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“Today, it’s the reward you deserve. Sit down.”

As soon as this remark came out, all of Wang Yi felt full of honor. After saluted, he was glad to be seated and was able to meet three immortal teachers and ask for confusion.

Qin Yichen also slowly took his seat. At this moment, Ye Fenghua smiled and said, “Qin Yi, although you won the fight, in the future Alchemy Dao has a long way to go, what is the confusion bottleneck? 2 Senior Brothers, they will definitely explain to you … “

After the words came to an end, the Shangguan Miao headed by them were all smilingly nodded with smiles. As the chief, they had the first qualification to seek advice.

And at this moment, Wang Xi in the great hall was slowly calming down, looking forward to listening.

However, the young man sitting at first hearing this, that handsome face flashed a bitter smile, he had a lot of things to ask, but once he said it, there was no way out.

With this in mind, Qin Yichen opened the mouth and said: “Junior hasn’t figured it out yet, or that Junior has too much doubt in his mind, so let other colleagues ask for advice first.”

As soon as this word came out, the 3 people in Shangguanmiao were slightly surprised, but they didn’t say much, and they saw Wei Tianfeng looking at Li Lang: “Li Lang, this arrogant fight, I think you have a lot of gains, these 3 days, Think about what you should ask? “

Li Lang startedled, then glanced at Qin Yichen, and after saluted, he slowly said: “When reporting to 3 Seniors, Junior defeated the Qin Pill Master when he was fighting against the Dan, and he failed to ask himself, although he knew that Spirit Power had no luck. Department, only day and night hard training, I just want to ask 3 seniors, can correct the path of future training … “

After looking at the three people in Shangguanmiao, they were slightly satisfied before they saw Wei Tianfeng said, “Yes, about accomplishment, if you want to break through, in addition to tireless hard work, what you lack is to challenge yourself to the limit too little, all the way Come, most of the time is smooth sailing … “

I have to say that Wei Tianfeng, who is an immortal teacher, has a keen eye for a few words to point out Li Lang’s shortcomings.

After some teaching, Wei Tianfeng held on to the silver beard and slowly said, “In the future, in addition to forging ahead a little more, if you have any further doubts, you can come to the old man for advice and practice hardship for years as stated by the old man. There will be great gains. “

As soon as this remark came out, Li Lang immediately rejoiced and convinced, but actually thanked Wei Tianfeng and said, “Many thanks Senior. In the future, Junior will live up to today’s teachings …”

Although he was not directly approached by Ye Fenghua like Qin Yi, he could at least be a person immortal teacher, willing to instruct and cultivate, enough to deserve his results.

After Wei Tianfeng was lightly nodded, he saw Shang Ying Miao looking towards No. 3 Zhou Ying: “Zhou Ying, what are your concerns?”

The young man named Zhou Ying had a brave face, and was a bit more aggressive than other Pill Masters. After saluted, he also revealed his own bottleneck.

Later, Shang Guanmiao analyzed it in detail and gave cultivation suggestions. Over time, the nine people behind Qin Yichen were all in awe, and the pump light looked towards the 9 immortals was filled with gratitude.

And even Wang Xi, who was watching, benefited a lot, and even more, he closed his eyes and meditated on the spot, and after a moment, he opened his eyes and opened his eyes.

Some people even took out the pens and pens and wrote down the teachings of the three immortal masters. These experiences are precious notes of 3 gold in the eyes of Pill Master!

Qin Yichen did the same. Even with other people’s questions and doubts, he had answers and directions for his own doubts about Alchemy Dao’s future.

Apart from this, Qin Yichen’s sincerity for the accomplishments and guidance of the three people in Shangguanmiao is also awed and grateful. You must know that he had been comprehend in Huang Fu’s experience.

But Shang Guanmiao’s explanation is undoubtedly more thorough than Huang Fuyi’s experience, showing that his accomplishments are high!

Immerse yourself in time.

It wasn’t until Li Lang screamed his head that he was so impressed that Ye Fenghua’s voice made Qin Yichen’s fingertips tremble.

“Qin Yi, everyone else has gained something, and now you should understand your doubts …”

As soon as this remark came out, Qin Yichen looked up slightly. Under the pump light of the three immortals, he could see that Ye Fenghua was full of expectations.

“Is there only Junior?”

Qin Yichen laughed, took a deep breath, and finally opened the mouth and said: “reporting to 3 Seniors, Junior wants to know, 3 Seniors, have you studied the multi-effects of wind and rain?”

“Everything is more effective?”

As soon as this word came out, Shangguan Miao was stunned, but then he said: “The old man has studied it for a period of time, but the old man can tell you that in the end there is not much to gain.”

When he said this, Shangguan Miao was frank and did not know the meaning of being an immortal master. “After that, the old man delved into other things. After all, Alchemy Dao was so vast, There is too much arduousness waiting for us to explore. “

Qin Yichen was slightly nodded, and then said again: “Dare to ask Senior, Junior has heard of it, another Star Domain, a multi-effect has already come out, has Senior been interested in this?”

As soon as this remark came out, the two people in Shangguan Miao’s silver eyebrows froze, and the left and right Ye Fenghua were also confused. If Qin Yi’s first problem was that he was interested in multi-effects, but now the matter, and Asking for a solution today, it looks like … gradually deviating.

There was a crowd of people behind him, and they also had different faces, looked at each other in blank dismay, and couldn’t guess what the slender silhouette in the front thought.

After a moment’s hesitation, Shangguanmiao calmly said, “Everything is more effective, it is a subversion of Alchemy Dao’s old calendar, and it may even affect Alchemy Dao’s future direction and prosperity. Old man, naturally interested.”

“As far as what you said has come out, of course the old man has also heard about the Shenxiao Star Domain.”

Shangguan Miao held the silver beard, and suddenly a tone of solemnity appeared in his tone: “However, the efforts of others, without consent, even if it is an old man, will never use any means to spy on piracy, so for the time being, we cannot solve your doubts. . “

Qin Yichen nodded again, and Ye Fenghua was also on the sidelines: “Qin Yi, a multi-effect, indeed mysterious, may even become the emerging trend of Alchemy Dao in the future, but now there are many disputes, you might as well focus on one’s own cultivation . “

At this moment, in the great hall, many Pill Masters had doubts on their faces. Although Qin Yi raised questions, they were also very interested.

Even with the news that Qin Yichen and Shen Xiao Immortal Sect’s elite disciples had died, many Pill Masters have multi-effects on that one, and a wave of research has been set off.

However, compared to these, such as Li Lang and the others, the highest priority is to ask for their own bottleneck. After all, compared to the profound and far-reaching one-dan multi-effect, their strength and accomplishments are more reliable.

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