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For a while, the Immortal Sect up and down was boiled because of the Sect Founder decree. The details of this hegemonic power seemed to be gradually revealed at this moment!

Seeing that Gongsun Xingyang was going to leave, Qin Yichen was thinking of something and stopped the former: “Senior Gongsun, if you would like to invite various sects to assist in boxing, add one more sentence. This time, he would like to help Junior, if he is in compound Pill Recipe has something to cooperate with, Junior, it’s going to be good! “

Gongsun Xingyang startedled, and then nodded, he understood Qin Yichen’s meaning.

And Shangguanmiao’s face was not tired at the moment, and smiled, “Yichen, your Nirvana Xianwudan has been refined, the past few days, are you confident to absorb it?”

While speaking, Shangguanmiao took out a jade box, and on top of that jade box, there was a little flash of light. Qin Yichen looked in his eyes, and his eyes flashed. This is his first elixir in this life!

Immediately, Qin Yichen was heavily nodded and solemnly took the jade box with his hands. At this moment, Shangguanmiao was free to look at the former.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it. From this perspective, many people are discovering that the former is going in and out of Secret Realm.

“Yi Chen, your breath … Dude, you are almost entering Heaven Realm!”

“Your boy, it’s not easy!”

Today’s Qin Yichen and Sea of ​​Consciousness are magnificent. The cultivation base is more than 1000 steps to describe it, and the self-confidence in his demeanor is praised by many powerhouses present.

In this regard, Qin Yichen was not arrogant, but just smiled humblely: “This is also a gift from Lord Sect Founder. On the farewell, I gave Junior a small gift.”

That last half sentence, many Pill Masters were envious of the envy!

Although they do not doubt that this gift is indeed a hand for adults Sect Founder, but we also want this little gift!

Especially Shangguanyi, at this moment smiling like a flower, dragging Nan Xiaoxiang’s clothes, jokingly said, “Junior Brother Nan, do you have nothing to say?”

Nan Xiaoxiang’s corner of mouth twitching, his face was wonderful, and he uttered a sentence after half a ring: “I haven’t entered Heaven Realm for 5 years, I don’t work Ancestor Master, I broke my leg, right?”

Shangguan 绫 crafty smiled, and then, looking at the slender silhouette, beautiful eyes were full of charm.

She really couldn’t think of it, which made her feel like the test of falling into the abyss at first glance. How did Qin Yichen spend it? In that, how did he encounter the cruelty of being inhumane?

Moreover, although Qin Yichen has been rewarded by the Ancestor Master, Realm still has a little inferior to her, but Shangguanyi doesn’t think that the two fight against gods, she can beat the former.

“Looks like I have to cheer, otherwise I won’t be scolded by Lord Sect Founder …”

In addition to Shangguan’s presence, other disciples such as Yan Zhen also thought of it this way. After 10000, they met Master Sect Founder at Secret Realm and were scolded to see their Qin Yichen. Then look at you … the picture, they It’s really unacceptable.

And Gongsun Bayu also flashed pump light, his eyebrows froze, looked at Qin Yichen, and suddenly his mouth slightly raised: “After absorbing this Nirvana Immortal Wudan, his realm can go up to 1 Heavenly Layer again, right?”

Immortal Monarch 5-layer …

Although compared with him who is Golden Immortal, there are still two great gaps. Among them, there is a huge gap between Golden Immortal and Heaven Immortal.

However, Gongsun Bayu knows very well that the strength of this young man in front of him is by no means so measured!

At Heaven Immortal, you can kill Jiang Yutian, a half-step Golden Immortal, and it is also the premise of the true biography of Immortal Sect. After realm bring it up a level, Gongsun Bayu even looked vaguely when he looked forward. pressure……

Immediately after, Yan Tai and many other Elders returned to their respective temples and waited for them. Only after each Fellow Daoist Zong came, they followed Qin Yichen to Shenxiao Star Domain!

Qin Yichen was not in a hurry to take Nirvana Xianwudan, but he first entrusted the resolution of Tianji Sect Founder, so he found Gongsun Xingyang.

“Yi Chen, is there anything else?”

At this moment, Gongsun Xingyang is holding a jade token. It seems that he is just preparing to communicate various sects powerhouse, and Qin Yichen glances around the great hall. Then is the sound transmission: “Senior Gongsun, your sect Sect Founder Let Junior give you some Something, and said, this thing can only be given to you or Shangguan Senior. “

Gongsun Xingyang frowned slightly, but then he waved his sleeves, as if imposing the immortal strength of the mountains, he blocked the great hall.

“What is it?”

Gongsun Xingyang looked at the youth in front of him, his eyes were full of curiosity, and even a little excited.

Qin Yichen took out a roll of jade tube and handed it to Gongsun Xingyang. At the moment when the former contacted, his body couldn’t help shaking.

“This, this is … the chance of Lord Sect Founder!”

Gongsun Xingyang was dumbfounded. It turns out that the Lord Sect Founder used this decisive decision to establish his hegemonic status of Immortal Sect!

Although Shen Wu decided only to guide the street lights, Teana Sect Founder’s own efforts and innate talent contributed, but how did Gongsun Xingyang not understand how precious this opportunity is!

“This chance, there are 2 times …”

2 times!

Not to mention that it can cultivate a powerhouse comparable to that of Sect Founder, even if it is slightly inferior, it is enough to make the already prosperous nature Immortal Sect even more brilliant!

In these occasions, Rao is unable to resist expression excitement with Gongsun Xingyang’s determination, but Qin Yichen quickly coughed when he saw this: “That, Senior Gongsun, your sect Sect Founder said, I hope this is the case Only you know I know … “

Gongsun Xingyang hearing this, this came suddenly to his senses, and immediately said: “Relax, Lord Sect Founder has told me, what should be said, what should not be said, you and I know!”

As a Sect Master, Xingyang Sun is naturally not a fool. For this opportunity, the adult Sect Founder has not inherited for a long time, but has not inherited it. He gave it to Qin Yichen.

Among them, naturally there is a period of old history, but in this regard, Gongsun Xingyang is very clever, simply do not ask!

And after solving the entrustment of the Teana Sect Founder, Qin Yichen was saluted. In the past few days, he has to hurry to refining Nirvana Xianwudan.

Just looking at the slender back that left, Gongsun Xingyang couldn’t help staring.

“Shenwu Dual Cultivation … this child, is it because the Qianlong is out of the abyss, and the Heaven and Earth are stirred up?”

Immediately afterwards, Gongsun Xingyang shook his head with a smile and clenched Shenwu decision. He decided in his heart that he would be more willing to help Qin Yichen for justice.

Prior to this, the senior officials of Tianmao Immortal Sect felt that Qin Yichen was asking for them, even Gongsun Xingyang was no exception.

But now, just relying on this decisive decision, if you can’t help Qin Yichen to find a fair, I am afraid that Sect Founder will not count him!

Even without Qin Yichen’s arrival, I am afraid that this opportunity will be buried forever!

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