocation, Qin Yi don’t give face. It turned out that as long as the Xeon Pill Refining Master did not take the shot himself, he simply did not fear!

“How can it be?!”

Xing Sen had a proud look, bleak and colorless, and finally murmured. At first, he had absolute confidence in his own discipline. In his eyes, even if Liu Family lost, Xing Kai was there, even if he took advantage of it. In the name of danger, they can also achieve 10000 without fail.

However, reality has given him an extremely cruel joke. At this time, Xing Kai was lying on the ground like a dead pig, and the guy who could pinch him to death seemed to be a winner, enjoying countless looking up. look.

Of course, no matter how unwilling Xing Sen believes, the fact is the fact, and he will not make the slightest change because he is unwilling to believe.

On the stone platform, Qin Yichen’s eyes glanced at the unconscious Xing Kai, his body slowly relaxed, he shook the head, and there was a touch of disdain in his eyes.

When Xing Kai conceded, due to Kui Dou’s rules, he had given up and did not abolish the latter Sea of ​​Consciousness. However, he obviously didn’t expect, and Xing Kai in fear was so unbearable Coma here.

At this time, Qin Yichen’s only concern was whether the Yan Family would refuse to take him to participate in the battle of the Immortal Sect for this reason.

“Senior, I don’t know if I can be the winner of this game? If so, can I announce the result?”

Qin Yichen looked up and looked at Qi Master, respectfully.

“Hehe, you are naturally the winner.”

Hearing this, Qi Master is also came back to his senses, but what is surprising is that this very high-level Master does not have any clues at this time, let alone blame Xing Kai for coma, but said with a smile.

“Little beast, dare to abolish my lover, today I want you to use your life to pay it back!”

While Qi Master’s words were not finished, an amazing murderous aura burst out from the side.

Immediately, everyone saw that Xing Sen was looting, and his eyes were filled with Sen Leng’s killing intent, the majestic Spirit Power, and he was crushed away in front of Qin Yichen. Heaven and Earth are full of depression.

Successive defeats and beatings have caused Xing Sen to lose some reason, and he has to fight against Qin Yichen directly!

“Poor, Xing Family is finished.”

“Well, it’s no wonder Xing Sen. If he doesn’t take the shot at this time, when Qin Yi is taken to the Tianyi Immortal Sects Grand Competition by the Yan Family, they will never have the opportunity to stand up.”

“It’s really evil, who would have thought of a young man in Heavenly Fire City, such a dazzling dark horse.”

Seeing Xing Sen’s actions, many lords of secret forces secretly shook the head. They did not at all mean to take a shot, because they knew that Xing Sen couldn’t be here to kill the fierce!

“impudent !”

Sure enough, Xing Sen had just acted, Qi Master’s wrath was ringing. Immediately, the majestic Spirit Power was strongly dissipated, and the sense of depression originally filled in between Heaven and Earth was quickly dissipated.


Spirit Power was smashed by power, and Xing Sen’s body was also a puppet. At this time, he seemed to finally came back to his senses, looking at the gloomy face of Yan Zhen and Qi Master on the high platform. In his eyes, Jaya There is no killing intent. Instead, it is a thick color of panic.

“Qi Master, forgive me!”

“I am just because the lover is eager, and I want to see the injury of the disciple, to see if Qin Yi is secretly engaging in ghosts, not at all, I will try to hurt the heart!”

Xing Sen’s face was pale. He had no intention to care about the joke around him. As a Heavenly Flame continent, he naturally knew how much his actions would bring disaster to the Xing Family.

“Stay down, Kui Dou continues!”

At this moment, Qi Master did n’t say at all, he waved his hand slightly, shouted.

With his voice falling down, Yan Family’s 2 Heaven Immortal powerhouses fell directly beside Xing Kai, and then the latter asked for mercy, and caught him directly, under the gaze of countless lights, mercilessly pressed away.

“Xing Family is finished. Didn’t expect Xing Sen would be so courting death.”

“If you lose, talk about ghosts, this guy really has to have no shame.”

“Hehe, in my opinion, Xing Sen’s move is very clever. He intentionally gave Yan Family a chance to win Qin Yi.”

“That’s right, maybe that’s him, the true intention of keeping the Xing Family.”

Looking at Xing Sen with a horrified look, there was a loud noise around. Almost everyone understood that after this quarrel, the two Xing Liu families would definitely be greatly suppressed, and the Xing Family, even It may be because of this matter that there is a total loss of energy.

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