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Heavenly Sword Holy Lord is flattered: “The patriarch law drives the dreadful vigor, and invites patriarch to take control …”

Qin Yichen chuckled: “Nothing is under control, isn’t it? Holy Lord has heard that the Holy Land has issued a notice about collecting talents of our tribe?”

Heavenly Sword Holy Lord staggered again and again: “Patriarch’s teachings, Holy Heaven has been transmitted to Holy Land everywhere.”

Qin Yichen nodded and said with a chuckle: “It’s all right today, so take this patriarch to see your disciples.”

At this point, Heavenly Sword Holy Lord corner of mouth twitching, although patriarch Yaxing, is a great thing for his Heavenly Sword Holy Land, but in the eyes of patriarch, his Holy Son or quasi-Holy of Holy Sword Holy Land Son, I’m afraid that all can’t be called Gotu!

Even Heavenly Sword Holy Lord was still a little worried. After seeing the strength of their Holy Land disciple, will patriarch be angry because of disapproval …

However, for Qin Yichen’s words, Heavenly Sword Holy Lord is absolutely afraid to disobey, and even if he reaches out and leads the way: “patriarch rewarding his face is the blessing of my Heavenly Sword Holy Land, please …”

While speaking, don’t forget to make a wink for an Elder, who will take a step forward to gather the disciples, and by the way tell the little cubs, 10000000 don’t cause trouble!

Meanwhile, Heavenly Sword Holy Land, inside Martial Palace.

A bit of disciples are gathered together, with Heavenly Sword Holy Son as the center, which is being discussed in a frenzy.

“Have you heard that this time, patriarch personally ordered to recruit our talents!”

“Sword Pavilion is ready to recruit a wide range of disciplines, as long as you can stand out from the crowd, you can enter Sword Pavilion!”

“However, Sword Pavilion has always been striving for excellence. Even if patriarch led the rise of our people this time, I am afraid that among many Heaven’s Chosen, it is difficult for us to stand out.”

Immediately, someone sighed, “Senior Brother Ling, we don’t want to shame Holy Land except you this time.”

Senior Brother Ling is Heavenly Sword Holy Son. At this moment, his heart is full of expectations, and what he suddenly thought of, looked towards a young man around him: “Let ’s talk about me first, sword heart, what about the Kendo you are pursuing, and How long will it take to Reach the Higher Level? “

The young man looks like he’s even a little younger than Qin Yichen. The official is mediocre. Only within those eyes seems to contain countless sharp swords.

It’s just that the sternness of those eyes is still quite dazed, and even after learning about it, he was stunned: “There are still a lot of bottlenecks that are difficult to puzzle.”

Heavenly Sword Holy Son sighed: “It’s hard to create your own Kendo as heavenly ascension. In a few days, I will take you to the Master and ask him to help you out. If you can, let’s enter the Sky Sword Summit retreat together.”

Chen Jian’s eyes were grateful, but his voice was a little trembling: “Many thanks Senior Brother … just don’t know, how long will the selection of Sword Pavilion begin?”

“The efficiency of Shengtianfu has always been very fast. I think the time left for us is estimated to be only a few months, up to half a year.”

“Half a year…”

Chen Jian’s heart was sullen. For half a year, the kendo he pursued was difficult to get started, let alone a little achievement, even more how, wouldn’t other Holy Land people not work hard?

Senior Brother Ling saw in his eyes and sighed secretly, this Chen Junior Brother, that was their Holy Land, and an Elder, when they were swimming, the children they picked up have been wandering since childhood. When they worshiped Holy Land, they changed their name to Jianxin. , Meaning a sword to the heart.

With Chen Jianxin’s hard work and innate talent, they all saw the same sect in their eyes. However, no matter how young or frivolous they were, the former wanted to get out of their own kendo.

How difficult it is to create your own kendo, others may not be fully aware of it, but Chen Jian ’s heart is amazing, but it ’s progressing slowly.

However, for the dedication to the pursuit of kendo, all the same sects are unbearable, but often encouraged.

But Chen Jianxin himself was a little shaken. He once said with anger, I hit the south wall just to knock it down!

But after a few years, the South Wall was still standing in front of him, but he seemed to be bleeding …

“May my generation be enthusiastic, everyone can ask the immortal dao … patriarch, I also want to contribute to the Human Race! I also want to hold a sharp sword and protect my tribe 10000 miles …”

Chen Jianxin clenched his fist secretly, but smiled bitterly. How could his cry of Xiaoxiao Xiu reach the ears of patriarch like 9 days above?

But at this moment, when I saw a silhouette rushing, Chen Jianxin and the others saw the situation, and it was saluted, “Elder!”

The Elder looked anxiously, glanced at the great hall, and tried to calm his voice: “Little boys, listen, your goodness is here!”

Holy Son said, “Martial Uncle, are you talking about patriarch’s decision to recruit talents? I have told them the news …”

Elder breathes deeply, and his voice is full of reverence: “Little Brat, listen, Lord Patriarch, just now you are here, patriarch is coming soon!”

“You guys give me good preparations, can you fish leaping over the dragon gate? It depends on your ability! How great is this, no need to say old man?”

As soon as this word came out, Chen Jianxin and the others were almost exactly the same as Heavenly Sword Holy Lord’s response, even more shocking!

“Clan, patriarch is here !?”

“Martial Uncle, are you kidding me? How did patriarch come to our little land, Holy Land?”

“Why should the old man tease you? I will see the Holy Lord later and give me a good performance!”

Chen Jianxin’s shocking words were incoherent and helpless. In their eyes, patriarch, that’s a legendary character! It is the height they admire!

For a while, the atmosphere inside Martial Palace was very exciting. A young girl about the same age as Qin Yichen clenched her fists, struggling to suppress the tension, and kept admonishing herself in her heart. Must come up with the best Performance!

At this moment, Qin Yichen had already walked outside the Martial Palace, and laughed, “Holy Lord, you just made a few horseshits, and you did a good job.”

Heavenly Sword Holy Lord hearing this for a while trembling with fear: “patriarch Ming Jian! That’s not horseshit, but I’m waiting for my words!”

Qin Yichen smiled and waved. Of course, he knew that the former was not a must-have, because they didn’t know they were coming.

This is also one of the purposes of his travels all the way. Hear what his fellow people living in different Worlds think of him and Shengtianfu.

After a while, Qin Yichen came to the Martial Palace in Heavenly Sword Holy Land and looked at the nervous Chen Jianxin in the crowd. The corner of his mouth could not help but evoke a smile.

In the future Lord of the Sword Pavilion, we have finally met in this life.

And when Qin Yichen’s pump light looks around, inside Martial Palace, a bit of disciple’s voice is high.

“See patriarch!”

In a hurry, a path of young silhouettes, all brushing up, will bow down, but Qin Yichen’s surging power is to hold everyone together.

I have to say that Qin Yichen is indeed the youngest and most earthly of the patriarchs of all ages.

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