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“Even among those races, there are many geniuses with your same realm who may not be inferior to you. After all, their Bloodline awakening degree has too many advantages over you …”

Qin Yichen bowed his head, took note of the incident, and while controlling immortal strength, he scattered 4 perceptions and picked up a hilly place with few living creatures.

This piece of hill plain, with yellow sand everywhere, does look desolate and desolate, but the law between Heaven and Earth has not been incomplete.

Qin Yichen had just landed, and he took out the dark cloak and hid his body, but Honglian said lightly: “Wait, there is a creature approaching here …”

Qin Yichen is more and more convinced of the red lotus after the awakening. If it is more reliable in personality, it is the role model in Artifact Spirit.

Hidden on the back of Qiu Yuan, Qin Yichen is extremely patient. After all, he first arrived, and now he looks like 2 eyes.

Honglian’s perception is indeed correct, but while waiting, Qin Yichen can obviously feel the former’s mood is becoming increasingly unpleasant, which also alarmed him. After all, now between Heaven and Earth, his enemies are almost everywhere.

And soon, a fierce tiger came and flew across, causing a great earthquake to tremble and sweeping out of the road.

However, all this is a bluff for Qin Yichen, that’s all, the breath of this tiger shadow is nothing more than Heaven Immortal 5-layer, and, he did not find himself at all.

But at this moment, Qin Yichen heard Honglian’s coldly shouted ringing in his head: “It’s the born diarrhea!”

Qin Yichen was shocked and asked what happened?

In her mind, Honglian Wanyin was cold: “This guy is the dark tiger clansman. Before, their dark tiger can be said to be mixed with White Tiger Clan.”

“However, after the outbreak of the war, this group of anti-skeletons turned to their enemies. If you remember correctly, they calculated the White Tiger Clan and killed a White Tiger Clan god!”


Qin Yichen took a cool breath, no wonder Honglian was as big as this fire.

But at this moment, not only the red lotus fire is getting bigger, but even Qin Yichen’s star eyes are cold and severe.

It seems that this silhouette is the enemy’s infallibility, since it is the enemy, then there is no need to pay attention to kindness.

“There are no other creatures around! Make him, move fast, and take a breath, Ben Senior will directly capture his memory!”

“no problem!”

At this moment, the tiger shadow had flown over Qin Yichen, although he looked at everything under his feet very carefully, as if looking for something.

But at this moment, I saw a golden glow flashing, and Heaven Immortal of the Dark Tigers felt a terrible power overwhelming them, making them unable to resist!


The huge tiger shadow was directly stepped on by Qin Yichen, stepping on his head, and smashing a deep pit on the hill.

Looking at the distorted tiger shadow that was trampled by himself, Qin Yichen confirmed to Honglian that he hadn’t wronged the other side, and he sneered at the corner of his mouth: “Traitor, don’t need to know this.”

The word traitor 2 made the Dark Tiger tribe Heaven Immortal startled under Qin Yichen’s feet. In a daze, but also had no time to react in the future, they saw a fiery red shadow flashing out, and immediately, the burning fingertips fell on his eyebrows!


The red light glowed in the eyes of Red Lotus, and the whole body’s waves made Qin Yichen feel a trembling heart, seeing his fingertips, seemingly flashing the memory image of the dark tiger tribe Heaven Immortal.

“Protective law.”

Qin Yichen curl one’s lip, secretly thought After this product awakens, the spectrum is getting bigger and bigger, but after the abdominal disgrace, I still perceive 4 scatters, and be wary of all around.

The picture of Honglian’s fingertips flashed faster and faster. After a long time, the former took up the jade fingers, and Heaven Immortal of the dark tiger tribe, as if the soul was burned, and the body twitched. Qin Yichen saw this, and glanced slightly Head: “Will it still work?”



With a shattered head, Qin Yichen had a look of serene. As early as the 10000-thousand continent, he had learned when treating the enemy’s kindness, which was cruelty to himself.

In particular, the anti-skeleton who once betrayed his brother sisters!

“What useful news?”

Qin Yichen cast pump light and found that Red Lotus closed her eyes slightly and sighed. The beautiful eyes with lotus petals restored their glory, but compared with the previous one, they were more dignified: “A lot, you want to know first what?”

Qin Yichen thought about it, “My brother sisters, how are you now?”

Honglian complexion slightly changed: “Very bad, you should know the price of winner is the king, loser is the villain. After that war, many brother sisters have fallen. In these years, they have been hunted down by Demon Race. Cleared. “

“At least in that guy’s cognition, the previous ten Deity Clan have been replaced.”

Honglian expressionless looked at the corpse of the eye, but Qin Yichen immortal strength surged, and after breaking the restraint of the opponent’s space ring, she couldn’t help but stay in place, and expressed grief and indignation between expressions …

Red Lotus saw this, sighed, and as comfortable as possible: “Don’t blame yourself too much, maybe, just this guy ignores and inexperienced, after all, he doesn’t even know the existence of Phoenix Clan and your Human Race, maybe, other brother sisters Are you hiding? “

“Also, apart from this, one of the ten Deity Clan was active in the world.”

Qin Yichen hearing this, which led to the light of the pump light, hurriedly asked, “Which race is it?”

Red Lotus said: “Dwarf Race.”

“Dwarf Race?”

“Yes, according to 2 hosts, the original Dwarf Race was quite weak, because his family was weak and similar to your Human Race’s situation …”

“However, your ancestors discovered the amazing innate talent of Dwarf Race in the forging of refiners, and gave them good fortune and wisdom. Dwarf Race, in return, since then, for your tribe, and Phoenix Clan and others Divine race, forging the required treasure. “

“A few years ago, the Dwarf Race’s refining skills, the proud 10000 family, is the forging Master of not just in name only, but also in reality. Didn’t expect that Dwarf Race is still intact.”

When Qin Yichen heard this, he couldn’t help expressing his joy, but Honglian turned a little bitter, with a slightly bitter tone: “However, the situation of Dwarf Race is not optimistic today … To be honest, they are equivalent to being enslaved by Demon Race. , Has been squeezing them. “

“The hawks who are loyal to Demon Race often squash and humiliate them.”

Why did Honglian know this, because the Dark Tiger is one of them!


I do n’t know when Qin Yichen is already clenching his fists, cold and severe flashes in his eyes, Honglian is complex, rubbing his chin, and muttered: “Strange, I thought that Dwarf Race would fight to death in that year. of……”

Tone barely fell, but Honglian shook her lovable body and looked towards Qin Yichen: “Don’t get me wrong, I can guarantee that the former brother sisters are loyal to your ancestors and can’t be shaken.”

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