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This sub-battlefield is so large, even if so many Golden Immortal are scattered, I am afraid that it will take a long time to search. If it is organic, how bad it is to destroy it?

As for the 9-color flower …

If you can find the best, however, it is 2 things that are different from the adults who are dedicated to Divine Race.

Powerhouses of all nationalities are flexing their muscles, no matter what, the 9-color flowers are also transformed by God Realm powerhouse. As long as you can find them, even the benefits of drinking soup are quite a lot.

“set off!”

With the order of the Demon Race powerhouse, the powerhouses of all races immediately surged in immortal strength, flying towards the ruins that broke into continents and floating in the starry sky.

Among them, there is even a powerhouse showing the deity directly, a path of fierce and huge silhouette, which makes this starry sky silent for many years, setting off waves.

The silhouettes of the Mingguang butterfly family have not yet acted, and the girl’s face has a bit of grief. Until those violent races acted first, she turned into a holy white golden light and flew towards the ruins. And go.

Qin Yichen looked at a path of silhouette, pump light dignified, secretly thought is indeed the elite pillars of all races, and just the tip of the iceberg exposed by Controlling Space Flight made him feel extraordinary strength.

In the end, when all the races were about to leave, Qin Yichen suddenly stepped on the ground and turned into a stream of light, just the star eyes, always coldly locking the silhouettes of the Demon Race ……

A moment later, Qin Yichen landed on a broken continent. At this moment, many powerhouses have arrived.

When he just flew into this broken starry sky, Qin Yichen felt a sense of desolation and ancient vastness.

Even looking around, even after the years of Henggu, the corpse can still be seen on this broken star.

After many years, baptism has not been transformed into a powdered corpse, and there was no one who was weak during his lifetime.

Glanced, Qin Yichen’s eyes were filled with sorrow and indignation, and they wanted to put away the remains of those ancestors.

Apart from this, the body of that venerable demon had made the eyes of Qin Yichen glow red, but at the moment, he could only talk about hatred and anger for the time being.

However, at this moment, a muffled sound of the bones shook Qin Yichen’s body, and the redness that had just been suppressed was resentful and angry, and stared again!


“Hmph, these evil gangsters, dare to oppose the Lord God, damn it!”

“Death cannot wipe out the crimes, brothers, these bones are too obtrusive, so I cleaned them up!”

“Crash …”

At that moment, I don’t know if it was the bones from the youth boxing, or the sound of those corpses being crushed by violence …

“A bunch of messes !!!”

At this moment, the powerhouses of all ethnic groups actually crushed the corpses of the True Dragon and other ethnic groups directly! Looking at it, it seems that I want to find some legacy treasures in it.

Even a lot of Golden Immortal, in the face of the withered demon corpse, behaved respectfully, did not know, and thought they were grave to their ancestors!

The scene in front of me made Qin Yichen want to kill the mess on the spot!

The ancestors of his family, at this moment, have become the stepping stones for these miscellaneous people to show off one’s military strength!

“Hold it up! If you can’t bear it, you’ll make a mess! If you don’t see it, just leave here!”

Honglian’s tone was eager. Although her euphemism also tried to suppress the trembling of anger, now, reason tells one person and one spirit that at this moment, it is tantamount to courting death!

Qin Yichen panted deeply, and suddenly found the silhouette of the Mingguangdie clan, and found that the girl and several old men in the clan, looking at this scene, the same red eyes, but unable to stop it.

Qin Yichen did not blame the other party because he was not qualified, even in this brief moment, he had to pretend to be calm like the other party.

“I took this account!”

Qin Yichen swears that after exploring the ruins, he will follow those who are disrespectful of the ancestor’s remains.

The general trend is that he must bow his head, but when he finds a no-one corner, he will definitely make these miscellaneous things pay!

Qin Yichen makes a fist, everything is because he is not strong enough!

After taking all this into account, Qin Yichen reluctantly regained his calmness, but the fist of the loosening had shed blood from his fingers.

What makes Qin Yichen’s heart grief is that this incomplete relic is not even a piece of the world’s tip of the iceberg.

How many ancestors’ remains were trampled!


The slender silhouette turned into a stream of light, and he did not want to see this scene that made him angry again.

During the rampage in the universe, Honglian did not forget to comforted: “Boy, the rage on the spot is very simple, the hard part is to endure.”

“You can’t stand ordinary people, you can’t do ordinary people. Let’s not talk about these … Let’s go to the battlefield sites on the edge.”

Qin Yichen bowed his head. After all, even if he encountered the inheritance of his ancestors, it is difficult to accept it in front of foreigners in the current situation.

After a long time, Qin Yichen landed on a very remote and small continent. Looking ahead, this battlefield at this moment has been explored by tribes like locusts of all ethnic groups.

On this broken continent, Qin Yichen saw the bodies of ancestors and demons.

Qin Yichen pupil light was cold, but at this moment, she saw Honglian floating out, looking at a plain buried under her feet.

“That’s … Dragon Spirit Cannon !?”

Qin Yichen cast the pump light, and found that there was something half-buried under the yellow sand on the plain and half-exposed.

Those things, the surface is quite old, even the forged material out of the ordinary, before the age of baptism, has been rusty.

When Qin Yichen took a closer look, it turned out that this is one great gun.

The gun body has several feet, which looks very prestigious, giving a destructive potential. The whole body is a coiled giant dragon, and the muzzle is a dragon head with a huge mouth.

Qin Yichen looked in his eyes and quickly stepped forward to take out the Dragon Spirit Cannon buried in the yellow sand.

Wiping away the rust, Qin Yichen felt the Dragon Cannon carefully, and couldn’t help but wonder: “How many years have passed? This Dragon Cannon … Why did I feel daunted?”

Honglian hugged her hands by the side: “Dwarf Race’s craftsmanship is naturally nothing to say!”

After clearing the rust with immortal strength, the dragon spirit cannon suddenly showed a fierce and fierce posture, as if highlighting the fierce side of True Dragon.

While digging, Qin Yichen stopped suddenly and turned back: “This thing … can I still use it?”

Honglian’s tone was so proud, “Of course!”

“The Dragon Spirit Cannon is a killer created between your clan and Dwarf Race. In each Dragon Spirit Cannon, it is said that there is a person Bloodline. The True Dragon Golden Immortal awakens with dragon’s blood as the formation eye.”

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