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Qin Yichen is not proud of the True Dragon Clan and Alchemy Dao’s praise for his achievements.

On the contrary, there was a pause between the words, which made Qin Yichen hear 100 emotions.

And the red clothed woman, also pump light, looked at Qin Yichen intricately: “And the brother of the Great Elder, White Tiger Clan, and the breath of my descendants …”

Qin Yichen bowed his head and said nothing, but at this moment, he saw the rays of light from the illusory shadow fingertips of the man, which poured into the former’s brows.

Qin Yichen’s figure faltered, but he did not resist. After a while, he saw the man’s eyes showing sorrow and indignation: “Is this the price of winner is the king, loser is the villain … My family is so deteriorating today . “

Qin Yichen gritted his teeth, and he knew what he had achieved, and in the eyes of the two ancestors, he couldn’t be considered.

Even now, he is still alive and well. His own efforts are no problem, but the most important thing is those who exist and still dismissive of the ants in their eyes.

But at this moment, Qin Yichen’s voice surprised Qin Yichen.

“Master, master …”

It seems to be years of parting, and it seems that the insufficiency caused by the deep sleep has made Honglian a little rusty and nervous about those two figures.

However, Honglian still lifts the head, facing the two gentle pump lights: “Master, this kid, has worked very hard.”

As if afraid that the two hosts would not believe it, Honglian bit her lip and said earnestly: “Really, he … really desperate.”

Qin Yichen dumbfounded, he has never seen Honglian look so serious.

Qin Yichen never thought that those unreliable Artifact Spirits who would poison their tongues every time they showed up would attack themselves like this …

When the two figures saw this, his face changed, and the man sighed, “What do you know, I don’t know?”

Just as the rays of light poured into Qin Yichen’s eyebrows, the man understood everything he wanted to know.

The man looked towards Qin Yichen again. He opened his mouth and thought about it, and said, “Boy, I know you haven’t come this way, and I never intended to blame you.”

“It’s just that when I see such miserable people, I’m regarded as a grass mustard ant, I …”

At this point, the man seemed to feel like a knife twisting his hands, covering his chest with his hands, like a knife in his breath, and the red clothed woman saw this and quickly calmed him: “Shenglang, don’t do this, our race is still alive, this is not already good Are you there? “

Qin Yichen gritted his teeth and lived, even if he was humble like a stray dog, he had to live!

The man fiercely shook his fist. It seemed to force his heart out of grief. After breathing down, the expression barely recovered, but his voice was still trembling.

“So far, I have waited for the defeat, and the fault is not in the younger generation.”

“Yi Chen, now you ask the foot immortal dao, no longer being fooled by those guys in the palm of your hands and unable to turn around, very good, very good.”

The man’s voice trembled: “However, you have to remember that this may be the last light before the darkness, and in the future, you will face the most terrifying nightmare in this world.”

Qin Yichen made a fist: “Junior knows.”

“This point, Hao Yao Senior, fought against Great Elder, and Hao Wu Senior, have already told Junior 1000 times!”

The man bowed his head: “I believe you understand the responsibility on your shoulders, and I also believe that … you can cut off the darkness and let the glory of my tribe reappear …”

“Honglian can follow you around, and it’s also my two little encouragement to the younger generation.”

The man sighed: “In the past, Yujiao’s clansman was desperately protecting this lotus seed. Now, fortunately, it can make Honglian return to the style of the past.”

Feng Yujiao should be the first name of Phoenix Clan’s ancestors, while Cheng Lang is the woman’s nickname for Husband.

When the man raised his palm, the lotus seed floated slowly, but the former face was worried at this moment: “This lotus seed, although less than 36 of the 10000-day Blood Lotus divine might, is after all a divine object. . “

“Honglian is just now an Artifact Spirit. Her mind is impaired, her memory is weak, her strength is very weak, and I and the two of us can’t help you now.”

Qin Yichen expression grave, even if it is the only a lotus seed left, that is the legendary divide object!

In the current state of Honglian, I am afraid it is difficult to make Spirit Transformation objects.

But Qin Yichen was firm in his tone: “Junior is willing to bear the price for Honglian for refining!”

Nothing else, because Honglian is the Artifact Spirit of the pill furnace of his past and present life!

Honglian hearing this, her pretty face couldn’t help but be touched, but she still insisted: “Your boy can be 10000000, don’t be stubborn, you are a little dead, there is only one in the world!

Seeing this, the man couldn’t help shaking his head and sighing, as if she had been helpless for so many years, Honglian was still so brazen.

Immediately, the expression of the man was solemn and solemn: “Honglian and you have long been complementary to each other. Refining lotus seeds, you as the master, and Honglian are also co-prosperous.

“So whatever happens, wait for it.”

Qin Yichen nodded heavily, breathes deeply, trying to calm his voice: “Junior … ready.”

As soon as this remark came out, the man within both eyes seemed to be dazzling, his fingertips were a little volleyed, and he saw the lotus seeds that seemed to contain a round of sun, and rushed to Honglian’s brows with lotus petals.

However, at the moment of contact, Qin Yichen’s face changed suddenly, and he couldn’t help roar towards the sky.


The moment he refined the lotus seeds, he felt his Sea of ​​Consciousness, as if to be burned and burned!

In a short time, Qin Yichen even felt that the world was spinning around in front of the fire sea, and the pain was so much more painful than the body falling into the mountains of daggers and seas of flames!

Qin Yichen and Honglian have already forged a contract between the Lord Spirit, who cultivates, sleeps, and advises in its Sea of ​​Consciousness … and at this moment, one person and one spirit must share the 36-day Blood Lotus son. Terrible energy!

The red lotus on the side was not much better. When the lotus seed fell on the eyebrow, she saw its lovable body tremble violently.

The lotus petals on the white forehead are like blooming and rejuvenating. They slowly rise and rise, and there is a raging flame.

The flame, along the eyebrows, rushed to the 4 limbs of Honglian’s limbs. For a moment, I saw the beautiful shadow, and the whole thing was burning!

In the blazing flames, from time to time came the stubborn but hoarse groan of Red Lotus, like a peerless Red Lotus, being reborn in the fire!

“Smelly Brat, you have to hold on, Ben Senior will save the world with you …”

Suddenly, Qin Yichen only heard Honglian’s howl faintly.

Two figures, looking at the one person and one spirit, who was deeply in the pain of the flame burning heart, there was a little patience between expressions.

The man’s fist clenched tightly. Today, for Honglian, if Nirvana awakens, this person must have a dreadful sea of ​​fire!

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